Library of reprints - J

Jaccard Paul
Le coefficient générique et le coefficient de communauté dans la flore marocaine,1926

Jackson J.E.-Palmer J.W.
Light Distribution in Discontinuous Canopies: Calculation of Leaf Areas and Canopy Volumes Above Defined "Irradiance Contours" for use in Productivity Modelling,1981

Jacob Friedrich
Vergleichende Studien über die phototropische Empfindlichkeit junger Sporangienträger der Gattung Pilobolus,1959

Jacob H.
Mikroskop-Photometrie der organischen Stoffe von Böden I.Organopetrographische Nomenklatur und mikroskop-photomet.Methodik II.Fluoreszenz-Photometrie forst- und landwirtsch. Rotteprodukt,1971

Jacob H.
Mikroskop-Photometrie der orgnischen Stoffe von Böden. II. Fluorescenz-Photometrie forst- und landwirtschaftlicher Rotteprodukte,1971

Jacob H.
Mikroskop-Photometrie der organischen Stoffe von Böden. III.Reflexions- und Fluoreszenz-Photometrie der organischen Substanz von zwei Schwarzerden,

Jacobsen H.C.
Kulturversuche mit einigen niederen Volvocaceen,1910

Jacquard P.
Méthode des graphes appliquée au probleme de la fertilisation azotée,1972

Jacquard P.-Poisonnet P.-Donadieu P.-Trouvat A.-Gallais A.
Relations between diversity and stability in experimental plant systems,1974

Jacquiot Cl.

Jaeger Dieter-Werner Dietrich
Kongruenz von Ammoniumgehalt und Azetylenreduktionsrate in Schlammproben des Harkortsees (Ruhrtal),1977

Jaeger F.M.
Problém dissymmetrické synthesy,

Jager A.de
Effects of a localized supply of H2PO4, NO3, Ca and K on the concentration of that nutrient in the plant and the rate of uptake by roots in young maize plants in solution culture,1984

Jager J.M.de - Mallet J.B.
Effect of moisture stress upon maize production and its economic significance,1972

Jagnow G.
Bodenatmung, Stickstoffmineralisation und Humusabbau ostafrikanischer Böden nach Trockung und Wiederbefeuchtung,1971

Jagnow G.
Der Einfluss von Niederschlag und Höhenlage auf den Humusgehalt osafrikanischer Böden,1968

Jahn H.
Über Lactarius pubescens und L.favrei sp.nov.,1982

Jakrlová Jana
Ekologie tvorby biomasy a příjmu živin porostů zaplavovaných luk,1976

Jakrlová Jana
Sluneční energie a její využití,1978

Jakrlová Jana
Využití a zneužití hodnot koeficientu účinnosti slunečního záření v ekologickém výzkumu,1977

Jakrlová Jana
Seed production of a Polygalo-Nardetum grassland. I.Quantitative changes recorded in the course of years,1985

Jakrlová Jana
Zhodnocení efektu mulčování papriky růstovou analýzou,1967

Jakubczyk Halina
Microbiological characteristics of soils of the complex of cultivated fields and shelterbelt at Turew,1973

Jakubczyk Halina-Czerwinski Zbigniew-Petal Joanna
Ants as agents of the soil habitat changes,1972

Jakuszewski Tadeusz
The effect of shelterbelts on the characteristics of some microclimatic factors in adjoining fields,1967

Jalas Jaakko
Besondere Züge der Vegetation und Flora auf den Osen,1961

Jalas Jaakko
Regionale Züge in der Felsenvegetation und -flora Ostfennoskandiens,1961

Jalas Jaakko - Suominen Juha
Mapping the distribution of European vascular plants,1967

Jalas Jaako
Notes on Thymus L.(Labiatae) in Europe.III.,1974

Jalas Jaako
Progress report on mapping the flora of Europe,1971

Jalas Jaako
Progress in the Study of vascular plants in Finland 1962-1971,1975

Jalas Jaako - Kukkonen Ilkka - Uotila Pertti
Notes on the flora of European Turkey,1976

Janásek J.
Poznatky ze studia sortimentu bojínku lučního (Phleum pratense L.),1973

Janásek J.
Výzkum travinářské problematiky ...,1973

Jandová Božena
Kalusové kultury hospodářsky významných rostlin,1983

Janik V.
Die Beziehungen der MgCaCl2- und MgEDTA-Werte zu den wichtigsten Bodenmerkmalen,1971

Jankovská Vlasta
The Development of Vegetation on the Western Slopes of the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands during the Late Holocene Period: A Study Based on Pollen and Macroscopic Analyses,1971

