Library of reprints - P

Paarlahti Kimmo - Reinikainen Antti - Veijalainen Heikki
Nutritional diagnosis of scots pine stands by needle and peat analysis,1971

Padmos Ir.L.
Development of nitrogen usage in Western Europe since 1964,1974

Paerl Hans W.
Optimization of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Fixation by the Blue-Green Alga Anabaena in Freshwater Blooms,1979

Page Norwood R.
Estimation of Organic Matter in Atlantic Coastal Plain Soils With a Color-Difference Meter,1974

Pakarinen Pekka
Production and nutrient ecology of three Sphagnum species in southern Finnish raised bogs,1978

Pakarinen Pekka - Uotila Pertti
The vegetation of eutropic brook side swamps in Taipaleensuo, Hattula, South Finland,1971

Pakarinen Pekka-Mäkinen Ahti-Rinne Robert J.K.
Heavy metals in Cladonia arbuscula and Cladonia mitis in eastern Fennoscandia,1978

Pakarinen Pekka-Ruuhijärvi Rauno
Ordination of northern Finnish peatland vegetation with factor analysis and reciprocal averaging,1978

Pal D. - Broadbent F.E.
Kinetics of Rice Straw Decomposition in Soils,1975

Palazzo A.J. - Duell R.W.
Responses of Grasses and Legumes to Soil pH,1974

Paltridge, G.W.
Experiments on a mathematical model of a pasture,1972

Palva Pauli
Die Wasserpermeabilität der Zellen von Tolypellopsis stelligera,1939

Panczakowa J.
Effect of phosphorus on the enzymatic activity of water bacteria,1974

Pang P.C. - Cho C.M. - Hedlin R.A.
Effects of nitrogen concentration on the transformation of band-applied nitrogen fertilizers,1975

Pang P.C. - Cho C.M. - Hedlin R.A.
Effects of pH and nitrifier population on nitrification of band-aplied and homogeneously mixed urea nitrogen in soils,1975

Papp Constantin
materiale pentru flora briologica a Moldovei. Nota II,1960

Papp Constantin
Subunitati noi de Polypodiaceae,1967

Papp Constantin
Contributiuni la flora bryologica a Romaniei,1944

Papp Constantin
Botanisch-pharmakognostisches Studium über Folia alypi,1944

Papp Constantin
Le professeur Alexandre Popovici,1942

Pardo José H.
Nutritional value of the ammonium ion for higher green plants, especially agricultural forms,1935

Park Richard A.
A generalized model for simulating lake ecosystems,1974

Parker Johnson
Unusual Tonoplast in Conifer Leaves,1971

Parker Johnson
Seasonal Changes in Cold Resistance and Free Sugars of Some Hardwood Tree Barks,1962

Parker M.B.-Harris H.B.
Yield and Leaf Nitrogen of Nodulating and Nonnodulating Soybeans as Affected by Nitrogen and Molybdenum,1977

Parkin D.W. - Shacleton N.J.
Trade Wind and Temerature Correlations down a Deep-sea Core off the Saharan Coast,1973

Parkinson K.J.-Day W.
Water Vapour Calibration using Salt Hydrate Transitions,1981

Parlange Jean-Yves - Turner Neil C. - Waggoner Paul E.
Water Uptake, Diameter Change, and Nonlinear Diffusion in Tree Stems,1975

Parsons A.J.-Robson M.J.
Seasonal Changes in the Physiology of S24 Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). 2.Potential Leaf and Canopy Photosynthesis during the Transition from Vegetative to Reproductive growth,1981

Parton W.J.-Risser P.G.
Impact of Management Practices on the Tallgrass Prairie,1980

Pass T. - Griffin G.J.
Exogenous carbon and nitrogen requirements for conidial germination by Aspergillus flavus,1972

Passama L. - Hamzé M. - Wacquant J.-P.
Comportements comparés de deux especes calcicoles et de deux especes calcifuges sur terre humifere acide enrichie ou non en calcaire,1973

