La Garde Roland V.
Non-Symbiotic Germination of Orchids,1929
LaRue T.A. - Kurz W.G.W. - Mallard C.
Continuous non-destructive determination of nitrogenase activity in microbial
Laane Morten Motzfeldt
The vegetative ultrastructure in Penicillium,1971
Labeda D.P. - Balkwill D.L. - Casida L.E., jr.
Soil sterilization effects on in situ indigenous microbial cells in soil,1975
Labine P.A. - Wilson D.H.
A Teaching Model of Population Interactions: An Algae-Daphnia Predator System,1973
Lack Andrew
The Ecology of the Flowers of the Savanna tree Maranthes polyandra and Their Visitors,
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Lacourciere Estelle-Grandtner Miroslav M.
Les Groupements Végetaux Ripariens entre Sainte-Famille et la Pointe d`Argentenaye Ile
d`Orléans, Québec,1972
Ladd J.N.
The Use of 15N in Following Organic Matter Turnover, with Specific Reference to Rotation
Ladisch Michael R.-Ladisch Christine M.-Tsao George T.
Cellulose to Sugars : New Path Gives Quantitative Yield,1978
Ladygina G.M. - Litvinova N.P.
Produktivnosè nadzemnoj i podzemnoj fitomassy
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Lagrew David C., Jr. - Baskin Jerry M.
Evaluation of the Anthracene-Benzene Chemical Light Meter for Ecological Research,1975
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Method used in a preliminary study of the ecology of a marine reef off Durban Beach,1972
Lambert James
Summer injury to conifers and other woody ornamentals,1937
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Leaf-Litter and Changing Nutrient Levels in a Seasonally dry tropical Hardwood Forest,
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Lambinon Jacques
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Lamborg M. - Wittwer S.H.
International Conference on Crop Productivity,1976
Lamoureux Gisele-Grandtner Miroslav M.
Contribution á étude écologique des dunes
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Lamoureux Gisele-Grandtner Miroslav M.
Contribution á étude écologique des dunes
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Lampky J.R.
Distribution of Sorangium cellulosum,1971
Landa Keith - Rabinowitz Deborah
Relative preference of Arphia sulphurea (Orthoptera: Acrididae) for sparse and common
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Landolt Elias
Bedeutung und Pflege von Biotopen,
Landolt Elias
Ökologische Differenzierungsmuster bei Artengruppen im Gebiet der Schweizerflora,1971
Landolt Elias
Pflanzen und nasse Standorte,1973
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Floristische und zytotaxonomische Arbeiten an der Flora der Schweiz zwischen 1960 und
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Josias Braun-Blanquet,1980
Lane P.W.
G.M.Clarke. Statistics and Experimental Design. 2nd edition. Arnold: London, 1980. Pp. xii
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Lang Gerhard
Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen der Magdalénienstation an der Schussenquelle,
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The Occurrence of Mixed Populations of Different Genotypes of the Lemna gibba - Lemna
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Lange E.
The Distinction between Lemna gibba L. and Lemna minor L. on the Basis of Vegetative
Lange J.C.J.van
Evaluation of the Botanical Response of Different Methods of Aquatic Weed Control, Based
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Lange Otto L. - Meyer Angelika
Mittäglicher Stomataschluss bei Aprikose (Prunus armeniaca) und Wein (Vitis vinifera) im
Freiland trotz guter Bodenwasser-Versorgung,1979
Lange Otto L.-Zuber Margit
Frerea indica, a Stem Succulent CAM Plant with Deciduous C3 Leaves,1977
Lange Otto - Lösch Rainer
B.Physiology. I.Plant Water Relations,1979
Lange O.L. - Medina E.
Stomata of the CAM Plant Tillandsia recurvata Respond Directly to Humidity,1979
Lange O.L.-Schulze E.-D.-Evenari M.-Kappen L.-Buschbom U.
The Temperature-Related Photosynthetic Capacity of Plants under Desert Conditions.
