Library of reprints - A

Aaby Bent - Tauber Henrik
Rates of peat formation in relation to degree of humification and local environment, as shown by studies of a raised bog in Denmark,1975

Aalto Marjatta - Taavitsainen J.P. - Vuorela Irmeli
Paleobotanical Investigations at the Site of a Sledge Runner Find Dated to about 4900 B.P., in Noormarkku, SW Finland,1980

Aaltonen V.T.
Über die Umsetzungen der Stickstoffverbindungen im Waldboden,1926

Aario Leo
Über die Wald- und Klimaentwicklung and der lappländischen Eismeerküste in Petsamo,1943

Aarnio B.
Über die Ausfällung des eisenoxyds und der Tonerde in finnländischen Sand- und Grusböden,1915

Aarnio B.
Die Einwirkung von Elektrolyten auf die Adsorption des Wasserstoffions,1926

Aarnio B.
Influence of adsorbed ions on soil reaction,1927

Aarnio B.
Die Veränderung des Aziditätsgrades durch Trockenen der Bodenproben,1928

Aarnio B.

Aarnio B. - Brenner W.
Zur Kenntnis der Szikböden in Ungarn,1923

Abdel-Hafez S.I.I. - Abdel-Fattah H.M.
Effect of Carbon Levels from Three Organic Substrates on Egyptian Soil Fungi,1981

Abelson Philip H.
Opportunities in Plant Science,1971

Aber John D. - Melillo Jerry M.
Litter decomposition: measuring relative contributions of organic matter and nitrogen to forest soils,1979

Abernethy Rollin H. - Wright L.Neal
Inflorescence Gas Exchange and Seed Weight of Blue Panicgrass,1975

Ackerman Neil R. - Beebe James R.
Release of Lysosomal Enzymes by Alveolar Mononuclear Cells,1974

Adam P.
Geographical Variation in British Saltmarsh Vegetation,1978

Adam P. - Birks H.J.B. - Walters S.M.
A contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of the Budva area, Montenegro,1972

Adamoli J.M. - Goldberg A.D. - Soriano A.
El desbloqueo de las semillas de chamico (Datura ferox L.) enterradas en el suelo: análisis de los factores causales,1973

Adams F.M.J.
Romance of the shamrock,1930

Adams J.W.
Potamogeton vaseyi in Southeastern Pennsylvania,1927-1928

Adams Michael S. - Dettmann Edward H. - Abbott Barbara A.
An Ecosystem Model in Practice,1974

Adams Michael S. - McCraken Michael D.
Seasonal production of the Myriophyllum component of the littoral of Lake Wingra, Wisconsin,1974

Adams Michael S. - Titus John - McCraken Michael
Depth distribution of photosynthetic activity in a Myriophyllum spicatum community in Lake Wingra,1974

Adamse A.D.-Hoeks J.-Bont J.A.M.de-Kessel J.F.van
Microbial Activities in Soil Near Natural Gas Leaks,1972

Ade A.
Die Gattung Rubus in Südwest-Deutschland,1957

Adepetu J.A.-Corey R.B.
Changes in N and P Availability and P Fractions in Iwo Soil from Nigeria under Intensive Cultivation,1977

Adons M.
Dykyjova, D., Kvet, J. : Pond Littoral Ecosystems,1979

Adriani M.J.
L`homme et la biosphere,

Adriani M.J.-Maarel E.van der
Plant Species and Plant Communities: An Introduction,1978

Aellen Paul - Grüll František
Über die Verbreitung der Gattung Chenopodium und Atriplex auf dem brünner Stadtgebiet und ihre Stellunng in den Ruderalzönosen,1969

Agate A.D. - Vishniac W.
Charakterization of Thiobacillus Species by Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Cellular Fatty Acids,1973

Agboola Akinola A. - Fayemi Adeboyejo A.A.
Fixation and Excretion of Nitrogen by Tropical Legumes,1972

