Library of reprints - R

Raabe Ernst-Wilhelm
Vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen zum Windschutzproblem in der Umgebung der Jägersburger Heide bei Meldorf,1957

Raabe E.W. a kol.
Verschollene und gefährdete Gefässpflanzen in Schleswig-Holstein,1979

Rabie Raafat K.-Arima Yasuhiro-Kumazawa Kikuo
Effect of Combined Nitrogen on the Distribution Pattern of Photosynthetic Assimilates in Nodulated Soybean Plant as Revealed by 14C,1980

Rabinowitz Deborah
Seven forms of rarity,1981

Rabinowitz Deborah
Principles of Conservation,1982

Rabinowitz Deborah
Mortality and initial propagule size in mangrove seedlings in Panama,1978

Rabinowitz Deborah
Dispersal Properties of Mangrove Propagules,1978

Rabinowitz Deborah
Early growth of mangrove seedlings in Panamá, and an hypothesis concerning the relationship of dispersal and zonation,1978

Rabinowitz Deborah
Buried viable seeds in a North American tall-grass prairie: the resemblance of their abundance and composition to dispersing seeds,1981

Rabinowitz Deborah
Bimodial distribution of seedling weight in relation to density of Festuca paradoxa Desv.,1979

Rabinowitz Deborah
Abundance and Diaspore Weight in Rare and Common Prairie Grasses,1978

Rabinowitz Deborah - Bassett Barbara K. - Renfro Gregory E.
Abundance and neighborhood structure for sparse and common grasses in a Missouri prairie,1979

Rabinowitz Deborah - Rapp Jody K.
Dispersal Abilities of Seven Sparse and Common Grasses from a Missouri Prairie,1981

Rabinowitz Deborah - Rapp Jody K.
Dual dispersal modes in hairgrass, Agrostis hiemalis (Walt.) B.S.P. (Gramineae),1979

Rabinowitz Deborah -Rapp Jody K.
Seed rain in a North American tall grass prairie,1980

Rabinowitz D.-Rapp J.K.-Sork V.L.-Rathcke B.J.-Reese G.A.-Weaver J.C
Phenological properties of wind- and insect-pollinated prairie plants,1981

Rabotnov T.A.
Bibliography of Papers on the Problems of Coenopopulations Published in the U.S.S.R., Part I,1980

Rachmanina A.T.
Nadzemnaja i podzemnaja fitomassa někotorych soobščestv vostočnojevropejskoj lesotundry,1971

Rácz Gabriel - Füzi Iosif
Rezultatele cercetarilor stiintifice intreprinse in domeniul. Plantelor medicinale si aromatice,1974/75

Rácz Gabriel - Laza Aristide
Plante medicinale si aromatice,1974/75

Radford G.L. - Pankhurst R.J.
A conservation data base,1973

Radmer Richard - Kok Bessel
Photosynthesis: Limited Yields, Unlimited Dreams,1977

Rai Bharat
Study of fungi on decaying leaves of Saccharum munja by differential washing technique,1976

Raison R.J.-McGarity J.W.
Some Effects of Plant Ash on the Chemical Properties of Soils and Aqueous Suspensions,1980

Raison R.J.-McGarity J.W.
Effects of Ash, Heat, and the Ash-Heat Interaction on Biological Activities in Two Contrasting Soils,1980

Raitviir A.
Novyje taksony gialoscifovych gribov,1977

Raitviir A.
Novyj rod gialoscifovych gribov,1977

Rajaram K.P. - Sethunathan N.
Factors inhibiting parathion hydrolysis in organic matter-amended soil under flooded conditions,1976

Rakouský Slavomír
Podíl exogenních a endogenních faktorů v procesu buněčné regenerace v protoplastových kulturách Solanaceae,1980

Ralska-Jasiewiczowa Magdalena
Slady osadnictwa prehistorycznego w diagramach pylkowych z obszaru Polski,1968

Ralston D.S. - Daniel W.H.
Effect of Temperatures and Water table Depth on the Growth of Creeping Bentgrass Roots,1972

Ramos A. -Barea J.M.-Callao V.
A phosphate dissolving and nitrogen fixing microrganism and its possible influence on soil fertility,1972

Randolph L.F.
Iris Nelsonii, a New Species of Louisiana Iris of Hybrid Origin,1966