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Lange, O. L. - Schulze, E.-D. - Evenari, M. - Kappen, L. - Buschbom
The Temperature-Related Photosynthetic Capacity of Plants under De- sert Conditions,1978
Langvad Finn
A simple and rapid method for qualitative and quantitative study of the fungal flora of
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A Dynamic Model for Technical and Economic Analysis of Fertilizer Recommendations,1981
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Fitomassa nìkotorych rastitìlnych soobšèestv na
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Littoral Benthos of the Northern Baltic Sea. IV. Pattern and Dynamics of Macrobenthos in a
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Transpiration and photosynthesis of detached leaves and shoots of Quercus pubescens and
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Larcher Walter
Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten ökophysiologischer Forschung im Gebirge,1970
Larcher Walter
Zur Frage des Zusammenhanges zwischen Austrocknungsresistenz und Frosthärte bei
Larcher Walter
Die Tenperaturresistenz als Konstitutionsmerkmal der Pflanzen,1968
Larcher Walter
Produktionsökologie alpiner Zwergstrauchbestände auf dem Patscherkofel bei
Larcher Walter
Resistenzphysiologische Grundlagen der evolutiven Kälteakklimatisation von
Larcher Walter
Physiological Approaches to the Measurement of Photosynthesis in Relation to Dry Matter
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Larcher Walter
The Effect of Environmental and Physiological Variables on the Carbon Dioxide Gas Exchange
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Larcher Walter
Die Bedeutung des Faktors "Zeit" für die photosynthetische Stoffproduktion,1969
Larcher Walter - Mair Burgl
Das Kälteresistenzverhalten von Quercus pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia und Fraxinus ornus
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Frond structure and growth in Laminaria hyperborea,1972
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Pollenanalytiske undersokelser i indre Ostfold,1949
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Vodní provoz, rùst a kvalita zavlažovaných a nezavlažovaných semenáèkù Picea
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Laskowski Stanislaw - Konecka Krystyna - Zuranski Stanislaw
Studia nad siewem rzedowym,1972
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Nitrogen-supplying Power of Some Tropical Soils of Puerto Rico and Methods for its
Latter Pamela M.- Heal O.W.
A Preliminary study of the growth of Fungi and Bacteria from temperate and antarctic soils
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Lauenroth W.K.-Dodd J.L.-Sims P.L.
The Effects of Water- and Nitrogen-Induced Stresses on Plant Community Structure in a
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Lauenroth W.K.-Whitman W.C.
Dynamics of Dry Matter Production in a Mixed-Grass Prairie in Western North Dakota,1977
Lauer Wilhelm
Chile. Geographische Probleme eines lateinamerikanischen Entwicklungslandes,1961-1962
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Effects of alkali salts on carbon and nitrogen mineralization of organic matter in
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La nitrification autotrophe et hétérotrophe dans les écosystemes aquatiques,1971
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Der Einfluss des Herbizides Pyramin auf die biologische Aktivität der Bodenmikroflora,
Lavelle P. - Schaefer R.
Conditions de vie dans le sol: Les sources de nourriture des organismes du sol,1974
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Stìpi Jevrazii, ich geografija, genìzis i
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XII.Stìpi i seskochozjajstvìnnyje zemli na mìstì
Laybourn Johanna - Finlay Bland J.
Respiratory Energy losses Related to Cell Weight and Temperature in Ciliated Protozoa,1976
Le Buhan J.P.
Fabrication et montage d un pyranometre linéaire destiné a la mesure du rayonnement sous
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Leach P.Ann - Bullen J.J. - Grant I.D.
Anaerobic CO2 Cabinet for the Cultivation of Strict Anaerobes,1971
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Large incubation chamber suited for use in selection for disease resistance,1974
Leatherdale Donald
The Plant Galls of Norway,1959
Leben Curt
Soybean flower-to-seed movement of epiphytic bacteria,1976
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Autorouteet environnement: synthese et conclusions,1975
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Lecewicz Wanda-Sokolowska Wladyslawa-Wojciechowski Iwo
The changes of winteb phytoplankton in relation to the light climate in the lakes with
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Lechtenburg V.L.-Holt D.A.-Youngberg H.W.
