Jendek E. 2001: A comparative study of the abdomen in the family Buprestidae (Coleoptera).
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 85: 1-41. - A survey is made of the major
features of the abdominal arrangement within Buprestidae, as well as comparison with
representatives from families Byrrhidae, Dryopidae, Elateridae, Eucnemidae and Heteroceridae.
Evolutionary trends in development of particular abdominal parts are reviewed and the
polarities are indicated. The systematic position and phylogenetic relationships of taxa
are discussed. All significant structures and evolutionary schemes are illustrated.
Key words: Buprestidae, abdomen, comparative morphology, evolution, phylogeny
Volkovitsh M. G. 2001: The comparative morphology of antennal structures in Buprestidae
(Coleoptera): evolutionary trends, taxonomic and phylogenetic implications. Part 1. Acta
Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 86: 43-169. - The results of comparative
morphological study of antennal structures in Buprestidae Leach, 1815 are presented and
illustrated with scanning electron microphotographs. In total, the antennae of 412 species
from 316 genera of all the subfamilies of Buprestidae and 6 genera of other Elateriformia
were studied using scanning electron microscopy. In addition, the antennae of many species
from other buprestid genera were examined using optic dissecting and compound microscopes.
The general structures of antennae, individual sensillae and sensory organs in Buprestidae
are described with particular attention given to the structure and arrangement of antennal
sensory organs as key taxonomic characters. It is established that the structure of entire
antennae and antennomeres separately, the structure, composition, placing, and quantitative
characteristics of antennal sensillae and sensory organs, as well as their sexual dimorphism,
may serve as reliable taxonomic characters. A review of antennal structures in subfamilies
Schizopodinae Le Conte, 1861, Julodinae Lacordaire, 1857, Polycestinae Lacordaire, 1857,
Chalcophorinae Lacordaire, 1857, Buprestinae, and Galbellinae Reitter, 1911 is followed by
a discussion of their genesis, evolutionary trends, and taxonomical and phylogenetic implications.
Each main phyletic stock (complex) of Buprestidae is characterised by certain evolutionary
trends and particular pathways of genesis of antennal structures. The smaller phyletic
lineages demonstrate their own morphoclines although the separate states can appear to
be quite similar in the representatives of different lineages or even stocks. The most
primitive states are found in Schizopodinae and Julodinae, although the latter demonstrate
a rather high level of specialisation. Polycestinae and Bupretinae show quite similar
(buprestoid) pathways of antennal structure genesis, whereas the taxa attributed to the
Chalcophoroid complex exibit a particular (chalcophoroid) pathway. The evolutionary trends
of antennal structures in Galbellinae are somewhat unclear. Based on peculiarities of
antennal structure genesis, the main phylogenetic stocks, lineages, branches and groups
are recognised in Buprestidae. The systematic position, taxonomic status and relationships
of many other buprestid higher taxa are discussed. Taxonomical changes and suggestions are
listed in the Summary. A list is provided of the buprestid taxa examined using a scanning
electron microscope, arranged with respect to their antennal structure.
Key words: Coleoptera, Buprestidae, antennal structures, sensillae, sensory organs, evolution, taxonomic and phylogenetic implications
Pelikán J. 2001: Another pugnacious thrips, Tragothrips kubani gen.nov. and sp.nov.,
from Laos (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae
(Brno) 86: 171-175. - A new genus and species of the family Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera)
is described from Northern Laos. Its remarkable horn-like projections on the first antennal
segment have not been previously found in Thysanoptera. They testify the aggressive potential
of this thrips in competing for access to food resources or in protecting its eggs. The new
genus belongs in the Elaphrothrips group of species, but it is not easy to state the exact relationship at present.
Key words: Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae, Tragothrips kubani gen.nov., sp.nov., Laos
Stehlík J. L. & Heiss E. 2001: Results of the investigations on Heteroptera in Slovakia made
by the Moravian Museum (Aradidae, Pyrrhocoridae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae
(Brno) 86: 177-194. - Remarks on the distribution and bionomy of species of the Aradidae and
Pyrrhocoridae. Aradus ribauti E. Wagner is new for Slovakia. The subfamily Aradinae is
represented by 18 species, Aneurinae by 2, Mezirinae by 1 species. The family Pyrrhocoridae
is represented by 2 species.
Key words: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae, Pyrrhocoridae, distribution, remarks, Slovakia
Kubešová S. 2001: Bryophyte flora at lamps in public caves in the Moravian Karst
(Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 86: 195-202. -
Bryophytes growing close to lamps in regular use were studied in the northern part
of the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). Data were collected in four caves that are
open to the public and extensively lit to display geological phenomena. Previous
investigations of the lamp flora were carried out in the 1960s-70s. Since that time,
both the equipment and the maintenance of these caves (illumination, chemical removal
of plants) have changed. This paper compares the bryophyte lamp flora of the 1960s-70s
with that of the present. In the 1960s-70s studies, 46 bryophyte species were recorded,
as against 34 bryophyte species recorded in 1999-2000. Two liverworts and 10 moss species
were not confirmed and 2 mosses were newly recorded. No liverworts were recorded in 1999-2000.
Overall, 34 % of the bryophyte flora remains the same as in the past and 46 % is different.
Key words: caves, bryophytes, lamp flora, the Moravian Karst
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