Aggarwal G.C.-Kanwar B.B.-Tripathi B.R.
An inexpensive and rapid method of plant water determination,1978

Agrawal R.P.
Oxidation of soil organic matter and microaggregates in soils,1972

Agrell Harald
Quaternary Geology,1976

Agrell Harald-Friberg Nils-Oppgarden Rune
The Vimmerby line - an Ice-Margin Zone in north-eastern Smaland,1976

Ahmad A.F. - Bond D.J. - Whitehouse H.L.K.
The effect of an inverted chromosome segment on intragenic recombination in another chromosome of Sordaria brevicollis,1972

Ahmad M.H.-Neckelmann J.
N2-Fixation by roots and rhizosphere of sand dune plants,1978

Ahmad Ziauddin - Yahiro Yoshiteru - Kai Hideaki - Harada Togoro
Factors affecting immobilization and release of nitrogen in soil and chemical characteristics of the nitrogen newly immobilized. IV.Chem.Nature of the Org.Nitr.Becom.Decomp.Due to the Drying of Soil,1973

Ahti Teuvo
Notes on the lichens of Newfoundland.2.Thelocarpon epibolum Nyl.,1973

Ahti Teuvo
The Open Boreal Woodland Subzone and its Relation to Reindeer Husbandry,1961

Ahti Teuvo
Nomenclatural and toxonomic remarks on European species of Cladonia,1978

Ahti Teuvo
Two New Species of Cladonia from Western North America,1978

Ahti Teuvo
The Cladonia gorgonina group and C.gigantea in East Africa,1977

Ahti Teuvo
Taxonomic notes on some American species of the lichen genus Cladonia,1983

Ahti Teuvo
Nomenclatural notes on Cladonia delessertii and Cladonia alpicola,1967

Ahti Teuvo - Vitikainen Orvo
Bacidia chlorococca, a common toxitolerant lichen in Finland,1974

Ahti Teuvo-Scotter George W.-Vänskä Heino
Lichens of the Reindeer Preserve, Northwest Territories, Canada,1973

Aichinger Erwin - Siegrist Rudolf
Das "Alnetum incanae" der Auenwälder an der Drau in Kärnten,1930

Aikman D.P.-Watkinson A.R.
A Model for Growth and Self-thinning in Even-aged Monocultures of Plants,1980

Akbari S.
Über die Beziehungen zwischen Formenmannigfaltigkeit und Leistungseigenschaften bei Saatwicke,1967

Akbari S.
Beitrag zur Weidewirtschaft im Iran,1966

Akeroyd J.R.-Preston C.D.
Observations on Two Narrowly Endemic Plants, Moehringia minutiflora Bornm. and Silene viscariopsis Bornm., from Prilep, Yugoslavia,1980/1981

Akin Danny E. - Burdick Donald
Percentage of Tissue Types in Tropical and Temperate Grass Leaf Blades and Degradation of Tissues by Rumen Microorganisms,1975

Akin Danny E. - Burdick Donald - Amos Henry E.
Comparative Degradation of Coastal Bermudagrass, Coastcross-1 Bermudagrass, and Pensacola Bahaiagrass by Rumen Microorganisms Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy,1974

Akita Shigemi - Moss Dale N.
Differential Stomatal Response Between C3 and C4 Species to Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Light,1972

Akita Shigemi - Tanaka Ichiro
Studies on the Mechanism of Differences in Photosynthesis among Species.III.Influence of low oxygen concentration on dry matter production and grain fertility of rice plant,1973

Akiyama Tsuyoshi - Takeda Tomoshiro
Studies on Dry Matter Production in Corn Plant. I.Seed weight as a factor in the early vegetative growth,1973

Alberda Th.
De plantaardige produktie,1970

Alberda Th. - Sibma L.
The influence of length of growing period, nitrogen fertilization and shading on tillering of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.),1982

Albert Roland
Salt Regulation in Halophytes,1975

Albert R. - Marianne Popp
Chemical Composition of Halophytes from the Neusiedler Lake Region in Austria,1977