Rangnekar Pratap V.
Effect of calcium deficiency on the carbon metabolism in photosynthesis and respiration of tomato leaf,1975

Rapp Maurice
Le cycle biogéochimique du soufre dans une foret de Quercus ilex L. du sud de la France,1973

Rapp M. - Cole D.-W.
Evolution des éléments minéraux dissous dans les précipitations et les percolats du sol a travers un écosysteme forestier,1973

Rapport David J.-Turner James E.
Economic Models in Ecology. The economics of resource allocation provide a framework for viewing ecological processes,1977

Raschke K.-Dittrich P.
/14 C/ Carbon-dioxide Fixation by Isolated Leaf Epidermes with Stomata Closed or Open,1977

Rashid G.H.
The volatilisation losses of nitrogen from added urea in some soils of Bangladesh,1977

Rasoarimalala Lucie - Albers Focke - Straka Herbert
Palynologia Madagassica et Mascarenica. Fam.112-119,1982

Raspopov I.M.
Ekosistěmy litoralnoj zony Oněžskogo ozera,1975

Ratcliffe D.A.
Safeguarding wild plants,

Raup Hugh M.
The relation of the vascular flora to some factors of site in the Mesters Vig district, Northeast Greenland,1969

Rauschert Stephan
Verbreitungskarten mitteldeutscher Leitpflanzen. 13 Reihe,1972

Ravarut M.-Burduja C.-Dobrescu C.-Papp C.-Birca C.-Raclaru P.
Cazuri de atacuri puternice de Viscum album L., Loranthus europaeus Jacq. si Merampsorella cerastii (Pers.) Winter in unele paduri se livezi din R.P.R.,1954

Raveh Ariella-Avnimelech Yoram
The Effect of Drying on the Colloidal Properties and Stability of Humic Compounds,1978

Raven J.A.
The effects of visible light on the influx and efflux of solutes in plant cells,1971

Raven J.A.
Light Stimulation of Active Transport in Hydrodictyon africanum,1967

Raven J.A.
Ion Transport in Hydrodictyon africanum,1967

Raven J.A.
Action spectra for photosynthesis and light-simulated ion transport processes in Hydrodictyon africanum,1969

Raven J.A.
The Role of Cyclic and Pseudocyclic Photophosphorylation in Photosynthetic 14CO2 Fixation in Hydrodictyon africanum,1970

Raven J.A.
Exogenous inorganic carbon sources in plant photosynthesis,1970

Raven J.A. - MacRobbie E.A.C. - Neumann J.
The Effect of Dio-9 on Photosynthesis and Ion Transport in Nitella, Tolypella, and Hydrodictyon,1969

Rawes Michael - Welch D.
Trials to Recreate Floristically-rich Vegetations by Plant introduction in the Northern Pennines, England,1972

Rawitscher Felix K.
Experiencias sobre a symetria das folhas,1937

Read D.W. L.-Spratt E.D.-Bailey L.D.-Warder F.G.
Residual effects of phosphorus fertilizer. I.For wheat grown on four chernozemic soil types in Saskatchewan and Manitoba,1977

Reader R.J.
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, shade, and the removal of new growth on longevity of overwintering bog ericad leaves,1980

Reddy M.Devender-Murthy I.Krishna-Reddy K.Anand-Venkatachari A.
Consumptive Use and Daily Evapotranspiration of Corn Under Different Levels of Nitrogen and Moisture Regimes,1980

Redmann R.E.
Plant-Water Relationships in a Mixed Grassland,1976

Redmann R.E.
Soil Respiration in a Mixed Grassland Ecosystem,1978

Redmann R.E.-Abouguendia Z.M.
Partitioning of Respiration from Soil, Litter and Plants in a Mixed-Grassland Ecosystem,1978

Reed R.C.P.III.
Plant Species Number, Biomass Accumulation and Productivity of a Differentially Fertilized Michigan Old-Field,1977

Reemtsma J.B.
Beurteilung der Trophie durch Nadelanalysen,1971

Regal Philip J.
Ecology and Evolution of Flowering Plant Dominance,1977

Regel C.
Beiträge zur Pflanzengeographie des Iraq I. Die mediterrane Vegetation,1957

Rehder H.
Nutrient Turnover Studies in Alpine Ecosystems. I.Phytomass and Nutrient Relations in Four Mat Communities of the Northern Calcareous Alps,1976