Jankovská Vlasta
Pomocníci geologů,1976

Jankovská Vlasta
Rostlina - citlivý indikátor svého prostředí,1.3.1975

Jankovská Vlasta
Blatková rašeliniště,13.7.1974

Jankovská Vlasta
Nezelené kvetoucí rostliny,1.6.1974

Jankovská Vlasta
Původní lesní dřeviny v Třeboňské pánvi (jižní Čechy),1976

Jankovská Vlasta
Výskyt některých vodních, pobřežních a rašeliništních rostlin v Třeboňské pánvi v pozdním glaciálu a holocénu,1976

Jankovská Vlasta (Jank)
Bříza trpasličí,1978

Jannasch Holger W.
Microbial Turnover of Organic Matter in the Deep Sea,1979

Jansen P. - Wachter W.H.
Bryologiese notities II,1935

Janson Svante-Vegelius Jan
Measures of Ecological Association,1981

Janssonius H.H.
Wood-anatomy and relationship - The variability of the wood-anatomy in large and small genera - The vessels in the wood of Javan mangrove trees,1950

Jarvis S.C.-Jones L.H. P.-Clement C.R.
Uptake and Transport of Lead by Perennial Ryegrass from Flowing Solution Culture with a controlled Concentration of lead,1977

Jarvis S.C.-Whitehead D.C.
The Influence of Some Soil and Plant Factors on the Concentration of Copper in Perennial Ryegrass,1981

Jasiewicz A.
Bogumil Pawlowski 1898-1971,1972

Jassby Alan D.
The ecological significance of sinking to planktonic bacteria,1975

Jaworski Jerzy
The variation in soil temperatures in the neighbourhood of a shelterbelt,1966

Jedlinski Wladislaw
De la nécessité de nouvelles méthodes d aménagement des forets,1926

Jegorov A.D.
Migracija i akkumulacija mikroelementov v rastěnijach Jakutii,1971

Jelínek Stanislav
Mikromorfologie humuso-železitých podzolů na vybraných lokalitách v lesních oblastech ČSR,1982

Jeník J.
RNDr.Rudolf Mikyška a jeho fytosociologický odkaz. 13.4.1901-19.10.1970,1971

Jensen Sven - Maarel Eddy van der
Numerical Approaches to Lake Classification with Special Reference to Macrophyte Communities,1980

Jentys-Szaferowa Janina
Przeglad badan nad zmiennoscia roslin wykonanych w Polsce w ostatnim 25-leciu. Czesc I,1971

Jentys-Szaferowa Janina
Przeglad badan nad zmiennoscia roslin wykonanych w Polsce w ostatnim25-leciu. Czesc II,1971

Jentys-Szaferowa Janina
The role of the glacial epoch in the history of the species Carpinus betulus in Europe,1964

Jentys-Szaferowa Janina
Badania systematyczno-doswiadczalne nad Betula oycoviensis Besser,1967

Jeschke Lebrecht
Pflanzengesellschaften einiger Seen bei Feldberg in Mecklenburg,1959

Jeschke Lebrecht-Müther Klaus
Die Pflanzengesellschaften der Rheinsberger Seen,1978

Jeschke Wolf Dietrich
Net K-Na Exchange Across the Plasmalemma of Meristematic Root Tissues,1979

Jeschke Wolf Dietrich
Roots: cation selectivity and compartmentation, involvement of protons and regulation,1980

Jevdokimova T.I.- Grišina L.A.
O charaktěre biologičeskogo krugovorota elementov pitanija rastěnij v uslovijach pojmennych territorij,1971

Jewiss O.R.
Tillering in grasses - its signifikance and control,1972

Jílek B. - Dolejš K.
Plevelný luční neofyt - rozrazil ničovitý - Veronica filiformis Sm.,1970

Jimbo Tadao
On the Budding of Nucleoli in the Root-Nodule of Wistaria,1927

Jimbo Tadao
Physiological Anatomy of the Root-Nodule of Wistaria sinensis,1927

Jimbo Tadao
Yeasts Isolated from Flower Nectar,1926

Jochimsen Maren
Die Vegetationsentwicklung auf Moränenböden in Abhängigkeit von einigen Umweltfaktoren,1970

Jodo Shuichiro
Stomatal Movement and Water Relations in Crops. 2.Stomatal behavior of tobacco leaves of different ages and the influence of soil water shortage,1973