Passama L.-Ghorbal M.H.-Hamzé M.-Salsac L.-Wacquant J.-P.
Sur quelques facteurs écophysiologiques de différenciation entre calcioles et calcifuges en mimieu calcaire,1975

Passarge Harro
Beobachtungen über Pflanzengesellschaften der Moore im Bezirk Gdansk (Danzig),

Passarge Harro
Waldgesellschaften des Eichenwaldgebietes von SW-Mecklenburg und der Altmark,1962

Passarge Harro
Zur Gliederung und Systematik der Kiefernforstgesellschaften im Hagenower Land,1962

Patrick W.H. - Úlehlová Blanka

Patten Bernard C.
Systems Ecology: A Course Sequence in Mathematical Ecology,1966

Patzelt Gernot - Bortenschlager Sigmar
Die postglazialen Gletscher- und Klimachswankungen in der Venedigergruppe (Hohe Tauern, Ostalpen),1973

Patzelt Gernot - Bortenschlager Sigmar
Zur Chronologie des Spät- und Postglazials im Ötztal und Inntal (Ostalpen, Tirol),1973

Pauko Štefan
Štúdium glycidov a technologická hodnota jarného jačmeňa po napadnutí rastliny múčnatkou trávovou (Erysiphe graminis f.sp.hordei Marchal),1983

Pauler B.
Der Einbau radioaktiven Schwefels in Blattproteine von Ölrettichpflanzen,1972

Pavlik Bruce Michael
Patterns of Water Potential and Photosynthesis of Desert Sand Dune Plants, Eureka Valley, California,1980

Pavlov A.N. - Čerginěc B.I. - Grabovskaja M.I. - Kirnos S.V.
O sposobnosti reproduktivnych organov pšenicy k pervičnomu usvojeniju mineralnogo azota,1981

Pawlikowa Barbara
Wegle drzewne z wczesnosredniowiecznych kurhanów cialopalnych w Guciowie, pow.Zamosc, i Kornatce, pow. Myslenice,1974

Pawlowski Bogumil
Stan obecny systematyki roslin naczyniowych w Polsce na tle jej rozwoju w ubieglym 25-leciu,1971

Pawlowski B.
Wladyslaw Szafer 1886-1970,1971

Pažout Jaroslav - Vančura Vlastimil
Simultaneous Measurement of Ethylene and CO2 Production and of O2 Consumption in Soil and Pure Microbial Cultures,1981

Pearcy Robert W.
Temperature Responses of Growth and Photosynthetic CO2 Exchange Rates in Coastal and Desert Races of Atriplex lentiformis,1976

Pearcy Robert W.
Acclimation of Photosynthetic and Respiratory Carbon Dioxide Exchange to Growth Temperature in Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) Wats.,1977

Pearcy Robert W. - Harrison A.T. - Mooney H.A. - Björkman O.
Seasonal Changes in net Photosynthesis of Atriplex hymenelytra Shrubs Growing in Death Valley, California,1974

Pearcy Robert W. - Troughton John
C4 Photosynthesis in Tree Form Euphorbia Species from Hawaiian Rainforest Sites,1975

Pearl Raymond - White Florence Barclay - Miner John Rice
Age changes in alcohol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster,1929

Pearman G.I.-Weaver H.L.-Tanner C.B.
Boundary layer heat transfer coefficients under field conditions,1972

Pearman I.-Thomas S.M.-Thorne G.N.
Dark Respiration of Several Varieties of Winter Wheat Given Different Amounts of Nitrogen Fertilizer,1981

Peck A.J.
Redistribution of soil water after infiltration,1971

Pedersen D.-Sayler G.S.
Methanogenesis in freshwater sediments: inherent variability and effects of environmental contaminants,1980

Pegelow E.J.,Jr.- Buxton D.R.-Briggs R.E.-Muramoto H.-Gensler W.G.
Canopy Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Cotton as Affected by Leaf Type,1977

Peglar Sylvia
A Radiocarbon-dated Pollen Diagram from Loch of Winless, Caithness, North-East Scotland,1979