Diurnal Variation in Nonstructural Carbohydrates of Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.) With and
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Ledebo Ingrid - Ljungeer Claes
Permeability of Bacteria to Inorganic Cations. A Comparison between a Psychrophylic
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Lee Beatrice
The plant cuticle. II.A macrochemical study,1925
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Changes in the Concentration of Nitrogenous Fractions in Alfalfa Herbage with Advance in
Lee Kuk-Ki - Yoshida Tomio
An assay technique of measurement of nitrogenase activity in root zone of rice for
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Nitrogen fixation throughout growth, and varietal differences in nitrogen fixation by the
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Additional Chromosome Numbers in the Gesneriaceae,1966
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Sulphur Uptake by Ryegrass and Its Relationship to Inorganic and Organic Sulphur Levels
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The Brokopondo Research Project, Surinam,
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Aquatische oecologie,1975
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Influence of Micro-Organisms on the Germination of the Monocarpic Cirsium vulgare in
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Successie onderzoek,
Leeuwen Chr.G.van
Micropatronen in Pioniervegetaties,
Leeuwen Chr.G.van
Over grenzen en grensmilieus,1965
Leeuwen Chr.G.van
Het botanisch beheer van naturreservaten op structuur-oecologische grondslag,1966
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Pattern and process in coastal dune vegetations,1971
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Enkele opmerkingen over de vondst van Erica cinerea L. op terschelling I.V.M. het
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Photosystem I and photophosphorylation-dependent leucine incorporation in the blue-green
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Étude des variations de la composition protidique et glucidique des parties aériennes du
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Microvariations in soil climate under two konds of forest cover,1975
Leggett J.E.
Salt absorption by plants,
Leh Hans-Otfried
Strassenbäume in Berlin - Schaden durch Auftausalze,1973
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Zur Beziehung Phytoplankton-Phosphat im Bodensee,1972
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Zur Frage der Wasserbilanz von Hochmooren,1929
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Ueber die Permeabilität vegetabilischer Zellmembranen in Bezug auf atmosphärische
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Bidrag till kännedomen om floran i Perna socken,1967
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Ammonia Exchange at the Land Surface,1980
Lemon Paul C.
AIBS Conservation of Ecosystems Program,1974
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Las malezas del cultivo del maíz. Su relación con el cultivo tradicional y un método de
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Translocation Relationships in and between Mistletoes and Their Hosts,1965
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Aging, Senescence, and Turnover in Plants,1975
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Zur Kenntnis des Koagulationsmechanismus,1926
Lepš Jan
Matematické modelování dynamiky ekosystémù a
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Lerch Josef
Studies on the phase development in apple trees,1976
Lerch, Josef
Zur Frage der Wirkung exogener und endogener Faktoren bei der Phase-nentwicklung der
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Lesák Josef - Pavlíèek Ant.
Srovnávací studie náhradních spoleèenstev. (Primární produkce hospodáøsky
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Leser Hartmut
Methodische Probleme beim räumlichen Ansatz der Ökosystemforschung,1981
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Agronomic Evaluation of Crambe as a Source of Oil,1972
Leuenberger Hans Georg W.
Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Continuous Culture. I.Growth kinetics of a
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Leverenz Jerry W.
Photosynthesis and transpiration in large forest-grown Douglas-fir: diurnal variation,1981
Levi Carolyn - Gibbs Martin
Carbon Dioxide Fixation in Isolated Kalanchoe Chloroplasts,1975
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50-letije otdìla geobotaniki Botanièeskogo
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Effect of Evaporative Demand on Water Relations of Citrus limon,1980
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A simple soil water simulation model for assessing the irrigation requirements of
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Influence of short-term flooding on the growth and plant nutrient composition of
Lhotská Marie
Notes on the Ecology of Germination in Myrrhis odorata,1977
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Organická hmota v pùdì v podmínkách aplikace intenzifikaèních faktorù, zvláštì
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Automated Device for Preparing Agar Media,1972
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Zur Methodik der relativen Taumessung,1932
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Carbonate determination in organic soils,1974
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Über die Primärproduktion der Pflanzendecke der Erde,1972
Lieth Helmut-Maarel Eddy van der
Classifying and Mapping the World`s Vegetation,1976
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A snow microflora in the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland,1968
Lighthart Bruce
Survival of Airborne Bacteria in High Urban Concentration of Carbon Monoxide,1973
Lighthart Bruce
A cluster analysis of some bacteria in the water column of Green Lake, Washington,1975
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Les maladies a virus du dahlia,1954
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Observations relatives au role des terreaux et des Tabacs manufacturés dans la
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Observations sur les maladies a virus de la Tomate dans le Midi et le Sud-Ouest de la
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Le role de l homme comme agent de transmission et de dispersion des maladies a virus des
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Les virus se multipliant dans l organisme de leurs insectes vecteurs et les "Gros
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Les virus et les maladies a virus des plantes,1958
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Note sur une souche "Aucuba" du virus de la mosaique du tabac isolée de l
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Quelques remarques sur l utilisation de la réaction de fixation du complément pour l
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Limasset Pierre
Recherches sur le Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary,1939
Limasset Pierre
Observations préliminaires démontrant l existence d inhibiteurs du virus de la mosaique
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Limasset Pierre
Advantages of the Linnean Binominal System for Plant Viruses,
Limasset Pierre - Truffaut Louis
Mise en évidence, dans divers organes de Mammiferes, de systemes inhibiteurs agissant sur
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Limbourg Pierre-Noirfalise Albert-Thill André
Reactions floristiques d`une prairie a Molinie aux facteurs edapho-chimiques,1977
Linacre E.T.