Joenje W.
Bij het overlijden van Prof.Dr.D.Bakker,1979

Joenje W.
Migration and Colonization by Vascular Plants a New Polder,1978

Joenje W.-During H.J.
Colonisation of a Desalinating Wadden-Polder by Bryophytes,1977

Johannes H.
Biologische Gewässerunterhaltung - eine Schrifttumsübersicht,1972

Johansson Catarina - Kronborg Leif
Attached algae in running waters,1975

Johansson Nils
Neue mesozoische Pflanzen aus Andö in Norwegen,1920

Johansson Nils
Pterygopteris. Eine neue Farngattung aus dem Rät Schoens,1922

Johansson Nils
Ökologische Studien über den Gasaustausch einiger Landpflanzen,1926

Johansson Nils - Stalfelt M.G.
Die stomatäre Beeinflussung der Kohlensäureassimilation der Fichte,1928

Johnson B.J.
Minimal Herbicide Treatments on the Establishment of Four Turfgrasses,1975

Johnson Douglas A. - Caldwell Martyn M.
Gas Exchange of Four Arctic and Alpine Tundra Plant Species in Relation to Atmospheric and Soil Moisture Stress,1975

Johnson Douglas A. - Tieszen Larry L.
Aboveground Biomass Allocation, Leaf Growth, and Photosynthesis Patterns in Tundra Plant Forms in Arctic Alaska,1976

Johnson Douglas A.-Brown Ray W.
Psychrometric Analysis of Turgor Pressure Response: A Possible Technique for Evaluating Plant Water Stress Resistance,1977

Johnson Duncan S. - York Harlan H.
The relation of plants to tide levels,1912

Johnson D.A.-Rumbaugh M.D.-Asay K.H.
Plant Improvement for Semi-Arid Rangelands: Possibilities for Drought Resistance and Nitrogen Fixation,1981

Johnson G.A.L. - Robinson D. - Hornung M.
Unique Bedrock and Soils associated with the Teesdale Flora,1971

Johnson Richard R. - Wilmer Colin M. - Moss Dale N.
Role of Awns in Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration of Barley Spikes,1975

Johnson Robert W. - Goodall David W.
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Non-Linear Ordination,1979

Johnson R.C. - Witters R.E. - Ciha A.J.
Apparent Photosynthesis, Evapotranspiration, and Light Penetration in Two Contrasting Hard Red Winter Wheat Canopies,1981

Johnson R.C. - Witters R.E.-Ciha A.J.
Daily Patterns of Apparent Photosynthesis and Evapotranspiration in a Developing Winter Wheat Crop,1981

Johnson R.R. - Frey N.M. - Moss Dale N.
Effect of Water Stress on Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Flag Leaves and Spikes of Barley and Wheat,1974

Johnston T.D.
The effects of plant density and fertilizer application on yield components in three marrow-stem kale (Brassica oleracea L.) varieties,1971

Johnston T.D. - York P.A.
Genetical investigations into photosynthetic rate in Brassica. 1.A simle technique for measuring photosynthesis of leaves of kale,1971

Jonáš Václav
O životě v krystalické podobě,1938

Jonáš Václav
Kultury drožďárenských kulturních kvasinek, u nichž dochází k individualisaci a množení chromosomových tělísek,

Jones Eustace W. - Koponen Timo
Charles Edmond Bradlaugh Bonner, D.Sc., M.Sc., L.és Sc.1915-1976. Antero Vaarama 1912-1975,1977

Jones G.Neville
A Note on the Name Selaginella Martensii Spring,1966

Jones H.G.-Higgs K.H.
Resistance to Water Loss from the Mesophyll Cell Surface in Plant Leaves,1980

Jones J.G.
The origin and distribution of hydrocarbons in an uplans moorland soil and underlying shale,1970

Jones J.G.
A Method for Observation and Enumeration of Epilithic Algae Directly on the Surface of Stones,1974

Jones J.G. - Davison William - Gardener Steven
Iron reduction by bacteria: range of organisms involved and metals reduced,1984

Jones J.G. - Davison William - Gardener Steven
Differences in Microbial Decomposition Processes in Profundal and Littoral Lake Sediments, with Particular Reference to the Nitrogen Cycle,1981

Jones J.G. - Simon B.M.
An Investigation of Errors in Direct Counts of Aquatic Bacteria by Epifluorescence Microscopy, with Reference to a New Method for Dyeing Membrane Filters,1975

Jones J.W. - Hesketh J.D. - Kamprath E.J. - Bowen H.D.
Development of a Nitrogen Balance for Cotton Growth Models: A First Approximation,1974