Rehder H.
Nutrient Turnover Studies in Alpine Ecosystems. II.Phytomass and Nutrient Relations in the Caricetum firmae,1976

Rehder H. - Schäfer A.
Nutrient Turnover Studies in Alpine Ecosystems. VI.Communities of the Central Alps and Comparative Survey,1978

Reichhoff L.
Erläuterungen zur Vegetationskarte des Naturschutzgebietes "Tote Täler",1978

Reichhoff L.-Böhnert W.-Knapp H.D.
Die Vegetation des Naturschutzgebietes "Tote Täler" - Vegetationsdifferenzierung im Übergangsbereich zwischen Wald und Rasen,1978

Reichholf J.
Dykyjová,D. et J.Květ (eds.): Pond Littoral Ecosystems. Structure and Functioning.,1979

Reichinstein D.
Eine mikrochemische Methode zur Bestimmung des Aciditätscharakters der organischen Farbstoffe,1937

Reichle David E.
Advances in Ecosystem Analysis,1975

Reichle D.E.
Forest Ecosystem,1974

Reichle D.E.-Dinger B.E.-Edwards N.T.-Harris W.F.-Sollins P.
Carbon Flow and Storage in a Forest Ecosystem,1972

Reichle D.E.-Duvigneaud P.-Olson J.S.
International Woodland Synthesis Symposium. A Proposal,1971

Reicosky D.C. - Campbell R.B. - Doty C.W.
Diurnal Fluctuation of Leaf-water Potential of Corn as Influenced by Soil Matric Potential and Microclimate,1975

Reicosky D.C. - Peters D.B.
A portable chamber for rapid evapotranspiration measurements on field plots,1977

Reid J.B.
Observations on Root Hair Production by Lucerne, Maize and Perennial Ryegrass Grown in a Sandy Loam,1981

Reif Albert - Lösch Rainer
Sukzessionen auf Sozialbrachflächen und Jungfichtenpflanzungen im nördlichen Spessart,1979

Reim Richard L. - Shane Miriam S. - Cannon Robert E.
The charakterization of a Bacillus capable of blue-green bactericidal activity,1974

Reimer A.-Shaykewich C.F.
Estimation of Manitoba Soil Temperatures from Atmospheric Meteorological Measurements,1980

Reisigl Herbert
Ophrys bertoloniiformis ssp.benacensis, eine palaeohybride Sippe des zentralen Südalpenrandes,1972

Reisigl Herbert
Von der Pflanzenwelt des Monte Baldo,1964

Reisigl Herbert
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Gams zum Gedenken,1978/1979

Reisigl H. - Pitschmann H.
Obere Grenzen von Flora und Vegetation in der Nivalstufe der Zentralen Ötztaler Alpen (Tirol),1958

Reiss Jürgen
Lebensmittelvergiftungen durch Bakterien und Schimmelpilze,1971

Rejmánek Marcel
K ekologické teorii populační struktury společenstev,1975

Rejmánková Eliška
Biomass, production and growth rate of duckweeds (Lemna gibba and L.minor),1973

Rejmánková Eliška
Biology of Duckweeds in a Pannonian fishpond,1975

Rejmánková Eliška
Funkce okřehků v rybničních ekosystémech,1979

Remezova G.L.
Rol travjanogo pokrova v biologičeskom krugovorotě dubravy,1971

Remison S.U.-Snaydon R.W.
Effects of defoliation and fertilizers on root competition between Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne,1980

Remison S.U.-Snaydon R.W.
A comparison of root competition and shoot competition between Dactylis glomerata and Holcus lanatus,1980

Renault J.
Etude ecologique des forets de la Haute Sure,1978

Rennie R.J.
A single medium for the isolation of acetylene-reducing (dinitrogen-fixing) bacteria from soils,1981

Renschuch Bodo
Verallgemeinerungen des bezoutschen Satzes,1966

Repčák Miroslav
Dynamika tvorby seskviterpénov v rumančeku pravom (Matricaria Chamomilla L.),1980

Repka Jozef
Medzinárodný biologický program,1966

Retovsky R.
Les analyses périodiques d`eaux minérales et la Spirogyra Borgeana Transeau,1935

Reuss J.O.-Soltanpour P.N.-Ludwick A.E.
Sampling Distribution of Nitrates in Irrigated Fields,1977