Peglar Sylvia M.-Wilson D.Gay
The abandoned river channel,1970/1971

Pegtel D.M.
Aspects of ecotypic differentiation in the perennial sowthistle,

Pegtel D.M.
Effects of temperature and moisture on the germination of two ecotypes of Sonchus arvensis L.,1972

Peichlová Marie
Jinan dvoulaločný - nejstarší žijící fosílie,8.3.1975

Peichlová Marie
Historie vegetace Broumovska,1980

Peichlová M.
Naše liány,23.2.1974

Peisker Martin-Apel Peter
Dark Respiration and the Effect of Oxygen on CO2 Compensation Concentration in Wheat Leaves,1980

Pelikán Eduard
Kmeny tobamovirů a některé další viry v planě rostoucí vegetaci,1984

Pelikán J. - Svoboda J. - Květ J.
Relationship between the population of muskrats (Ondatra zibethica and the primary production of cattail (Typha latifolia),1971

Pelíšek Josef
Půdní poměry chráněné krajinné oblasti ĺďárské vrchy,1975

Pelíšek Josef
Půdní typy a výšková půdní pásmitost v horských lesních oblastech ČSSR,1975

Pelíšek Josef
Výzkum přípustného zastoupení smrku mimo jeho přirozený areál (výzkum půdního prostředí),1975

Pelroy R.A. - Bassham J.A.
Photosynthetic and Dark Carbon Metabolism in Unicellular Blue-Green Algae,1972

Peňáz Jiří
Vliv fytotechniky na produkci, vývoj a změny struktury porostní směsi s douglaskou tisolistou na srovnávacích plochách hospodářského souboru 451 na školním lesním podniku VŠZ v Brně,1980

Penka Miroslav
Intenzita fotosyntézy a vodního provozu rostlin,1975

Penka Miroslav - Štěpánek Vlastislav
Intenzita fotosyntézy a vodního provozu,1975

Pěnková Ivana
Taxonomická studie československých jitrocelů z okruhu Plantago major L.s.l. s použitím metod mnohorozměrné analýzy,1981

Pennington Winifred
A chronostratigraphic comparison of Late-Weichselian and Late-Devensian subdivisions, illustrated by two radiocarbon-dated profiles from western Britain,1975

Pennington Winifred (Mrs. Tutin)
The Representation of Betula in the Late Devensian Deposits of Windermere, England,1981

Pennington Winifred (Mrs.T.G.Tutin)
Climatic changes in Britain, as interpreted from lake sediments, between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago,1975

Pennington Winifred (Mrs.T.G.Tutin)
Records of a lake`s life in time: the sediments,1981

Pennington Winifred (Mrs.T.G.Tutin) - Lishman Jean P.
The post-glacial sediments of Blelham Tarn: geochemistry and palaeoecology,1984

Pennington Winifred (Tutin T.G.)
The recent sediments of Windermere,1973

Pennington Winifred (Tutin T.G.)
Observation on Lake sediments using Fallout 137Cs as a Tracer,1973

Pennington W.(Mrs T.G.Tutin)-Cambray R.S.-Eakins J.D.-Harkness D.D.
Radionuclide dating of the recent sediments of Blelham Tarn,1976

Périgaud Simone
Effet du manque d`oxygene et de l`exces d`eau au niveau des racines sur la croissance et la nutrition globale de la plante,1967

Perrier A.
Mesure des températures de surface par les méthodes de luminescence,1970

Perrier A.
Mesure des tempratures de surface par radiométrie infrarouge,1970

Perrier A. - Seguin B.
Méthodes et techniques de détermination des coefficients de transfert et des flux dans l air,1970

Perring Franklyn

Persson Ake
The Vegetation at the Margin of the Receding Glacier Skaftafellsjökull, Southeastern Iceland,1964

Persson Lennart
Labile-binding and active uptake of anions in wheat roots. Part I,

Persson Lennart
Labile-binding and active uptake of anions in wheat roots. Part II,

