Library of reprints - T

Tadajewski Antoni
Bottom sediments in different limnetic zones of an eutropic lake,1966

Tadros V.T. - McGarity J.W.
A method for collecting soil percolate and soil solution in the field,1976

Tagawa T.
The influence of light on the stomatal opening,1936

Tahla M. - El-Damaty H. - El-Gala A.M. - Abo-Zayed A.M.
Changes in Physical Properties of Virgin Calcareous Soil by Several Seasons of Alfalfa Cultivation,1974

Takahashi Juro - Shoji Sadao - Nogi Terunobu - Wada Genshichi
The fate of fertilizer nitrogen aplied to the paddy field and its absorption by rice plant. V.The fate of basal nitrogen in the paddy field and its absorption by rice plant under the various cult.cond,1973

Takahashi Juro - Wada Genshichi - Shoji Sadao
The fate of fertilizer nitrogen aplied to the paddy field and its absorption by rice plant. VI.Influence of a thermal factor on the soil ammonium nitrogen and the absorption of nitrogen by rice plant,1976

Takahashi Juro - Wada Genshichi - Shoji Sadao
The fate of fertilizer nitrogen aplied to the paddy field and its absorption by rice plant. VII.Relationships between the absorption of nitrogen by the rice plants and the growth of the plants,1976

Takahashi M. - Norton A.B.
Seasonal changes in microbial biomass in the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia,1979

Takala Kalevi
Tietoja Suonenjoen pitäjän (Sb) jäkälistä,1965

Takeda Genkichi
Ecological Studies on the Photosynthesis of Winter Cereals. I.Diurnal changes in the photosynthesis of two-rowed barley under field conditions in winter,1976

Takeda Tomoshiro - Fukuyama Masataka
Studies on the Photosynthesis of the Gramineae. I.Differences in photosynthesis among subfamilies and their relations with the systematics of the Gramineae,1971

Takeda T.-Yajima M.-Aoki M.-Hakoyama S.-Saito H.-Ono H.
Chamber Method for Estimating the Primary Productivity of Rice Plant Population,1976

Talbot P.H.B.
Studies of "Pellicularia" and associated genera of Hymenomycetes,1965

Talling J.F.
The aplication of some electrochemical methods to the measurement of photosynthesis and respiration in fresh waters,1973

Talling J.F. - Rzóska J.
The development of plankton in relation to hydrological regime in the Blue Nile,1967

Tallis J.H. - Switsur V.R.
Studies on southern pennine peats. VI.A radiocarbon-dated pollen diagram from Featherbed Moss, Derbyshire,1973

Tam T.-Y. - Mayfield C.I. - Inniss W.E.
Nitrogen fixation and methane metabolism in a stream sediment-water system amended with leaf material,1981

Tamaši J.
Sravnitìlnoje issledovanije kornìvoj sistìmy proizrastajušèich na sypuèich peskach abrikosovych dìrevjev privitych na obyknovennyj abrikos (Prunus armeniaca L.) i na mirobalan(Prunus myrobalana Loisel,1960

Tan Geok-Yong - Tan Wai-Koon
Net Assimilation Rate and Relative Nitrogen Assimilation Rate in Relation to the Dry Matter Production of Alfalfa Cultivars,1981

Tan T.L. - Overbeck J.
Ökologische Untersuchungen über nitratreduzierende Bakterien im Wasser des Plussees (Schleswig-Holstein),1973

Tan Wai-Koon - Tan Geok-Yong - Walton P.D.
Canopy Characters and Their Relationship to Spring Productivity in Bromus inermis Leyss.,1977

Tang Pei-Sung
Regulation and Control of Multiple Pathways of Respiratory Metabolism in Relation to other Physiological Functions in Higher Plants:Recollections and Reflections on 50 years of Research in Plant Respi,1981

Tang Pei-Sung
The effects of CO and light on the oxygen consumption and on the production of CO2 by germinating seeds of Lupinus albus,1932

Tang Pei-Sung
Temperature characteristic for the anaerobic production of CO2 by germinating seeds of Lupinus albus,1932

Taniyama Tetsuro-Arikado Hiroki-Iwata Yukihiro - Sawanaka Kazuo
Studies on the mechanism of injurious effects of toxic gases on crop plants.On photosynthesis and dark respiration of the rice plant fumigated with sulfur dioxide for long period,1972

Tanner E.V.J.
Four Montane Rain Forests of Jamaica : A Quantitative Characterization of the Floristics, the Soils and the Foliar Mineral Levels, and a Discussion of the Interrelations,1977

Tansley A.G.
The classification of vegetation and the concept of development,1920