Reust W. - Münster J.
La période d`incubation des vatiétés de pommes de terre de l`assortiment suisse et son importance,1975

Reuther Gerhard
Physiologische Kriterien der Klimaresistenz als sortenspezifische Merkmale,1975

Revaz J.-P.
La précocité des graminées fourrageres,1970

Reynolds Colin S.
Temperature and nutrient concentration in the characterization of the water supply to a small kataglacial lake basin,1975

Reynolds Colin S. - Allen S.E.
Changes in the phytoplakton of Oak Mere, following the introduction of base-rich water,1968

Reynolds Colin S. - Godfrey Brian M.
Failure of a sediment-trapping device,1983

Reznik H. - Weberling F.
Flechten aus El Salvador und Honduras,1963

Rheinheimer Gerhard
Mikrobiologishe Untersuchungen in Flüssen. I.Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Analyse der Bakterienflora einiger norddeutscher Flüsse,1977

Rhodes I.-Mee S.S.
Changes in dry matter yield associated with selection for canopy characters in ryegrass,1980

Rice Elroy L. - Pancholy Sunil K.
Inhibition of nitrification by climax ecosystems. III.Inhibitors other than tannins,1974

Rice W.A.
Seasonal Patterns of Nitrogen Fixation and Dry Matter Production by Clovers Grown in the Peace River Region,1980

Rice W.A. - Paul E.A.
The acetylene reduction assay for measuring nitrogen fixation in waterlogged soil,1971

Richard Pierre
Atlas Pollinique des Abres et de Quelques Arbustes Indigenes du Québec,1970

Richard Pierre
Un Spectre Pollinique Type de la Sapiniera a Bouleau Blanc pour la Foret Montmorency,1968

Richards Herbert M.
Botany in the College Course,1911

Richter Hanno
Erhöhte Saugspannungswerte und morphologische Veränderungen durch transversale Einschnitte in einem Taxus-Stamm,1974

Richter Hanno
Wie entstehen Saugspannungsgradienten in Bäumen?,1972

Richter Hanno
Frictional Potential Losses and Total Water Potential in Plants: a Re-evaluation,1973

Richter Hanno H. - Plumb R.C. - Bridgman W.B.
On the Ascent of Sap,1973

Richter Hanno - Halbwachs Gottfried - Holzner Wolfgang
Saugspannungsmessungen in der Krone eines Mammutbaumes (Sequoiadendron giganteum),1972

Richter Hanno - Herrmann Reinhold
Zur Anreicherung UV-absorbierender Substanzen in der pflanzlichen Zellwand,1963

Richter J.
Zur Abhängigkeit des Bodenwasserpotentials von der Temperatur,1971

Richter J.
Zur Methodik des Bodengashaushaltes. I.Ökologisches Modell,1972

Richter J.
Zur Methodik des Bodengashaushaltes. II.Ergebnisse und Diskussion,1972

Richter J.-Grossgebauer A.
Untersuchungen zum Bodenlufthaushalt in einem Bodenbearbeitungsversuch. 2. Gasdiffusionskoeffizienten als Strukturmasse für Böden,1978

Richter Martin - Wistinghausen Eckard von
Unterscheidbarkeit von Humusfraktionen in Böden bei unterschiedlicher Bewirtschaftung,1981

Richter O.
Hans Molisch zum 75.Geburtstage!,1931

Rieder J.B.
Die Bemessung der Phosphat- und Kalidüngung im Gründlandbetrieb in Abhängigkeit von der Dynamik des internen Nährstoffkreislaufes,1975

Rieder J.B.
Grünland ein Ökosystem,1981

Riess W. - Tüxen R.
Bibliographie der Arbeiten über Einfluss des Feuers auf die Vegetation (Feuer und Vegetation),1976

Rietz G.Einar Du
Die Bedeutung der sekundären Standortsfaktoren,1925

Rietz G.Einar Du
Zur Klärung einiger historisch-pflanzensoziologischen Streitfragen,1924

Rietz G.Einar du
Discussion on The Classification and Nomenclature of Vegetation,1930

Rietz G.Einar du
Nordsvenska vegetationsregioner,1964

Rifaat Osama M.
Crossing-over across the centromere in the mating-type chromosome of Neurospora crassa,1969

Rigano Carmelo - Aliotta Giovanni - Martino Rigano Vittoria di
Observations on Enzymes of Ammonia Assimilation in Two Different Strains of Cyanidium caldarium,1975