Alberte Randall S. - Fiscus Edwin L. - Naylor Aubrey W.
The Effect of Water Stress on the Development of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Greening Leaves,1975

Albrecht D.
Verbesserte methoden zur automatischen Wasseranalyse in der Limnologie,1973

Albright Lawrence J.
The influence of hydrostatic pressure upon biochemical activities of heterotrophic bacteria,1975

Albright Lawrence - Henigman John F.
Seawater salts - hydrostatic pressure effects upon cell division of several bacteria,1971

Aldag Rudolf - Kickuth Reinhold
Stickstoffverbindungen in Böden und ihre Beziehung zur Humusdynamik I.Mitteilung:Fraktionierung und Bilanzierung der Aminozucker und der Aminosäuren ...,1973

Aldag Rudolf - Kickuth Reinhold
Stickstoffverbindungen in Böden und ihre Beziehung zur Humusdynamik 2.Mitteilung: Zur Bestimmung und Zuordnung des Amidstickstoffs,1973

Aldén Björn
Floristic reports from the high mountains of Pindhos, Greece,1976

Aleem M.I.H.
Biochemical reaction mechanisms in sulfur oxidation by chemosynthetic bacteria,1975

Aleksachin R.M. - Aleksachina M.M.
Nakoplenije i raspredelenije kalcija, magnija i stabilnogo stroncija v fitocenozach listvennogo i chvojnogo lesov,1971

Aleksandrov F.A.
Učot količestva jagod dikorastuščich rastěnij i gribov v severnych rajonach Kirovskoj oblasti,1971

Aleksandrova V.D.
Opyt opredělenija nadzemnoj i podzemnoj fitomassy poljarnoj pustyni na Zemle Franca-Josifa,1971

Aletsee L. - Straka H.
V.Internationales Symposion der Quartärbotaniker,1963

Alexander M.
Soil micro-organisms,1972

Alexander T.G. - Robertson J.A.
Inorganic and extractable phosphorus of some solonetzic soils of Alberta,1974

Alijev G.A. - Gjulmamedov R.G.
Nakoplenije organičeskich veščestv v počvach pod različnymi porodami pri orošenii v uslovijach Karabachskoj stěpi,1971

Alijev G.A.- Gasanov CH.N.
Krugovorot zolnych elementov v širokolistvennych lesach jugo-vostočnogo sklona Bolšogo Kavkaza,1971

Alitt Ursula
The Visual Idendification of Airborne Fungal Spores,1978

Alkier A.C.-Racz G.J.-Soper R.J.
Effects of foliar- and soil-applied nitrogen and soil nitrate-nitrogen level on the protein content of Neepawa wheat,1972

Allen Harold L. - Ocevski Boris T.
Limnological Studies in a Large, Deep, Oligotrophic Lake (Lake Ohrid, Yugoslavia),1976

Allen L.H.-Jensen S.E.-Lemon E.R.
Plant Response to Carbon Dioxide Enrichement under Field Conditions: A Simulation,1971

Allen L.H.,Jr.
Line Source Carbon Dioxide Release. II.Two-Dimensional Numerical Diffusion Model,1974

Allen L.H.,Jr. - Desjardins R.L. - Lemon E.R.
Line Source Carbon Dioxide Release. I.Field Experiment,1974

Allen S.E.-Terman G.L.-Kennedy H.G.
Nutrient Uptake by Grass and Leaching Losses from Soluble and S-Coated Urea and KCI,1978

Alliot Bernard-Gianotti Joseph-Signoret Pierre A.
Mise en évidence de particules bacilliformes de virus associés a la maladie a énations de la Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.),1972

Alliot B. - Signoret P.A.
La "maladie a énations de la luzerne", une maladie nouvelle pour la France,1972

Allitt Ursula
Coiled Ascospores in the Hypodermataceae,1979

Almborn Ove
Revision of some Lichen Genera in Southern Africa I,1966

Almborn Ove
Phytogeographical Excursion through Blekinge,1950

Alsberg Carl L.
Studies upon Strach,1926

Alsberg Carl L. - Griffing E.P.
The crystallization of starch,1926

Ameijden U.P.van
Geotropie en phototropie bij afwezigheid van vrije zuurstof,1917

Ameijden U.P.van
Geotropism and Phototropism in the absence of free oxygen,1917

Amemyia K.
Relationship between growth and metabolic activity in the strict chemolithotroph, Thiobacillus thiooxidans,1974

Ames L.M.

