Library of reprints - D

Dafni Amots - Shmida Avi - Avishai Michael
Leafless Autumnal-Flowering Geophytes in the Mediterranean Region - Phytogeographical, Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects,1981

Daget Ph.
Les Prairies du Cantal,1974

Daget Ph. - Poissonet J.
Quelques résultats sur les méthodes d`étude phyto-écologiques, la structure, la dynamique et la typologie des prairies permanentes,1974

Daget Ph. - Poissonet J.
Mode d`évaluation pratique du potentiel pastoral a partir de l`inventaire écologique regional,l973

Daget Ph. - Poissonet J.
Un procédé d`estimation de la valeur pastorale des paturages,1972

Daget-Bertoletti L. - Daget Ph.
Expression empirique de la sensibilité des especes dans une prairie permanente soumise a des traitements comportant divers niveaux,1974

Dagnelie P.-Nivelle J.L.-Rondeux J.-Thill A.
Production de l épicéa commun (Picea abies KARST.) dans quelques stations de l Ardenne Centrale,1970

Dahlgren Rolf
The Genus Hypocalyptus Thunb. (Fabaceae),1972

Dahlgren Rolf - Lassen Per
Studies in the Flora of Northern Morocco. I.Some Poor Fen Communities and Notes on a Number of Northern and Atlantic Plant Species,1972

Dahlman Roger C. - Kucera Clair L.
Tagging native grassland vegetation with Carbon-14,1968

Dahlman Roger C. - Kucera Clair L.
Root productivity and turnover in native prairie,1965

Dahlman Roger C.-Kucera Clair L.
Carbon-14 Cycling in the Root and Soil Components of a Prairie Ecosystem,1967

Dahlman Roger C.-Olson Jerry S.-Doxtader Kenneth
The Nitrogen Economy of Grassland and Dune Soils,1969

Dahm Paul
Pflanze und Reaktion ihres Substrates,1924

Dahm Paul
Beziehungen der Sphagneen rnd einiger untergetaucher Wasserpflanzen zum Kalkkarbonat,1926

Daigger L.A. - Sander D.H.
Nitrogen Availability to Wheat as Affected by Depth of Nitrogen Placement,1976

Dalton David A. - Naylor Aubrey W.
Studies on nitrogen fixation by Alnus crispa,1975

Damaschke Kurt
Möglichkeiten zur Unterschiedung holzzerstörender Pilze mittels der Sauerstoffverbrauchsmessung und dabei auftretender Atmungsmaxima und -rhythmen. II.Poria-, Lentinus, Lenzites und Merulius-Arten,1972

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Über die Hybridisierung einiger Dactylorhiza-Sippen in Tirol,1973

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Ophrys fuciflora (Cranz) Moench ssp.gracilis Büel et Danesch ssp.nov.,1972

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Ophrys promontorii O.et E.Danesch sp.nov., eine hybridogene Sippe aus Süditalien,1971

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Ophrys bertoloniiformis O. et E.Danesch, sp.nov., eine Sippe hybridogenenUrsprungs,1971

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Eine neue Ophrys fusca-Sippe aus Frankreich,

Danesch Othmar - Danesch Edeltraud
Natürliche Hybriden der Gattung Ophrys, nachgewiesen und dokumentiert durch die moderne Makrofotografie,1971

Daniel P.
Chlorophyll und Carotin in Futterpflanzen. Problematik ihrer Bestimmung,1966

Daniel P.
Zur Frage der Blattfarbe als Qualitätsmerkmal bei perennierenden Gräserarten,1967

Danielsen Maalfrid Eithun
Fluorine content of plants, water and soil profiles in western Norway,1960

Danin Avinoam
The influence of climatic and edaphic factors on the vegetation of the northern Negev and the Judean Desert of Israel,1971

Danneberg O.
Weitere Zusammenhänge der Huminstoffsynthese mit dem bodenstickstoff-Kreislauf,1971

Danneberg O.H.
Eine Möglichkeit zur Trennung von Huminstoffen und Nichthuminstoffen,1981

Danneberg O.H.-Sistani H.
Die Wirkung von Stroh- und Klärschlammdüngung auf das Huminstoffsystem einer Braun- und einer Schwarzerde,1978

Dansereau Pierre
Can we find a common platform for the different schools of the forest type classification? A Combined Structural and Floristic Approach to the Definition of Forest Ecosystem,1960