Rigano Carmelo - Aliotta Giovanni - Violante Umberto
Reversible Inactivation by Ammonia of Assimilatory Nitrate Reductase in Cyanidium caldarium,1974

Rigano Carmelo - Violante Umberto
Effect of Nitrate, Ammonia and Nitrogen Starvation on the Regulation of Nitrate Reductase in Cyanidium caldarium,1973

Riley G.J.P.
Effects of adverse temperature on germination of maize,

Riley H.C.F.-MacLeod D.A.
Grass production studies in the uplands of north-east Scotland I.The effects of soil parent material, altitude and soil major group,1980

Ringelberg J.
Functionele aspecten van aquatische oecosystemen,1970

Ripley E.A. - Olm O.
A readout circuit for the Bradley anemometer,1972

Ripley E.A. - Olm O.J.
A Julian Day Indicator for a digital data logger,1973

Ripley E.A. - Saugier B.
Microclimate and production of a native grassland. A micrometeorological study,1974

Rishbeth J.
Resistance to fungal pathogens of tree roots,1972

Rishbeth J.
The production of rhizomorphs by Armillaria mellea from stumps,1972

Rishbeth J.
Biological control of plant diseases,1974

Rishbeth J.
Chemical treatment and inoculation of hardwood stumps for control of Armillaria mellea,1976

Rishbeth J.
Infection Foci of Armillaria mellea in First-rotation Hardwoods,1978

Ritchie J.T.
Soil Water Availability,1981

Rivas-Martinez S. - Izco J.
Sobre la vegetacion terofitica subnitrofila mediterranea (Brometalia rubenti-tectori),1977

Robarts Richard D.-Southall Gillian C.
Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton Growth in Seven Tropical Man-Made Lakes, with Special Reference to Lake McIlwaine, Rhodesia,1979

Roberts Alan
The stability of feasible random ecosystem,1974

Roberts Jeremy A. - Osborne Daphne J.
Auxin and the Control of Ethylene Production during the Development and Senescence of Leaves and Fruits,1981

Robichaux Robert H.-Pearcy Robert W.
Environmental Characteristics, Field Water Relations, and Photosynthetic Responses of C4 Hawaiian Euphorbia Species from Contrasting Habitats,1980

Robichaux Robert H.-Pearcy Robert W.
Photosynthetic Responses of C3 and C4 Species from Cool Shaded Habitats in Hawaii,1980

Robinson J.B.
Sulphate Influx in Characean Cells. I.General characteristics,1969

Robinson J.B.
Sulphate Influx in Characean Cells. II.Links with light and metabolism in Chara australis,1969

Robson M.J.
The Growth and Development of Simulated Swards of Perennial Ryegrass. I.Leaf Growth and Dry Weight Change as Related to the Ceiling Yield of a Seedling Sward,1973

Robson M.J.
Potential production - what is it and can we increase it?,

Robson M.J. - Parsons A.J.
Nitrogen Deficiency in Small Closed Communities of S24 Ryegrass. I.Photosynthesis, Respiration, Dry Matter Production and Partition,1978

Robson M.J. - Parsons A.J.
Respiratory Efflux of Carbon Dioxide from Mature and Meristematic Tissue of Uniculm Barley During Eighty Hours of Continuous Darkness,1981

Rodhe Wilhelm
Limnology Turns to Warm Lakes,1974

Rodhe Wilh.
The Symposium on Warm Lakes held on the Shore of Lake Kinneret (Lake Tiberias) 9-14 September 1973,1974

Rodi Dieter
Naturschutz, ein Bildungsauftrag an pädagogischen Hochschulen,1965

Rodin L.E.
Productivity of desert communities in central Asia,1979

Rodin L.E. - Bazilevich N.I. - Rozov N.N.
Productivity of the world s main ecosystems,1975

Rodin L.J.
Produktivnosč pustynnych soobščestv,1975

Rodin L.J.
Pervičnaja produktivnosč pustynnych soobščestv Severnoj Afriki i Azii,1976

Rodin L.J.
Ekologičeskije izmeněnija i opustynivanije,1978

Rodin L.J.
Karakumy, stacionar Repetek,1977

Rogowski A.S.-Jacoby E.L.Jr.
Assessment of Water Loss Patterns with Microlysimeters,1977