Peršina M.N. - Li P.V.
Biologičeskij krugovorot zolnych elementov i azota v zoně burych polupustynnych počv,1971

Pessi Yrjö
Erfahrungen mit Stabian in Finnland,1968

Peterken G.F.
Developmental factors in the management of British woodlands,1974

Peters Gerald A.
Blue-Green Algae and Algal Associations,1978

Peters Gerald A. - Mayne Berger C.
The Azolla, Anabaena Azollae Relationship. II.Localisation of nitrogenase activity as assayed by acetylene reduction,1974

Peters K. - Engler A. - Graebner P.
Führer zu einem Rundgang durch die Freiland-Anlagen des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Berlin zu Berlin-Dahlem. Zweite Aufgabe,1921

Peters Robert Henry
Orthophosphate Turnover in East African Lakes,1976

Peterson C.J. - Fang E.H.C. - Hixon R.M.
The partition of the constituents of the cornstalk by the action of alkali,1932

Peterson C.J. - Hixon R.M.
The use of ammonium hydroxide as a pulping agent for the grasses,1932

Peterson David M. - Schrader L.E.
Growth and Nitrate Assimilation in Oats as Influenced by Temperature,1974

Petinov N.S. - Berko N.F.
Vlijanije vodnogo režima na poglotitělnuju dějatělnosč i intěnsivnosč dychanija korněvoj sistěmy kukuruzy,1961

Petrie A.H.K.
The drift of the content of potassium and calcium with age in plants,1934

Petrová J.
Über den Einfluss der ß-Strahlen auf die Permeabilität der Zelle,1936

Petruzzelli G.-Guidi G.-Lubrano L.
Influence of organic matter on lead adsorption by soil,1981

Pezet R.
L`excoriose de la vigne: généralités et connaissances nouvelles,1976

Peřina V. - Květ J.
Vliv prosvětlení horské smrčiny na tvorbu biomasy přízemního patra,1975

Pfadenhauer Jörg
Versuch einer Kennzeichnung rutschgefährdeter Hänge im Flysch mit Hilfe von Vegetation und Hangneigung, dargestellt am Beispiel des Teisenberg,1974

Pfadenhauer Jörg
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sphagnum-Moore in Südbrasilien,1979

Pfadenhauer Jörg
Die Ökologie einiger verbreiteter Dünenpflanzen in Rio Grande do Sul (Südbrasilien) im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für den Dünenbau,1979

Pfadenhauer Jörg
Die Stickstoffmineralisation in Böden subtropischer Regenwälder in Südbrasilien,1979

Pfaender P. - Feige G. - Wieland Th.
Indole zum Vergleich mit Amanita-Giften, VI. Hydroxylierung von Tryptophan und Tryptophylpeptiden,1967

Pfeffer W.
Die Produktion organischer Substanz in der Pflanze,1874

Pfeifer Regina
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Wurzelanatomie von Juncaceen,1980

Pfeiffer Hans
Versuche über die Beeinflussung von Form und Adhäsion nackter Protoplasten,1934

Pfeiffer Hans
Bemerkungen zur Dittrichschen Regel über die Beziehung zwischen Nitratspeicherung und Presssaftazidität pflanzlicher Gewebe,1932

Pfeiffer Hans
Beitrage zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Molekularkräften des Protoplasmas. II.Eine Modifikation der Methode zur Bestimmung des Reibungswiderstandes nackter Protoplasten,1933

Pfeiffer Hans
Kleine Beitrage zur Bestimmung des IEP von Protoplasten. VIII.Die Adhäsion nackter Protoplasten in azidimetrisch Abgestuften Azetatpuffern,1933

Pfeiffer Hans
Über die Plasmorrhyse nackter Protoplasten II,1932

Pfeiffer Hans
Über die Plasmorrhyse nackter Protoplasten in hypertonischen Medien I,1931

Pfeiffer Hans
Aus der Emtwicklungsgeschichte der Kegelzellen der Cyperaceen,1925

Pfennig Norbert
The phototrophic bacteria and their role in the sulfur cycle,1975