Dapper Heinrich
Über den Abbau von Kork unter verschiedenen Pflanzengesellschaften,1967

Dapper J.G. - Keuning J.A.
Hoge nitraatgehaltes in het gras en in graslandprodukten op het bedrijf Reijnen te Gemert,

Darnell Rezneat
Natural Area Preservation: The US/IPB Conservation of Ecosystems Program,1976

Daubenmire R.
Some Major Problems in Vegetation Classification,1960

Davidson J.L. - Birch J.W.
Effects of defoliation on growth and carbon dioxide exchange of subterranean clover swards,1972

Davies W.Ellis - Thomas T.A.
The Effect of Potassium on Forage Legume Yields,1971

Davies W.J.
Stomatal Responses to Water Stress and Light in Plants Grown in Controlled Environments and in the Field,1977

Davis B.N.K.
Advances in pesticide-wildlife studies since 1967,1974

Davis Robert D.
Bacteriostatis in soils sterilized by gamma irradiation and in reinoculated sterilized soils,1975

Davis Robert D.
Soil bacteriostatis: inhibition of spore germination and microcolony development in agar discs incubated on nonsterile soils,1975

Davis S.D. - McCree K.J.
Photosynthetic Rate and Diffusion Conductance as a Function of Age in Leaves of Bean Plants,1978

Dawson F.H. - Haslam S.L.
The management of river vegetation with particular reference to shading effects of marginal vegetation,1983

Day Frank P.Jr. - Monk Carl D.
Seasonal nutrient dynamics in the vegetation on a southern appalachian watershed,1977

Day Frank P.Jr. - Monk Carl D.
Net primary production and phenology on a southern appalachian watershed,1977

Day James A.-Wirt Timothy C.-Mortensen Richard D.
Anatomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis of the calcium ion gradient in Gladiolus,1971

De Bont J.A.M. - Leijten M.W.M.
Nitrogen Fixation by Hydrogen-Utilizing Bacteria,1976

De Jong T.M.
Comparative Gas Exchange of Four California Beach Taxa,1978

De Jong T.M.
Comparative Gas Exchange and Growth Responses of C3 and C4 Beach Species Grown at Different Salinities,1978

De Sloover Jacques
L`autoroute comme barriere écologique et voie de pénétration biotique,1975

De Sloover J.R.-Devillez F.-Dumont J.-M.-Lebrun J.-Vancoppenolle F.
Biomasse, contenu en eau et productivité d`une boulaie pubescente en Haute-Ardenne,1974

De Soet F.
Agriculture and the environment,1974

DeForest C.Alderman
Native edible fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, and grasses of California. II.Small or bush fruits,1974

Deacon Joy
A data bank of quaternary plant fossil records,1972

Deacon Joy
The location of refugia of Corylus avellana L. during the Weichselian glaciation,1974

Deacon J.W.
Control of the Take-all Fungus by Grass Leys in Intensive Cereal Cropping,1973

Deacon J.W.
Pseudoparenchyma produced by Cercosporella herpotrichoides in culture,1973

Deacon J.W.
Behaviour of Cercosporella herpotrichoides and Ophiobolus graminis on buried wheat plant tissues,1973

Deacon J.W.
Further studies on Phialophora radicicola and Gaeumannomyces graminis on roots and stem bases of grasses and cereals,1974

Deacon J.W.
Phialophora radicicola and Gaeumannomycetes graminis on roots of grasses and cereals,1973

Deacon J.W.
Factors affecting Occurence of the Ophiobolus Patch Disease of Turf and its Control by Phialophora radicicola,1973

Dedio W.
Water relations in wheat leaves as screening tests for drought resistance,1975

Dedio W. - Stewart D.W. - Green D.G.
Evaluation of photosynthesis measuring methods as possible sreening techniques for drought resistance in wheat,1976

Degener Otto
Fred Jay Seaver, 1877-1970,1971

Degener Otto
Tropical Plants the World Around I.,1945

Dejdar E.
Zur Technik der Herstellung von Mikroelektroden für die Elektrometrie von Zellen und Geweben,1929