Anasiewicz Anna - Warakomska Zofia
Analysis of pollen collected by wild Apoidea from fruit tree and bushes,1971

Anasiewicz Anna - Warakomska Zofia
Occurrence of bumble-bees on alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) in the province of Lublin and pollen analysis of their pollen loads,1969

Andel O.M.van-Verkerke D.R.
Stimulation and Inhibition by Ethephon of Stem and Leaf Growth of Some Gramineae at Different Stages of Development,1978

Ander Paul - Eriksson Karl-Erik
The Importance of Phenol Oxidase Activity in Lignin Degradation by the White-Rot Fungus Sporotrichum pulverulentum,1976

Andersen Frede Ostergaard
Effects of nutrient level on the decomposition of Phragmites communis TRIN.,1978

Andersen Jens Moller
Influence of pH on release of phosphorus from lake sediments,1975

Andersen Jens Moller
Rates of denitrification of undisturbed sediment from six lakes as a function of nitrate concentration, oxygen and temperature,1977

Anderson D.W. - Paul E.A. - Arnaud R.J.St.
Extraction and characterization of humus with reference to clay-associated humus,1974

Anderson D.W. - Russel D.B. - Arnaud R.J.St. - Paul E.A.
A comparison of humic fractions of chernozemic and luvisolic soils by elemental analyses, UV and ESR spectroscopy,1974

Anderson J.P.E. - Domsch K.H.
Measurement of bacterial and fungal contributions to respiration of selected agricultural and forest soils,1975

Anderson J.P.E. - Lichtenstein E.P.
Effect of nutritional factors on DDT-degradation by Mucor alternans,1971

Anderson Lewis E.
Mitochondria in the life cycles of certain higher plants,1936

Andersson Olof
Phytogeographical Excursion in East Scania,1950

Andrejčenko L.M.
O zimněm pokoje poček u duba,1973

Andrew C.S.
Effect of Calcium, pH and Nitrogen on the Growth and Chemical Composition of some Tropical and Temperate Pasture Legumes. I.Nodulation and Growth,1976

Andrew C.S. - Johnson A.D.
Effect of Calcium, pH and Nitrogen on the Growth and Chemical Composition of some Tropical and Temperate Pasture Legumes. II. Chemical Composition (Calcium,Nitrogen,Potass.,Magnes.,Sodium and Phosph.,1976

Andrew C.S. - Robins M.F.
The effect of phosphorus on the growth, chemical composition, and critical phosphorus percentages of some tropical pasture grasses,1971

Angelone Alfonso-Toledo Jose M.-Burns J.C.
Herbage measurement in situ by electronics. I.The multiple-probe-type capacitance meter: a brief review,1980

Angus J.F.
Basic Data Set for Interpretation of Regional Experimental Programs,1981

Angus J.F. - Jones R. - Wilson J.H.
A comparison of barley cultivars with different leaf inclinations,1972

Anker L.
Antagonistic Effects of Hormones on the Auxin Production in Avena Coleoptiles,1981

Fiche instrumentale: I.- Objet: Mesures des surfaces foliaires,1970

The radiocarbon calendar recalibrated,0

Révision 1972 des mélanges standards pour la culture fourragere,1972

Thalictrum Aquilegifolium L.Spec.770,

De grond en de bemesting,

Het gewas,

Second nordic Symposium on Aerobiology. Copenhagen, January 17-18, 1974,1974

Nejdůležitější houbové choroby travních společenstev a způsob vhodné ochrany proti nim,1975