Jones Lewis - Prickett Julia
The rate of water loss from cut grass of different species dried at 20 C,1981

Jones M.B. - Street J.E. - Williams W.A.
Leaching and Uptake of Nitrogen Applied to Annual Grass and Clover-Grass Mixtures in Lysimeters,1974

Jones Richard W. - Sheard R.W.
Nitrate Reductase Activity: Phytochrome Mediation of induction in Etiolated Peas,1972

Jones Roger I.
A comparison of acetone and methanol as solvens for estimating the chlorophyl a and phaeophytin a concentrations in phytoplankton,1977

Jones R.J.A.-Court M.N.
The Measurement of Mean Temperatures in Plant and Soil Studies by the Sucrose Inversion Method,1980

Jones T.W.A.
Biochemistry of floral induction in red clover,

Jones T.W.A. - Stoddart J.L.
Enzyme changes in roots of healthy and phyllody-infected white clover Trifolium repens L.,1971

Jones W.Ralph
The digestion of starch in germinating peas,1912

Jones W.Ralph
The development of the vascular structure of Dianthera americana L.,1912

Jonesco St.
Sur l`occlusion des fleurs de l`Ipomoea purpurea,1933

Jong E.de - Schappert H.J.V. - MacDonald K.B.
Carbon dioxide evolution from virgin and cultivateed soil as affected by management practices and climate,1974

Jong R.de - Shaykewich C.F.
A Soil Water Budget Model with a nearly Impermeable Layer,1981

Jordan C.F.-Tod R.L.-Escalante G.
Nitrogen Conservation in a Tropical Rain Forest,1979

Jordan D.C.-McNicol Patricia J.-Marshall Margaret R.
Biological nitrogen fixation in the terrestrial environment of a high Arctic ecosystem (Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, N.W.T.),1978

Jorde Ingerid
Observations on the Seaweed Vegetation near the Biological Station,1951

Jorstad Ivar
Iranian plants collected by Per Wendelbo in 1959. II.Uredinales and some other parasitic fungi,1960

Jost Ludwig
Die Bildung des Netzes bei Hydrodictyon utriculatum,1930

Jost Ludwig - Wissmann Heinrich
Über die negativ geotropische Reaktion der Wurzeln,1924

Jost L.
Über die Blüte von Mormodes,1929

Jost L.
Über den Geotropismus der Grasknoten,1924

Jost - Müller O.
Sämereien des botanischen Gartens der Universität Strassburg,1911

Jouret Marie-France
Maturation et dormance des graines d`Impatiens parviflora DC.,1974

Jouret Marie-France
Quelques aspects écologiques de la dormance et de la germination chez Impatiens parviflora DC.,1974

Joynt M.I.
A field or laboratory thermal conductivity probe,1974

Jugsujinda Aroon-Patrick W.H.Jr.
Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Rice in a Flooded Soil Under Controlled Aerobic-Anaerobic and pH Conditions,1977

Juhász-Nagy P.
Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Parameter-Präservierungsvermögen und der Resistenz bei Pflanzenassoziationen,1970

Juhász-Nagy P.
Egy operatív ökológia hiánya és szukséglete. A hiány és a "negatívumok". I.Nyitó megjegyzések,1070

Juhász-Nagy P.
A növényzet szerkezetvizsgálata: új modellek,1972

Juhász-Nagy P.
On association among plant populations I. Multiple and partial association: a new approach,1967

Juhász-Nagy P.
Some theoretical problems of synbotany. Part 1. Primary considerations on a conceptual network,1966

Juhász-Nagy P.
Some theoretical problems of synbotany. Part 2. Preliminaries on an axiomatic model-building,1966

Juhász-Nagy P.
Some theoretical problems of synbotany. Part 3. The importance of methodology,1968

Juhász-Nagy P.
Investigations on the Bulgarian vegetation. Some hygrophilous plant communities (I-III),1963

Juhász-Nagy P.
A biogeocönózis-elmélet állása és problémái,1962

Jump John Austin
Further notes on the disease of Himalayan pines,1937

Jung G.A.-Kocher R.E.-Gross C.F.-Berg C.C.-Bennett O.L.
Nonstructural Carbohydrate in the Spring Herbage of Temperate Grasses,1976

Junnilainen Raija
The distribution of Aulacomnium androgynum and A.turgidum (Musci, Aulacomniaceae) in northwestern Europe,1977

Jurečka A. - Krčmář B.
Množení a využití travních druhů a odrůd vhodných pro technické zatravňování,1973

Jůva Karel
K správnému hodnocení půdní meliorace v době sucha,1936

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