Deleens Eliane - Garnier-Dardart Jeannine
Carbon Isotope Composition of Biochemical Fractions Isolated from Leaves of Bryophyllum daigremontianum Berger, a Plant with Crassulacean Acid Metabolism:Some Physiol.Aspects Related to C02 Dark Fixat,1977

Delf E.Marion
Studies of protoplasmic permeability by measurement of rate of shrinkage of turgid tissues. I.The influence of temperature on the permeability of protoplasm to water,1916

Delf E.Marion
Transpiration in succulent plants,1912

Delf E.Marion
Transpiration and Behaviour of Stomata in Halophytes,1911

Delf E.Marion
The influence of ultra-violet light on plants,1928

Delf E.Marion (Mrs.Percy Smith)
The oogonia of Marginariella urvilliana (Rich.) Tandy,1937

Delf E.Marion - Ritson K. - Westbrook A.
The effect on plants of radiations from a quartz mercury vapour lamp,1927

Delwiche C.C.
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Plants (Internacional Biological Programme 7),

Delwiche C.C.
Legumes - Past, Present and Future,1978

Denmead O.T. - Millar B.D.
Field Studies of the Conductance of Wheat Leaves and Transpiration,1976

Dennis Robert T.
Planning for how many people?,1976

Derieux M. - Bonhomme R. - Duburcq J.-B. - Ruget F. - Vincourt P.
Influence du genotype et du lieu sur le nombre d`ovules présents a la floraison chez le mais,1983

Descoings B.
Notes de phyto-écologie équatoriale. 2.Les formations herbeuses du Moyen-Ogooué (Gabon),1974

Descoings B.
Note sur la structure de quelques formations herbeuses de Lamto (Cote-d`Ivoire),1972

Descoings B.
Les vitacées du Tchad,1975

Descoings B.
Les formations herbeuses africaines et les définitions de Yangambi considérées sous l`angle de la structure de la végétation,1973

Dethioux M.
La hetraie a mélique et aspérule des districts mosan et ardennais,1969

Dethioux M.
Quelques aspects de l`écologie de l`aulne glutineux,1974

Dethioux M.
Propos sur la régénération de l`Erable sycomore,1977

Dethioux M.
Les chanaies a charme et luzule blanche de l`Ardenne belge,1978

Dethioux M.
Données sur l`écologie de Ranunculus penicillatus (Dum.) Bab. et R.fluitans Lam. en Belgique,1982

Dethioux M.
Les types de végétation de la Lorraine belge,1966-1967

Dethioux M. - Limbourg P. - Noirfalise A.
Repertoire écologique des especes herbageres de Belgique,1983

Dethioux M.H.
Reamenagement des terres agricoles abandonnées,1974

Devillez F.
Recherches écologiques sur la structure de la semence et l`étalement de la germination chez Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii,1970

Devillez F.
Role et signification des principaux éléments semenciers dans les processus germinatifs du Pseudotsuga menziesii (MIRB.) FRANCO var.menziesii,1971-2

Devillez F.
Propriétés germinatives et divers criteres quantitatifs de la graine du Douglas,1971

Devillez F.
Quelques aspects morphologiques de la germination chez Pseudotsuga menziesii (MIRB.) FRANCO var.manziesii,1971

Devillez F.
Influence de la stratification chaude sur la germination des graines et des embryons de Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz, de S.aucuparia L. et de S.torminalis (L.) Crantz,1979

Devillez F.-Dumont J.M.-Debras M.P.-De Smeth CH.-Gallez B.-Lejeune C
Quelques observations écologiques sur les constituants fondamentaux des landes haut-ardennaises,1973

Devillez F.-Gossuin A.-Marynen T.
Productivité écologique et rendement photosynthétique d une hetraie en Haute-Ardenne,1973-5

Devillez F.-Jain T.C.-Jouret M.-F.-Lebrun J.-Marynen T.-Renard Ch.
Biomasse, contenu en eau et productivité d une pessiere en Haute-Ardenne. Comparaison avec une hetraie,1973-6

Devillez F.-Jain T.C.-Marynen T.
Structure et biomasse d une hetraie en Haute-Ardenne,1973-4

Devillez F.-Sloover J.R.de
Influence des Prétraitements Chaud et Froid sur la Germination des Akenes de Cladium mariscus,1980

Dhindsa Rajiner S. - Plumb-Dhindsa Pamela - Thorpe Trevor A.
Leaf Senescence: Correlated with Increased Levels of Membrane Permeability and Lipid Peroxidation, and Decreased of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase,1981

