Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Brno

The article deals with magic-religious operations and practices based on the belief in the possiblity of awaking and confirming love, if the need is of bringing a punishment for its refuse or betrayal. It is based on Czech and Moravian sources from the 19th and early 20th centuries and implies the connection with similar present phenomenons. It analyses concrete manifestations of traditional believes in natural preparations for love and their perception in connection with the catholic doctrine.

KEY WORDS: Folk religion – belief – love magic – presages and prophecies of the wedding – Bohemia and Moravia

Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Katedra etnológie a kultúrnej antropológie, Bratislava

The veneration of the Virgin Mary occupies an important place in the catholic religiosity. It represents a large part of the folk religiosity and includes manifestations of this tribute in the form of pilgrimages, Marian corporations, prayer groups, processions, cult of Marian pictures and sculptures. The deep relation towards the Virgin Mary is reflected in folk plastic art and carvings as well as in Marian folk songs and prayers. KEY WORDS: Folk religiosity, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, pilgrimages

Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Brno

The church and the pub fulfilling specific social functions often competed for people’s favour. Especially the faithful suffering from alcoholism avoided sometimes the church and went to the pub instead. The medieval as well as modern moralizers criticized their behavior and formulated strict bans, in modern times they used various means of enlightment including literature.

KEY WORDS: Pubs – Czech lands – religiosity – alcoholism

Katedra etnológie a etnomuzikológie, Filozofiká fakulta Univerzity Konštantina Filozofa, Nitra

Modern brick morgues (called „mourning houses“) came into being in rural environment of Slovakia in the last third of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century and in some localities this process has not been completed yet. The author deals with this phenomenon in the rural environment, stresses its perception and admission by the population of the researched communities. The article analyses the incorporation of this building into the complex of funeral customs as well as its use for other purposes than death and the following burial of the individual.

KEY WORDS: Funeral customs – mourning houses (morgues) – sacral-profan

Etnografický ústav Moravského zemského muzea, Brno

Unlike in other countries (e.g. R. Kriss’ collection in Bavaria) a specialised collection of folk religiosity items has not come into being even if such objects existed under the population. However, private collectors and researchers have paid them attention. In the 1920s, Fr. Pospíšil in Brno was concerned with their musealisation and so was Miroslava Ludvíková at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. Her questionnare survey on pilgrimage in Moravia from 1969/1971 represents an unknown source of study.

KEY WORDS: Folk religiosity – museum collections – neighbour countries – situation in Bohemia – research in Brno – unknown sources on 1960s – questionnare survey on pilgrimage

Etnografický ústav Moravského zemského muzea, Brno

Carved wooden crosses with symbols of the Passion of the Christ (arma Christi) have been conserved until know in the Boskovice region – in villages Velenov, Okrouhlá, Vratíkov, Uhřice and near Lysice. In the past they played an important part in spiritual and social life of the village comunity. They document the shape of these items in the 19th century. The oldest of them with the date 1842 has been kept in the collections of the Moravian Museum Brno. The crosses have parallels in folk environment of the neighbouring countries – Germany, Slovakia and Poland. They can be compared with field crosses in South Moravia created by the farmer František Vymyslický (1841–1933) from Dolní Bojanovice (district Hodonín).

KEY WORDS: Cross – folk architecture – folk religiosity – carving – Boskovice region – 19th century

Etnografický ústav Moravského zemského muzea, Brno

The article deals with religiosity and its manifestations in the strict catholic environment of eight villages of the former German language island round Vyškov. It focusses on religious artefacts in households, church holidays, festivities and pilgrimages, it mentions churches and other sacral buildings.

KEY WORDS Religiousness – house blessing – holy corner – churches – chapels – wayside shrines – church services – confirmation – prime Mass – church holidays – feasts – pilgrimages – priests – Germans

Etnografický ústav Moravského zemského muzea, Brno

The article deals with the photo documentation of folk religiosity kept in the archives of the Ethnographic Institute and analyses the photographic work of the relatively unknown Karel Katholický who concentrated in his photographic work on manifestations of the folk religiosity.

KEY WORDS: Folk religiosity – photographic documentation – the turn of 19th and the 20th century – collection of the Ethnographic Institute – acquisition policy – Karl Katholicky

Etnografický stav Moravského zemského muzea, Brno

The paper brings the results of the surwey conducted in students of the Masaryk University Brno (2005–2006) concerning the decoration of the Christmas tree and traditions connected with it in the families. The first part of the surwey dealt with the importance of the Christmas tree in the students’ life and the ways of its decoration in present days. In the second part of the surwey the students were asked to question their grandparents on the Christmas tree of their childhood. 184 completed questionnaires from 128 localities on the territory of the Czech Republic were obtained, processed, analysed and evaluated.

KEY WORDS: Christmas tree – surwey – Czech Republic

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