Leaf temperatures, diffusion resistances, and transpiration,1972
Lind Edna M.
Notes on the distribution of phytoplankton in some Kenya waters,1968
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Dynamics of the height growth of the hummock dwarf shrubs. Empetrum nigrum L. and Calluna
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The effect of summer frost damage on the growth and production of some raised bog dwarf
Lindsay Dennis C.
Lichens from Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land,1972
Lindsay Dennis C.
Growth rates of Cladonia rangiferina (L.) Web. on South Georgia,1975
Lindsay Dennis C.
Effects of reindeer on plant communities in the royal bay area of South Georgia,1973
Lindsay Dennis C.
Probable introductions of lichens to South Georgia,1973
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: I.New records for Buellia and Rinodina,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: II. The genus Peltigera,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: III. Cystocoleus niger (Huds.) Hariot,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: IV. Lichens from Tottanfjella, Dronning Maud Land,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: V.The genus Ochrolechia Massal.,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: VI. The genus Sphaerophorus Pers.,1972
Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: VII.The genera Cetraria Hoffm., Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl.,
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Lindsay Dennis C.
Notes on antarctic lichens: VIII. Lichens from the Shackleton Range,1974
Lindsay Dennis C.
Vegetation of the South Shetland Islands,1971
Lindsay Dennis C.
The Biology and Toxonomy of Lichens,1970
Lindsay Dennis C.
Two new Lichens from Marion Island, Southern Indian Ocean,1976
Lindsay Dennis C.
South Georgian Microlichens : II. A New Species of Microglaena Körb,1975
Lindsay Dennis C.
An Abnormal Growth Form od Usnea antarctica Du Rietz,1976
Lindsay Dennis C.
New Taxa ane New Records of Lichens from South Georgia,1974
Lindsay Dennis C.
Estimates of Lichen Growth Rates in the Maritime Antarctic,1973
Lindsay Dennis C.
Observations on Transplants of Antarctic Lichens,1977
Lindsay Dennis C.
The Role of Lichens in Antarctic Ecosystems,1978
Lindsay Dennis C.
Antarctic Lichens : IX. New Records from South Georgia,1980
Lindsay Dennis C.
Further Data on Antarctic Usneaceae,1969
Lindsay Dennis C.
Lichens New to South Georgia,1972
Lindsay Dennis C.
New Records for Antarctic Umbilicariaceae,1969
Lindsay Dennis C.
Lichens of Cold Deserts,1977
Lindsay Dennis C.
The lichens of the Birmingham region,1981
Lindsay Dennis C.
Birmingham and Warwickshire lichens: new records,1982
Lindsay Dennis C.
Lignicolous fungi in the Antarctic,1976
Lindsay Dennis C.
Lichen Flora of the Antarctic Continent and adjacent islands. By Carroll W.Dodge,1974
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Die natürliche Vegetation im Mündungsgebiet der Isar und ihre
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Muss man über Dünung noch forschen?,1973
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Physiologie der Ertragsbildung,1972
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System und Produkt in der Entwicklung von Daucus carota,1972
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Is there a common platform for the various schools about forest type classification?,1960
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Nutrient Interactions and Deficiency Diagnosis in the Lettuce. IV.Phosphorus Content and
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Lipp A.E.Grant - Goodall D.W.
Nutrient Interactions and Deficiency Diagnosis in the Lettuce. V.Potassium Content and
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Lippert Wolfgang
Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Naturschutzgebietes Berchtesgaden,1966
Lippert W.-Merxmüller H.
Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der bayerischen Alchemillen (I).,1974
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Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der bayerischen Alchemillen (II),1975
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Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der bayerischen Alchemillen (III),1976
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Plant growth regulation,1974
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O ujemnym wplywie nadmiernie wysokich dawek fosforu na owies,1935
Litynski Tadeusz
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Livingston Burton E.
The new laboratory of plant physiology at homewood,1912
Livingston Burton E.
The resistance offered by leaves to transpirational water loss,1912
Livingston Burton E.
