As early as in the 1570s the printing house, settled then in Ivančice, prepared the publication of the Czech translation of the Old Testament. As the location of the printing house was not a secret any longer, it was transfered the the Kralice Chateau. The printing of the Kralice Bible in six volumes was directed by the printer Zachariáš Solín Slavkovský. After the publication of three volumes the work was interrupted due to the death of Solíns collaborator and only five years later the whole work was finished. The Kralice Bible is an outstanding linguistic and translation work and is still considered as a masterpiece of the printing of that time. During the whole of the 17th and 18th centuries the Kralice Bible was an ideal of the language of all Czechs regardless of religious affiliation and influenced deeply the religious and literary life of our revivalists. It became very famous abroad, not only in Slovakia, but also in German countries.

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