Roisin P.
Contribution a l`étude de la végétation forestiere des confins occidentaux du Massif ardennais,1962

Roisin P. - Thill A.
Excursions forestieres en Yougoslavie,1972

Romagnesi Henri
Position taxonomique de l`Agaricus oedipus Cooke,1980

Romagnesi Henri
Nouvelles observations sur les lactaires blancs (Albati Bataille),1980

Romagnesi Henri
Un cas d`hybrides interspécifiques chez les Agaricales?,1978

Romagnesi Henri
Un Mycena et deux Gymnopilus carbonicoles,1979

Romagnesi Henri
Un nouvel Hydrocybe paludicole: Cortinarius cucullatus nov.sp.,1978

Romagnesi Henri
Quelques especes rares ou nouvelles de macromycetes. VIII.- Rusulacées (1),1980

Romagnesi Henri
Quelques especes rares ou nouvelles de macromycetes. III.- Inocybe,1979

Romagnesi Henri - Gilles G.
Supplément aux "Rhodophylles des forets cotieres du Gabon et de la Cote d`Ivoire",1980

Romaszewska-Salata Joanna
Rzadkie i nowe dla Polski gatunki grzybów pasozytniczych,1975

Romell Lars-Gunnar
Växttidsundersökningar a tall och gran,1925

Rose C.W.-Begg J.E.-Byrne G.F.-Goncz J.H.-Torssell
Energy exchanges between a pasture and the atmosphere under steady and non-steady-state conditions,1971/1972

Rose Dietmar W. - Promnitz Lawrence C.
Verification of a Forest Stand Simulation Model,1975

Rosenkranz Friedrich
Klimacharakter und Pflanzendecke von Insulinde und von Australien,1937

Rosenstock G. - Sondermann C.
Untersuchungen zur Analyse der traumatischen Zellteilungsinduktion. II.,1974

Rosenthal W.D.-Kanemasu E.T.-Raney R.J.-Stone L.R.
Evaluation of an Evapotranspiration Model for Corn,1977

Roskoski Joann P.
Nitrogen Fixation in Hardwood Forests of the Northeastern United States,1980

Ross D.J. - Fergus I.F. - Martin A.E.
Studies on soil potassium. I.A theoretical model of the Q/I relationship,1972

Ross J.
2. Radiative Transfer in Plant Communities,1976

Rosvik Arne
Investigations on petal epidermis and its bearing on taxonomy in Primulaceae,1968

Rosvik Arne
On the taxonomic position of the genera Ardisiandra Hook. and Stimpsonia Wright within Primulaceae,1969

Rott Eugen
Ökologische Beobachtungen an der Blaualge Oscillatoria limosa Ag.im Piburger See (Tirol, Österreich),1976

Rott Eugen
Chlorophyll-a-Konzentration und Zellvolumen als Parameter der Phyto-planktonbiomasse,1978

Rott Eugen
Spectrophotometric and chromatographic chlorophyll analysis: comparison of results and discussion of the trichromatic method,1980

Rott Eugen
Primary Productivity and Activity Coefficients of the Phytoplankton of a Mesotrophic Soft-Water Lake (Piburger See, Tirol, Austria),1981

Rott Eugen
A contribution to the phytoplankton species composition of Parakrama Samudra, an ancient man-made lake in Sri Lanka,1983

Rott Eugen
Sind die Veränderungen im Phytoplanktonbild des Piburger Sees Auswirkungen der Tiefenwasserableitung?,1983

Rott Eugen
Ein Beitrag zur Algenflora andiner Hochlandseen Ecuadors (Südamerika),1981

Rotteburg Wolfgang - Koeppner Thusnelda
Die Wirkung der Faktoren Licht und Wasser auf den Spaltöffnungszustand bei Koniferen,1972

Rottenburg Wolfgang
Ein neues Koniferen-Porometer,1972

Rottenburg Wolfgang
Gefriervorgänge in lebendem Pflanzengewebe: der Beginn des intrazellulären Gefrierens,1972

Rouquette F.M.,Jr. - Holt E.C. - Ellis W.C.
Effect of N,P, and K fertilization and stages of Maturity on Chemical Composition of Fiber in Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.),1972

Rowe J.Stan
Environmental Preconditioning, with Special Reference to Forestry,1964