The relation between climatic conditions and plant distribution in the United States,1912
Livingston Burton E. - Brown William H.
Relation of the daily march of transpiration to variations in the water content of foliage
Livingston Burton E. - Estabrook Arthur H.
Observations on the degree of stomatal movement in certain plants,1912
Ljunger Claes
Ions and Thermal Resistance. Studies on Growth,1963
Ljunger Claes
The Minimum Growth Temperature of Obligately Thermophylic Bacteria as Influenced by
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Ljunger Claes
On the Nature of the Heat Resistance of Thermophilic Bacteria,1970
Ljunger Claes
Inorganic ions in bacterial heat resistance,1973
Ljunger Claes
Further Investigations on the Nature of the Heat Resistance of Thermophilic Bacteria,1973
Ljunger Claes
Introductory Investigations of Ions and Thermal Resistance,1962
Ljunger Claes - Edebo Margareta
The Influence of Inorganic Ions on the Heat Stability of a Thermophilic Bacteriophage,1972
Ljunger Claes - Larsson Kerstin
On the Nature of the Heat Stabilizing Effect of Inorganic Ions on Escherichia coli,1973
Lloyd Dorothy Jordan
On the swelling of gelatin in hydrochloric acid and caustic soda,1920
Lloyd Dorothy Jordan - Pleass Winnifred Bertha
The absorption of water by gelatin,1927
Lloyd Dorothy Jordan - Pleass Winnifred Bertha
The absorption of water by gelatin. Part II. The nitrate system,1928
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The Effects of Leaf Age and Senescence on the Distribution of Carbon in Lolium
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Carbon mobilisation during leaf senescence,
Lloyd E.J.
Carbohydrate mobilisation during leaf senescence,
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Carbon mobilisation during leaf senescence,
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Regulation of sucrose metabolism during leaf senescence,
Lloyd Francis Ernest
The "Peg" or "Heel" in Seedlings of the Cucurbitaceae,1901
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Isolation and the origin of species,1905
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Studies on Spirogyra. I.Additional Studies on Conjugation. II.Adhesions and
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Plantation rubber: its source and acquisition,1926
Lloyd Francis Ernest
English Edition of Goebel`s Organographie der Pflanzen,1905
Lloyd Francis Ernest
The best methods of teaching botany to school students,1909
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Tannin-colloid combinations in the persimmon,1912
Lloyd Francis Ernest
The association of tannin with an emulsion colloid in the acorn,1912
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Some features of structure and behavior in Vampyrella lateritia,1926
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Report of a botanical expedition to the Island of Dominica, B.W.I.,1903
Lloyd Francis Ernest
Maturation and Conjugation in Spirogyra Longata,1926
Lloyd Francis Ernest - Scarth G.W.
A surface tensiometer and an osmometer for class work,1926
Lloyd Francis Ernest - Scarth G.W.
The origin of vacuoles,1926
Lloyd Francis Ernest - Úlehla V.
The Role of the Wall in the Living Cell as Studied by the Autographic Method,1926
Lobreau-Callen Danielle - Oltmann Olaf - Straka Herbert
Palynologia Madagassica et Mascarenica. Fam.99-110,1975
Lobreau-Callen Danielle-Nilsson Siwert-Albers Focke-Straka Herbert
Les Cneoraciae (Rutales) : étude taxonomique, palynologique et systématique,1978
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Role of allelopathy as expressed by dominating trees in a lowland forest in controlling
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Lodhi M.A.K.
Comparative Inhibition of Nitrifiers and Nitrification in a Forest Community as a Result
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Loew Oscar
Kann das Rubidium die physiologische Function des Kaliums in der Pflanzenzelle
Lohmeyer W. - Müller Th. - Pitzer E. - Sukopp H.
Die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gefährdeten Arten von Farn- und
Löhr Erika
Stickstoffgehalt in Blättern von Psychotria mit N-bindenden Endophyten,1968
Löhr Erika
Respirationsintensität in Stämmen, Zweigen und Blättern von Laubbäumen im tropischen
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Löhr Erika
Trehalose, Respiration und Photosynthese in dem Farn Ophioglossum.Ein neuer
Löhr Erika
Robinia: Stammens Stjernevaekst,1968
Löhr Erika
Drehwuchs bei Rosskastanie, Eiche uns anderen Bäumen,1967
Löhr Erika - Müller D.
Blatt.Atmung der höheren Bodenpflanzen im tropischen Regenurwald,1968
Lona Fausto - Bertoldi Remo
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