VI.Bestimmungsschlüssel der wichtigsten Rasengräser im blütenlosen Zunstand,

XI.Bestimmungsschlüssel der wichtigsten Rasengräser im Saatgut,

Reindeer overgraze in South Georgia,1974

Wasserschaupfad Umbalfälle,

Resolutions submitted to the closing plenary session of the XII International Botanical Congres,1975

Průvodce po květeně české. I.Obraz. Květena hájů středočeských,1904

Studie zum Nationalpark Hohe Tauern,1971

Internationale pflanzensoziologische Exkursion durch NO-Polen,1963

Stand der Waldstandortserkundung in Baden-Württemberg,

Actes du Premier Congres International de Sylviculture,1926

Seznam prací prof Dr.J.Kliky. 1914-1922,

Contribution francaise au Programme Biologique International,1968

Proposed regulations for the application of plant nutrients,

Das Landschaftsschutzinventar Steiermark,1972

Ein österreichischer Moorschutzkatalog,

The Kameničky project,1976

Natural vegetation and its management for rational land use,

Air Ions Promote Plant Growth. Nitrogen Fertilizers have Minor Effect on Ozone Layer,

IRPTC Activities,1978

IRS Second Regional Seminar, Bratislava, 13-17 November 1978,1978

Dykyjova, Dagmar and Jan Kvet (Ed.) : Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis, Vol.28. Pond littoral ecosystems. Structure and functioning.,1979

Pond Littoral Ecosystems - Structure and Functioning - Methods and Results of Quantitative Ecosystem Research in the Czechoslovakian IBP Wetland Project,1978

7. Geschützte und bedrohte Arten und Objekte,

Nitrification in the Course of Ecological Succession,1981

Litter Decomposition in the Desert,1981

Niedersachsens Orchideen sind bedroht. Merkblatt zum Schutze unserer heimischen Orchideen,1981

Spisok semjan,1978

Spisok semjan,1980

Vattenresursen i U-land,1984

Publications from the Department of Water in Environment and Society,1985

The Carnegie Institution of Washington,1921

A short history and the present position of botanical investigation in the Dutch East Indies,1923

Naturalist`s guide to the Americas - Natural areas and regions,1925

Jubilejní sjezd Československé botanické společnosti, Ústí nad Labem 16.-20.8.1982, Exkurzní průvodce,1982

Report of the Meeting of the PP/IBP Sub-committee on Photosynthesis and Use of Solar Energy and of the Liaison Group (PP,PT,PF,PM,UM) on Investig.of Photosynth.Product.in Different Types of Ecosystems,1968

Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Inc.,1925

Announcement of the Division of Forestry - Courses in Forestry,1924

Index Seminum et Plantarum,1981

Ant Herbert - Sukopp Herbert
Artenschutz. Untersuchungen zur Biologie gefährdeter Arten,1978

Antoniewski J. - Schaefer R.
Recherches sur les réactions des coenoses microbiennes de sols imprégnés par des hydrocarbures. Modification de l`activité respiratoire,1972

Antoniewski J. - Schaefer R.
Recherches sur les réactions des coenoses microbiennes de sols imprégnés par des hydrocarbures. Modification de l`activité respiratoire,1972

Aomine Shigenori
nitrogen fertility and humic matter of Chilean Andosols,1972

Apalovič Rudolf
Mikrobiologický rozklad a humifikácia smrekovej kory,1978

Archer K.A.-Decker A.M.
Autumn-Accumulated Tall Fescue and Orchardgrass. I.Growth and Quality as Influenced by Nitrogen and Soil Temperature,1977

Archer K.A.-Decker A.M.
Autumn-Accumulated Tall Fescue and Orchardgrass. II.Effects of Leaf Death on Fiber Components and Quality Parameters,

Archer K.A.-Decker A.M.
Relationship Between Fibrous Components and In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Autumn-saved Grasses,1977