DiSalvo Louis H.
Regenerative functions and microbial ecology of coral reefs. II.Oxygen metabolism in the regenerative system,1971

DiSalvo Louis H. - Gundersen K.
Regenerative functions and microbial ecology of coral reefs. I.Assays for microbial population,1971

Dickison William C. - Endress Peter K.
Ontogeny of the stem-node-leaf vascular continuum of Austrobaileya,1983

Dickson J.H.
Biology of the Tristan da Cunha Islands. Part I.General Introduction,1965

Dickson J.H.
Biology of the Tristan da Cunha Islands. Part IV.The effects of the eruption of 1961 on the vegetation of Tristan da Cunha,1965

Diehl T.Handley - Setter L.R.
Analysis of radioactivity in vegetation,1958

Dierschke H. - Hülbusch K.-H. - Tüxen R.
Eschen-Erlen-Quellwälder am Südwestrand der Bückeberge bei Bad Eilsen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur örtlichen pflanzensoziologischen Arbeitweise,1973

Dierschke H. - Kämmer F. - Lewejohann K.
Vegetationskundliche Beobachtungen im Fimbertal (Silvretta - Unterengadin). Liste der Gefässpflanzen des Fimbertales,1969

Dijkema K.S.
Towards a Vegetation and Landscape Map of the Danish, German, and Dutch Wadden Sea Islands and Mainland Coastal Areas,1980

Dijkshoorn W.-Sujitno J.S.A.-Ismunadji M.
Potassium uptake by rice plants and interaction with other cations,1974

Dijkstra S.J.
Stoffauswanderung und Atmung in Blättern von Nicotiana glauca R.Grah. und Phaseolus multiflorus Lam.,1937

Dill D.B. - Alsberg C.L.
Preparation, solubility, and specific rotation of wheat gliadin,1925

Dilley A.C. - Shepherd W.
Potential evaporation from pasture and potatoes at Aspendale,1972

Dina Stephen J. - Klikoff Lionel G.
Carbohydrate cycle of Plantago insularis var.fastigiata, a winter annual from the Sonoran Desert,1974

Dirks V.A.-Bolton E.F.
Regression Analyses of Grain Yield of Corn, Level of Leaf N P K and Soil Conditions in a Long-Time Rotation Experiment on Brookston Clay,1980

Dirlbek K.
Některé karbamáty v ochraně zahradních kultur před plži,1969

Dirmhirn Inge - Belt George H.
Variation of albedo of selected sagebrush range in the intermountain region,1971/1972

Diskin S. - Naveh Z. - Gertman Y.
Radiation intensity as an environmental parameter for orchid distribution, vegetation structure and biotic disturbances on mount Carmel,1971

Dittmer Howard J.
A Method to Determine Root Biomass including Uncollected Portions,1972

Dittrich P.-Raschke K.
Uptake and Metabolism of Carbohydrates by Epidermal Tissue,1977

Dittrich P.-Raschke K.
Malate Metabolism in Isolated Epidermis of Commelina communis L. in Relation to Stomatal Functioning,1977

Dixon H.N.
High alpine mosses from Sumatra,1939

Dixon R.O.D.
Hydrogenase in Legume Root Nodule Bacteroids: Occurrence and Properties,1972

Djalali B. - Kreeb K.
Flechtenkartierung und Transplantatuntersuchungen im Stadtgebiet von Stuttgart,1973

Djazirei M.H.
Contribution a l`étude des forets primaires de la Caspiennne,1965

Dobben W.H.van
De oecologen en het oecosyteem,1970

Dobben W.H.van
De hantering van het oecosyseembegrip bij het milieubeheer,1970

Dobben W.H.van
Influence of temperature and light conditions on dry-matter distribution, development rate and yield in arable crops,1962

Dobrescu C. - Ghenciu V.
Aspecte din vegetatia Lacului Rosu (Carpatii Orientali),1970

Dobrovolskij G.V.
Pojmy rek kak landšafty vysokoj plotnosti žizni i intensivnogo počvoobrazovatělnogo processa,1971

Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan W.a J.
II.Über die Anatomie der Luftwurzeln von Ficus pilosa Reinw. und F.nitida var.retusa King und der von Chalciden auf denselben gebildeten Gallen,1910

Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan W.a J.
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gallen von Java. 3.Ueber die Entwicklung und Anatomie einiger Markgallen und über Kallus,1911

Doll Reinhard
Die Vegetation des Langhäger Sees (Kreis Neustrelitz),1979

Domin Karel
Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Phanerogamenflora von Böhmen,1902

Domin Karel
A Phytogeographical outline of the zonal division in the Western Carpathians, besides some general remarks on the main forest trees,1923

Domin Karel
Prodromus lokální květeny kraje od Medzilaborců k Palotským hřebenům ve vých. Slovensku,1940

Domin Karel
Monografická studie o Myosotis sylvatica (Ehrb.) Hoffm. a některých příbuzných pomněnkách se zvláštním zřením k oblasti karpatské,1939

Dominik Tadeusz Majchrowicz Irena
Studies on the tuberculate mycorrhizae of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britton),1967

Dominik Tadeusz-Ihnatowicz Aleksandra-Kopylow Helena-Mietkiewski R.
Mycoflore of sand-boxes in kindergardens in Szczecin,1973

Dommée Bertrand
Expériences sur le régime de la reproduction et sur la structure génétique des populations de Calluna vulgaris L.,1969

Domsch Klaus H. - Corden Malcolm E.
Investigations on the Mode of Action of Sodium N-Methyldithiocarbamate in Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici,1973

Domsch K.H. - Paul W.
Stimulation and Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Herbicides on Soil Nitrification,1974

Donk M.A.
Notes on resupinate hymenomycetes - I. On Pellicularia Cooke,1954

Donk M.A.
The generic names proposed for hymenomycetes - I. "Cyphellaceae",1951

Donk M.A.
The generic names proposed for hymenomycetes - II. Hymenolichenes,1954

Donk M.A.
On Staude`s new generic names for agarics,1954

Donk M.A.
The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae. Additions and corrections,1962

Donk M.A.
Notes on the basidium - II,1962

Donk M.A.
Notes on resupinate Hymenomycetes - VI,1962

Donk M.A.
Four new families of Hymenomycetes,1961

Donk M.A.
The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae,1960

Donkersloot J.A.-Robrish S.A.-Krichevsky M.I.
Fluometric Determination of Deoxyribonucleic Acid in Bacteria with Ethidium Bromide,1972

Donohue S.J.-Bula R.J.-Holt D.A.-Rhykerd C.L.
Morphological Development, Yield, and Chemical Composition of Orchardgrass at Several Soil Nitrogen Levels,1981

Dörfelt H. - Knapp H.D.
Mykofloristische Charakteristika subkontinental beeinflusster Eichen-Elsbeeren-Wälder einiger Naturschutzgebiete der südlichen DDR,1974

Dormaar J.F.
Seasonal pattern of soil organic phosphorus,1972

Dormaar J.F.
Chemical properties of organic matter extracted from a number of Ah horizons by a number of methods,1972

Dormaar J.F.
Susceptibility of organic matter of chernozemic Ah horizons to biological decomposition,1975

Dormaar J.F.-Cairns R.R.
Chemical and Physical Properties of the Parent Material of a Solonetz Soil after Incubation with Plant Material,1978

Dornhoff Gary M. - Shibles Richard
Leaf Morphology and Anatomy in Relation to CO2-exchange Rate of Soybean Leaves,1976

Dorostkar H.-Noirfalise A.
Contribution á l`étude des forets caspiennes orientales (Chaine du Gorgan),1976

Dostál I.R. - Morávek V.
Das Sachssche Phänomen bei Knollen,1925

Dostál R.
Korelační vztahy u klíčních rostlin Papilionaceí,1908

Dostál R.
Zur experimentellen Morphogenesis bei Circaea und einigen anderen Pflanzen,1911

Dostál R.
Z experimentální morfologie orseje,

Douglas Dina
Check List of Pacific Oceanic Islands,1969

Doyle William T.
The morphology and affinities pf the liverwort Geothallus,1962

Draggan Sidney
Role of Microcosms in Ecological Research,

Draghia Ion
Insectes Mineures,1967

Drake G.A.-Carr D.J.
Flux Studies and Compartmentation Analysis of Gibberellin A1 in Oat Coleoptiles,1981