Pflug Werner
Kurzmitteilung. Effect of Humic Acids on the Activity of Soil Enzymes,1981

Pheloung P. - Barlow E.W.R.
Respiration and Carbohydrate Accumulation in the Water-Stressed Wheat Apex,1981

Philippi Georg
Laichkraut- und Wasserlinsengesellschaften des Oberrheingebietes zwischen Strassburg und Mannheim,1969

Philippi Georg
Zur Kenntnis einiger Röhrichtgesellschaften des Oberrheingebietes,1973

Philippi Georg
Vegetationskundliche Beobachtungen an Weihern des Stromberggebietes um Maulbronn,1977

Philippi Georg
Zur Kenntnis einiger Ruderalgesellschaften der nordbadischenFlugsandgebiete um Mannheim und Schwetzingen,1971

Philippi Georg
Zur Gliederung der Flachmoorgesellschaften des Südschwarzwaldes und der Hochvogesen,1963

Phillips Donald A.-Bennett James P.
Measuring Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Rangeland Plots of Trifolium subterraneum L. and Bromus mollis L.,1978

Phillips Linda
An application of fluorescence microscopy to the problem of derived pollen in British pleistocene deposits,1972

Phillips Linda
Vegetational history of the Ipswichian/Eemian interglacial in Britain and Continental Europe,1974

Phillipson J. - Abel R. - Steel J. - Woodell S.R.J.
Nematode Numbers, Biomass and Respiratory Metabolism in a Beech Woodland - Wytham Woods, Oxford,1977

Phillipson J. - Putman R.J. - Steel J. - Woodell S.R.J.
Litter Input, Litter Decomposition and the Evolution of Carbon Dioxide in a Beech Woodland - Wytham Woods, Oxford,1975

Phitos Dimitrios - Snogerup Sven
A New Species of Aethionema from Skiros, Grece,1973

Piech Kazimierz
Flora warstw miedzylodowcowych okolicy Szczercowa, Dzbanek Kosciuszkowskich i niektórych innych miejscowosci, w dorzeczu srodkowej Warty,1930

Piech K.
The flora of the interglacial strata in the environs of Szczerców, Dzbanki Kosciuszkowskie and some other places in the basin of the river Warta,1930

Pieczynska Ewa
Ecology of the eulittoral zone of lakes,1972

Pielou E.C. - Routledge R.D.
Salt Marsh Vegetation: Latitudinal Gradients in the Zonation Patterns,1976

Pierart Pierre
Etude morphologique et biosystématique de deux especes de spores permiennes du Gondwana (Punctatisporites gretensis et Densosporites brasiliensis),

Pieterse A.H.-Lange L.de-Verhagen L.
A Study on Certain Aspects of Seed Germination and Growth of Pistia stratiotes L.,1981

Pietsch R.
Pflanzensoziologische und ökologische Untersuchungen an Fussballsportrasen,1964

Pigot C.D. - Taylor K.
The distribution of some woodland herbs in relation to the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil,1964

Pijl L.van der
Flowers free from the environment?,1958

Pikula Jiří - Rybníček Kamil
Charakteristika životního prostředí suchozemských obratlovců při ekologických a faunistických výzkumech v ČSSR,1973

Pill Wallace G. - Lambeth Victor N.
Vermiculite-perlite-clay mixtures as container growth media,1975

Pils Gerhard
Systematik, Verbreitung und Karyologie der Festuca violacea-Gruppe (Poaceae) im Ostalpenraum,1980

Pimm S.L.-Lawton J.H.
Number of trophic levels in ecological communities,1977

Pires Antonio
Discursio de recepcion pronunciado por el presidente de la Academia,1975

Pirschle Karl
Acetaldehyd als Zwischenprodukt bei der Keimung fetthaltiger Samen,1926

Pirschle Karl
Zur Lage der Zellkerne in den Sekretkanälen der Umbelliferen,1926

Pisek Arthur - Kemnitzer Rosemarie
Der Einfluss von Frost auf die Photosynthese der Weisstanne (Abies alba Mill.),1968