Archer Ph. - Grebet Ph. - Samie C.
Evapotranspirometre a capteur dynamométrique,1970

Arens K.
Sobre o papel do Potassio na Photosynthese aquatica e aerea,1937

Arens K.
O processo de infeccao da Bremia Lactucae,1937

Ares Jorge O.
El Modelo de Nicho Fundamental: Su Aplicación en la Investigación Ecológica,1970

Ares J. - Soriano A. - Eilberg B.A.de
Mecanismos de invasión del pasto puna (Stipa brachychaeta Godr.). I.Caracteristikas de los diseminulos de la maleza,1970

Armbrust D.V.
Tests to determine wheat Straw Decomposition,1980

Armstrong J.I.
Hydrogen-ion phenomena in plant tissues. III.,1930

Arnborg Tore
Can we find a common platform for the different schools of forest type classification?,1960

Arnborg Tore
Can we find a common platform for the different schools of forest type classification?,1960

Arnborg Tore
Der Vallsjö-Wald, ein nordschwedischer Urwald,1940

Arnborg Tore
Skogarna i Muddus Nationalpark.,1946

Arnold H. - Kreeb K.
Fluoreszenzmikroskopischer Nachweis von Immissionsschäden an Flechten,1976

Arnolds E.-Maarel E.van der
De oecologische groepen in de Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse flora 1975,1979

Arnon D.I.
Ammonium and nitrate nitrogen nutrition of barley at different seasons in relation to hydrogen-ion concentration, manganese, copper, and oxygen supply,1937

Arvola Lauri
Spectrophotometric determination of chlorophyll a and phaeopigments in ethanol extractions,1981

Arvola Lauri
On the species composition and biomass of the phytoplankton in the Lokka reservoir, northern Finland,1980

Arwidsson Th.
Hieraciologische Kleinigkeiten,1929

Asanuma Shuichi-Tanaka Hirofumi-Yatazawa Michihiko
Pseudomonas cepacia-A Characteristic Rhizoplane Microorganisms in Rice Plant,1980

Asanuma Shuichi-Tanaka Hirofumi-Yatazawa Michihiko
Effect of Soil Microorganisms on the Growth of Roots in Rice Seedlings.II.Nitrite Formation by Rhizoplane Microorganisms and the Effect of Nitrite on the Root Development under Aseptic Condition,1980

Asghar M. - Kanehiro Y.
Effects of sugarcane trash and pineapple residue incorporation on soil nitrogen, pH and redox potential,1976

Ashida Joji
Studies on the Leaf Movement of Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. I.Process and Mechanism of the Movement,1934

Aston A.R. - van Bavel C.H.M.
Soil Surface Water Depletion and Leaf Temperature,1972

Atwell Brian J.-Veerkamp Mirjam T.-Stuiver Bep-Kuiper Pieter J.C.
The uptake of phosphate by Carex species from oligotrophic to eutrophic swamp habitats,1980

Aubuchon R.R.-Thompson D.R.-Hinckley T.M.
Environmental Influences on Photosynthesis within the Crown of a White Oak,1978

Auclair A.N.D. - Bouchard A. - Pajaczkowski J.
Productivity Relations in a Carex-Dominated Ecosystem,1976

Auhagen Axel-Sukopp H.
Das Streusalz,1980

Aukes P. - Voo E.E.van der
Het Vlaerkamper Mar,1966

Ayanaba A. - Alexander M.
Changes in nutritional types in bacterial successions,1972

Aylmore L.A.G. - Karim M. - Quirk J.P.
Dissolution of gypsum, monocalcium phosphate, and superhosphate fertilizers in relation to particle size and porous structure,1971

Ayotade K.A.
Kinetics and Reactions of Hydrogen Sulphide in Solution of Flooded Rice Soils,1977

Azar Larry
Biologists, Help !,1978

Azéma R.-Cevassut G.-Privat G.
Septiemes Journées Mycologiques du Languedoc-Roussillon,1973

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