FOLIA MENDELIANA 46 1/2, 2010Abstract Mendel’s contribution to modernization of education in Brno in the 1850s and 60s is documented within the group of liberals headed by Joseph Auspitz and Alexander Zawadski. Mendel as a teacher of physics and natural science helped to introduce the lessons of natural science into school curiculum on account of the classical humanities.The aim of the reform was to achieve the equilibrium between mathematics, natural science and technologies on one side and the then dominating humanities on the other side. Abstract Mendel introduced a new concept of inheritance and disclosed a new level of the study of life systems – the study of continuity of transfer of genetic information instead of the traditional Darwinian concept of the study of the continuity of living forms. An interpretation of Mendel’s work with help of theory of systems we can get be much more closer to understanding of an importance of Mendel’s discovery, even his inspiring special way of thinking and experimental methods. Actually theory of systems disposes of such possibilities that enable to avoid misunderstanding of the initial phases of Mendelism. Abstract The way of implementation of Lysenkoist “new biology” into Polish botany is
analysed. The reason for abandoning Soviet Lysenkoism by Polish botanists and returning to
the traditional Western science are discussed.