Pisek Arthur - Larcher Walter - Pack Ida - Unterholzner Rosemarie
Kardinale Temperaturbereiche der Photosynthese und Grenztemperaturen des Lebens der Blätter verschiedener Spermatophyten. II.Temperaturmaximum der Netto-Photosynthese und Grenztemperaturen des Lebens,1968

Pissarek Hans-Peter
Untersuchungen über Bau und Funktion der Gramineen-Lodiculae,1971

Pitman M.G.
The determination of the salt relations of the cytoplasmic phase in cells of beetroot tissue,1963

Pitman M.G.
The Effect of Divalent Cations on the Uptake of Salt by Beetroot Tissue,1964

Pitschmann H.
Zwei neue Heterokonten (Pleurochloris polyphen und Heterococcus clavatus) aus Böden der alpinen Stufe des Mt.Kenya,1969

Pitschmann H.
Beitrage zur Thermalalgenflora der Insel Ischia,1969

Pitschmann H.
H. Gams 1893-1976,1980

Pitschmann H. - Reisigl H. - Schiechtl H.M. - Stern R.
Karte der aktuellen Vegetation von Tirol 1/100 000. III Teil: Blatt 5, Silvretta und Lechtaler Alpen,1973

Pitschmann H. - Reisigl H. - Schiechtl H.M. - Stern R.
Karte der aktuellen Vegetation von Tirol 1/100 000. 4 Teil: Blatt 8, Hohe Tauern und Pinzgau,1974

Pitschmann H. - Reisigl H. - Schiechtl H.M. - Stern R.
Karte der aktuellen Vegetation von Tirol 1/100 000. VII.Teil: Blatt 10, Ötztaler Alpen Meran,1980

Pitschmann, Hans
Nachruf auf em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Helmut Gams (1893-1976),1977

Plamondon André P.-Grandtner Miroslav M.
Microclimat Estival d`une Sapiniere á Hylocomium de la Foret Montmorency,1975

Plank C.O. - Martens D.C. - Hallock D.L.
Effect of soil application of fly ash on chemical composition and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) and on chemical composition of displaced soil solutions,1975

Pleass Winnifred Bertha
The absorption of water by gelatin. Part III. The sulphate system,1929

Ploeg Rienk Rindert van der - Edlinger Hans W.
Anwendung von CSMP III in der bodenkundlichen Umweltforschung,1975

Ploeg R.R. van der
Simulation of moisture transfer in soils: one-dimensional infiltration,1974

Ploeg R.R. van der
Use of soil physical principles in hydrological models,1974

Ploeg R.R. van der - Ulrich B. - Prenzel J. - Benecke P.
Modeling the mass balance of forest ecosystems,1975

Podlahová Růžena
Lignikolní zástupci čeledi Lasiosphaeriaceae (Fuckel) Nannf.,1974

Podlech Dietrich
Untersuchungen zur Ökologie atlantischer Pflanzen an ihrer Verbreitungsgrenze,1960

Podpěra J.
Ein Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora Böhmens,1904

Poissonet J. - César J.
Structure spécifique de la strate herbacée dans la savane a palmier ronier de Lamto (Cote-d`Ivoire),1972

Poissonet Paule S.-Poissonet Jacques A.-Gordon Michel P.-Long G.A.
A Comparison of Sampling Methods in Dense Herbaceaous Pasture,1973

Polanský Bohuslav
Péče o drobné lesy, selské i obecní,1936

Pollard E.
Resource Limited and Equilibrium Models of Populations,1981

Pollmer W.G.-Eberhard D.-Klein D.-Dhillon B.S.
Genetic Control of Nitrogen Uptake and Translocation in Maize,1979

Pollock Christopher John
Fructan metabolism in forage grasses,

Pollock Christopher John
Fructosan metabolism in temperate grasses,

Pollock Christopher John
Changes in the activity of sucrose-synthesizing enzymes in developing leaves of Lolium temulentum,1976