Rowe J.S.
Forest Ecosystem Symposium Final Summary of Opinions,1960

Rowe J.S.
Definition and Classification of Forest Ecosystems,1960

Rowe J.S.
Can we find a Common Platform for the Different Schools of the Forest Type Classification,1960

Rowntree Lester
California Wild Flower Seeds,

Rozema J. - Rozema-Dijst E. - Freijsen A.H.J. - Huber J.J.L.
Population Differentiation within Festuca rubra L. with Regard to Soil Salinity and Soil Water,1978

Rozsypal Jan
Houby na háďátku řepném Heterodera Schachtii Schmidt v moravských půdách,1934

Rübel E.
Wskazowki do badan socjologicznych w lesie bukowym,1926

Standort, Bestandsform und Betriebsart,1931

Rudd John W.M. - Hamilton R.D.
Factors controlling rates of methane oxidation and the distribution of the methane oxidizers in a small stratified lake,1975

Rudmark Lars
The deglaciation at Kalmarsund, south-eastern Sweden,1975

Rüegg J. - Nösberger J.
Influence of Temperature on the Phenological Development, Dry Matter Distribution, Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates and Crude Protein of Festuca pratensis Huds.,1977

Rüger Arnd-Becker-Birck Jürgen-Eigner Jürgen-Schladerbusch Hermann
Über Naturschutzgebiete in Schleswig-Holstein,1976

Rüger Arnd-Eigner Jürgen
Forschungsbedarf für die Praxis des Arten- und Biotopschutzes,1978

Ruitter H.de - Schuurmans J. - Kollöffel C.
Amino Acid Leakage from Cotyledons of Developing and Germinating Pea Seeds,1984

Rumburg C.B.
Yield and N Accumulation of Meadow Forage Fertilized at Advancing Maturity with N1,1972

Rundel Philip W.
The Ecological Distribution of C4 and C3 Grasses in the Hawaiian Islands,1980

Rundel Philip W. - Bratt Geoff C. - Lange Otto L.
Habitat Ecology and Physiological Response of Sticta filix and Pseudocyphellaria delisei from Tasmania,1979

Rune Olof
De serpentinicola elementen i Fennoskandiens flora,1957

Ruotsalo Ritva
Kulttuurin vaikutus kasvillisuuteen ja kasvistoon Kuopionniemellä,1965

Rusek J. - Úlehlová B. - Unar J.
Soil biological features of some alpine grasslans in Czechoslovakia,1975

Russel W.A.
Effect of Leaf Angle on Hybrid Performance in Maize (Zea mays L.),1972

Russell Clifford S. - Landsberg Hans H.
International Environmental Problems - a Taxonomy,1971

Russell J.S.
Evaluation of Residual Nutrient Effects in Soils,1977

Rutherford P.P. - Ali Naiem A.
Carbohydrate changes during cold storage of different cultivars of virus free and virus infected ruhrbarb,1975

Rutherford P.P. - Ali N.A.
Changes in Carbohydrates and Enzyme Activities in the Roots during the Forcing of Virus-free Timperley Early Rhubarb,1977

Ruuhijärvi Rauno
Multiple-use of peatlands in Finland with special reference to their conservation,1972

Ruuhijärvi Rauno
Soiden karpalosadoista - On the cranberry yields on peatlands,1974

Ruuhijärvi Rauno
Piirteitä Aarno Kalelan elämäntyöstä,1978

Ryan M. - Wedin W.F. - Bryan W.B.
Nitrate-N Levels of Perennial Grasses as Affected by Time and Level of Nitrogen Application,1972

Rybak Jan Igor
Spatial and time changes of some environmental factors in the pelagial of Mikolajske Lake,1972

Rybníček Kamil
A comparison of the present and past mire communities of Central Europe,1973

Rybníček Kamil
Pionýři života,7.12.1974

Rybníček Kamil

Rybníček Kamil
Vegetační změny po odvodnění rašelinných luk na příkladu z Českomoravské vysočiny,1974

Rybníček Kamil
Jména rostlin,1977

Rybníček Kamil
Květ kapradí,1977

Rybníček Kamil
Krásivky pramenné oblasti Branné v Hrubém Jeseníku,1958

Rybníček Kamil - Rybníčková Eliška
The Origin and Development of Waterlogged Meadows in the Central Part of the Šumava Foothills,1974