Drake R.J.-Pepper I.L.-Johnson G.V.-Kneebone W.R.
Design and Testing of a new Microlysimeter for Leaching Studies,1980

Draskovits R.M. - Fekete G.
Chlorophyll concentration and its ecological significance in some species in beechwoods,1976

Drastich L.
Jak usnadniti zalévání do parafinu,

Drastich L.
Mikrorespirometr v nové úpravě,

Drastich L.
Eine bequeme Methode zum Einbetten in Paraffin mittels eines neukonstruierten Einbettungsapparates,1923

Drever James I.
Magnesium-Iron Replacement in Clay Minerals in Anoxic Marine Sediments,1971

Drifmeyer J.E.-Thayer G.W.-Cross F.A.-Zieman J.C.
Cycling of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn by Eelgrass, Zostera marina L.,1980

Drift J.van der
Terrestrische Ecosystemen,1970

Drozd Jan William
Energy Coupling and Respiration in Nitrosomonas europaea,1976

Drozdowicz Adam - Horszczaruk Irena
Studies on the decomposition of humic acids by microorganisms,1966

Du Rietz G.E.-Osvald H.-Samuelsson G.-Skottsberg C.
Algemeiner Exkursionsführer für die schwedischen Exkursionsteile,1925

Dubé P.A. - Stevenson K.R. - Thurtell G.W.
Comparison between two inbred corn lines for diffusive resistances, photosynthesis and transpiration as a function of leaf water potential,1974

Ducket Jeffrey G.
Sexual behaviour of the genus Equisetum, subgenus Hippochaete,1972

Ducomet V. - Foex Et.
Les attaques de Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary,1939

Duda Longin
Zwiazki zachodzace miedzy odplywami jednostkowymi w zlewniach czastkowych w obszarze zlewni rzeki Ploni,1972

Duke Stanley H. - Doehlert Douglas C.
Root Respiration, Nodulation, and Enzyme Activities in Alfalfa During Cold Acclimation,1981

Dumont J.-M.
Les anciennes prairies a Colchicum autumnale du plateau des Tailles (Belgique),1979

Dumont J.-M. - Gillard V.
Premiere contribution a l`étude de l`impact écologique et paysager d`un barrage sur l`Ourthe occidentale,1978

Duncan W.G.
Leaf Angles, Leaf Area, and Canopy Photosynthesis,1971

Durin L. - Gehu J.-M. - Noirfalise A. - Sougnez N.
Les Hetraies Atlantiques et leur Essaim Climacique dans le Nord-Ouest de la France,

Dutoit Daniel
Contribution a l étude de la végétation du massif de Naye sur Montreux,1934

Dvořák Ivan
Strukturně termodynamická analýza stomatární regulace oxidem uhličitým při fotosyntéze C3 rostlin,1980

Dykyjová Dagmar
Productivity and Solar Energy Conversion in Reedswamp Stands in Comarison with Outdoor Mass Cultures of Algae in the Temperate Climate of Central Europe,1971

Dykyjová Dagmar
Podíl pobřežních rostlinných společenstev na eutrofisaci jihočeských rybníků,1974

Dykyjová Dagmar
Kontaktdiagramme als Hilfsmethode für vergleichende Biometrie, Allometrie und Produktionsanalyse von Phragmites-Ökotypen,1969

Dykyjová Dagmar - Hradecká Dana
Production Ecology of Phragmites communis. 1.Relations of Two Ecotypes to the Microclimate and Nutrient Conditions of Habitat,1976

Dykyjová Dagmar - Květ J.
Mineral nutrient economy in wetlands of the Trebon basin biosphere reserve, Czechoslovakia,1982

Dykyjová Dagmar - Přibil Stanislav
Energy Content in the Biomass of Emergent Macrophytes and their Ecological Efficiency,1975

Dykyjová Dagmar-Hejný Slavomil
Produkce a podíl pobřežních rostlinných společenstev na eutrofizaci Opatovického rybníka,1975

Dyne G.M. van-Thorsteinsson Ingvi
Intra-Seasonal Changes in the Height Growth of Plants in Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus,1966

Dzieciolowski Ryszard
Winter food of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) as determined by tracking techniques,1967

Džafarov B.A. - Džafarova T.S.
O zapasach fitomassy alpijskich i subalpijskich lugov Malogo Kavkaza,1971

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