Pollock Christopher John
Pathway of fructosan synthesis in leaf bases of Dactylis glomerata,1979

Pollock C.J. - Hall M.A.
Metabolism of fructans in temperate grasses,

Pollock C.J. - Jones T.
Fructan metabolism in temperate grasses,

Pollock C.J. - Lloyd E.J.
Regulation of sucrose production and export in developing leaves,

Pollock C.J. - Lloyd E.J.
Sucrose metabolism in the senescent leaf,

Pollock C.J. - Preiss J.
Enzymes of starch synthesis in developing maize endosperm,

Pollock C.J. - Ruggles P.A. - Lloyd E.J.
Fructosan metabolism in grasses,

Polonenko D.R.-Pike D.J.-Mayfield C.I.
A method for the detection and analysis of growth patterns of microorganisms in soil,1978

Pomeroy Lawrence R.
The Ocean`s Food Web, A Changing Paradigm,1974

Ponomareva V.V.-Rožnova T.A.-Sotnikova N.S.
Osobennosti biologičeskogo krugovorota v chvojnych lesach gumidnogo klimata po rezultatam lizimetričeskich issledovanij,1971

Pons T.L.
An ecophysiological study in the field layer of ash coppice. I Field measurement,1976

Pons T.L.
An ecophysiological study in the field layer of ash coppice. II Experiments with Geum urbanum and Cirsium palustre in different light intensities,1977

Pons T.L.
An ecophysiological study in the field layer of ash coppice. III Influence of diminishing light intensity during growth on Geum urbanum and Cirsium palustre,1977

Pons T.L.
Possible significance of changes in the light reauirement of Cirsium palustre seeds after dispersal in ash coppice,1984

Pons T.L.
Significance of inhibition of seed germination under the leaf canopy in ash coppice,1983

Pons T.L.
Possible significance of changes in the light requirement of Cirsium palustre seeds after dispersal in ash coppice,1984

Poore M.E.D.
European Conservation Year,1971

Pope Leodocia M. - Jurtshuk Peter
Microtubule in Azotobacter vinelandii Strain O,1967

Por F.D.
Biotic migration through the Suez Canal,1971

Poranen Eira
Peltojen rikkakasvullisuudesta Kuopiossa ja Siilinjärvellä,1972

Portas Carlos A.M.
Development of root systems during the growth of some vegetable crops,1973

Porter John R. - Sheridan Richard P.
Inhibition of Nitrogen Fixation in Alfalfa by Arsenate, Heavy Metals Fluoride, and Simulated Acid Rain,1981

Pospíšil Karel
Vodní otázka v suché oblasti s hlediska zemědělcova,1936

Pospíšil Valentin
Die Binnengrenze der Steppenflora in Mittelmähren,1970

Post Lennart von
Forest tree pollen in south swedish peat bog deposits,1967

Postmus J.
De stikstofbemesting van grasland,

Postmus J.
14. het tijdstip van stikstof strooien in het voorjaar van 1976,1976

Pousette Jan
Aspects on the groundwater situation on Öland,1974

Powell C.Ll.
Rushes and sedges are non-mycotrophic,1975

Power J.F.-Alessi J.-Reichman G.A.-Grunes D.L.
Effect of Nitrogen Source on Corn and Bromegrass Production, Soil pH, and Inorganic Soil Nitrogen,1972

Prach Karel
Příspěvek k otázkám ekologické sukcese,1983

Pramer David
Microbiology and the Feeding of Mankind,1980

Prát Silvestr
Progress of plant physiological investigations in Czechoslovakia,1938

Prát Silvestr
Červené barvivo Potamogetonů,1923-1925

Prát Silvestr
Wasserstoffionenkonzentration und Plasmolyse,1926

Prát Silvestr
Die Anwendung der polarographischen Methodik in der Biologie,1926

Pratt David-Laws Peter-Griffith Jack
Complex of Bacteriophage M 13 Single-stranded DNA and Gene 5 Protein,1974

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