Rybníček Kamil - Rybníčková Eliška
Nálezy vzácných rašelinných mechorostů na Oravě,1972

Rybníček Kamil - Rybníčková Eliška
Rozšíření rašelinných a bahenních rostlin v jižní části ČM-vysočiny I.,1970

Rybníček Kamil - Rybníčková Eliška
The History of Flora and Vegetation on the Bláto mire in Southeastern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia,1968

Rybníček Kamil - Rybníčková Eliška
Carex davalliana SM. na Třeboňsku,7:203-207

Rybníčková Eliska
Jak vypadají pylová zrna,29.6.1974

Rybníčková Eliška
Pollenanalytische Unterlagen für die Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Waldvegetation im mittleren Teil des Otava-Böhmerwaldvorgebirges (Otavské Předšumaví),1973

Rybníčková Eliška
Přírodní archivy,12.10.1974

Rybníčková Eliška
Překvapení v rašelinách,1975

Rybníčková Eliška
Die Widerspiegelung von Siedlungsabläufen in Pollendiagrammen,1975

Rybníčková Eliška
Proč listí žloutne a padá,1977

Rybníčková Eliška - Rybníček Kamil - Jankovská Vlasta
Palaeoecological Investigations of Buried Peat Profiles from the Zbudovská blata Marshes, Southern Bohemia,1975

Rychnovská Milena
Koloběh vody v lučních společenstvech,1972

Rychnovská Milena
Vodní provoz lučních porostů v přirozené vlhkostní řadě na jižní Moravě,1972

Rychnovská Milena
Rašení jara,8.4.1974

Rychnovská Milena
Luční ekosystémy a jejich produktivita,1975

Rychnovská Milena
S.Hejný (ed.): Ecosystem Study on Wetland Biome in Czechoslovakia,1974

Rychnovská Milena
9. Alluvial Grassland Hydrosere : Primary production and plant processes,1976

Rychnovská Milena
Ecosystem synthesis of meadows,1979

Rychnovská Milena
The importance of seminatural grassland for the ecological stability of landscape in Czechoslovakia,1977

Rychnovská Milena
Grasslands: A Multifunctional Link between Natural and Man-made Ecosystems,1982

Rychnovská Milena
The Relationship between Sublethal Water Saturation Deficit and the Dynamics of Soil Moisture in Some Xerophilous Grasses,1967

Rychnovská Milena
Determination of Standardized Transpiration used as an Indirect Method for considering Stomatal Aperture under Field Conditions,1966

Rychnovská Milena
An outpost site of Corynephorus canescens in the region between the Danube and the Tisza and its causal explanation,1963

Rychnovská Milena (Ry)
Dravec mezi rostlinami,14.9.1974

Rychnovská Milena - Květ Jan
Contribution to the ecology of the steppe vegetation of the Tihany peninsula. II.Water retention capacity of some characteristic grass and forb species,1965

Rychnovská Milena - Květ Jan
Contribution to the ecology of the steppe vegetation of the Tihany peninsula. III.Estimation of drought resistance based on the saturation of water deficit,1965

Rychnovská Milena - Květ Jan
Water relations of some psammophytes with respect to their distribution,1963

Rychnovská Milena - Úlehlová Blanka
Die für Erklärung des Bestandsmosaiks Massgebenden mikroklimatischen Verschiedenheiten auf der Felsensteppe bei Moravský Krumlov,1966

Rychnovská-Soudková Milena
Study of the Reversibility of the Water Saturation Deficit as One of the Methods of Causal Phytogeography,1963

Ryle G.J.A.-Arnott R.A.-Powell C.E.
Distribution of Dry Weight Between Root and Shoot in White Clover Dependent on N2 Fixation or Utilizing Abundant Nitrate Nitrogen,1981

Ryle G.J.A.-Powell C.E.-Gordon A.J.
Patterns of 14C-labelled Assimilate Partitioning in Red and White Clover During Vegetative Growth,1981

Ryle G.J.A.-Powell C.E.-Gordon A.J.
Assimilate Partitioning in Red and White Clover Either Dependent on N2 Fixation in Root Nodules or Utilizing Nitrate Nitrogen,1981

Rymer L.
Modern pollen rain studies in Iceland,1973

Rypák Miloslav
Štúdium niektorých fyziologických procesov počas dozrievania, skladovania a klíčenia semien modelových drevín,1976

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