Tatsumi Jiro-Kono Yasuhiro
Root Growth of Rice Plants in Relation to Nitrogen Supply from Shoot,1980

Taylor Barrie F. - Heeb Mary Jo
The Anaerobic Degradation of Aromatic Compounds by a Denitrifying Bacterium,1972

Taylor Barrie F. - Hoare Derek S.
Thiobacillus denitrificans as an Obligate Chemolithotroph. II.Cell Suspension and Enzymic Studies,1971

Taylor Barrie F. - Lee Chun C. - Bunt John S.
Nitrogen-Fixation Associated with the Marine Blue-Green Alga, Trichodesmium, as Measured by the Acetylene-Reduction Technique,1973

Taylor Roy L.
The Flora North America Project,1971

Taylor W.R. - Arndt C.H.
The marine Algae of the southwestern peninsula of Hispaniola,1929

Taylorson R.B. - Hendricks S.B.
Aspects of Dormancy in Vascular Plants,1976

A Descriptive Analysis of the Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment,1974

Teakle L.J.H.
The absorption of phosphate from soil and solution cultures,1929

Teare I.D. - Sij J.W. - Waldren R.P. - Goltz S.M.
Comparative data on the rate of photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration of different organs in awned and awnless isogenic lines of wheat,1972

Tedin Olof
Vererbung, Variation und Systematik in der Gattung Camelina,1925

Teeri J.A. - Stowe L.G.
Climatic Patterns and the Distribution of C4 Grasses in North America,1976

Teeri J.A.-Stowe L.G.-Livingstone D.A.
The Distribution of C4 Species of the Cyperaceae in North America in Relation to Climate,1980

Tendille C. - Gervais C. - Coic Y. - Gaborit T.
Inflience de la nature de l alimentation azotée minérale sur la composition en substances azotées de seves exsudées de racines de mais et de tomate,1972

Tenhunen J.D.-Lange O.L.-Braun M.
Midday Stomatal Closure in Mediterranean Type Sclerophylls Under Simulated Habitat Conditions in an Environmental Chamber II.Effect of the Complex of Leaf Temperature and Air Humidity on Gas Exchange,1981

Tenhunen J.D.-Lange O.L.-Braun M.-Meyer A.-Lösch R.-Pereira J.S.
Midday Stomatal Closure in Arbutus unedo Leaves in a Natural Macchia and Under Simulated Habitat Conditions in an Environmental Chamber,1980

Teorell Torsten
A method of studying conditions within diffusion layers,1936

Teorell Torsten
On an arrangement for studying the conditions within diffusion layers,1935

Ter Borg S.J.
Some Topics in Plant Population Biology,1979

Ter Borg S.J. - Bastiaans J.C.
Host-parasite relations in Rhinanthus serotinus. I.The effect of growth conditions and host; a preliminary report,1973

Terman G.L.
Variability in Grass Forage Clipping Experiments Comparing Fertilizer Rates and Sources,1972

Terman G.L. - Noggle J.C. - Hunt C.M.
Nitrate-N and Total N Concentration Relationships in Several Plant Species,1976

Terry Norman
Photosynthesis, Growth, and the Role of Chloride,1977

Terry Norman - Ulrich Albert
Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on the Photosynthesis and Respiration of Leaves of Sugar Beet,1974

Terry Norman - Ulrich Albert
Photosynthetic and Respiratory CO2 Exchange of Sugar Beet Leaves as Influenced by Manganese Deficiency,1974

Tesaøová Marta
Litter Production and Disappearance in Some Alluvial Meadows (Preliminary Results),1976

Tesaøová Marta
The Relations between Plant Biomass Production and Biological Activity of Soils in Meadow Stands,1977

Tesaøová Marta (M.T.)
Brnìnská mládež svému mìstu,1978

Tesaøová Marta (m)
O tvarech a pohyblivosti pùdních mikrobù,1.2.1975

Tesaøová Marta - Gloser J.
Soil respiration in alluvial grassland as a function of temperature and moisture,1975

Tesaøová Marta - Gloser J.
Total CO2 output from alluvial soils with two types of grassland communities,1976

Tesaøová Marta - Schánìl L.
Humus Acids as a Nutrition Source for Some White-Rot Fungi,1968

Tesaøová Marta - Úlehlová Blanka
Abbau der Zellulose unter einigen Wiesengesellschaften,1968

Tesaøová M.
Wirkung der Qualität des Stickstoffs auf die Zellulosezersetzung bei verschiedener Bodenfeuchtigkeit,1971

Tesaøová M.
Litter disappearance in alluvial meadow plant communities,1975

Tessenow Uwe
Lösungs-, Diffusions- und Sorptionsprozesse in der Oberschicht von Seesedimenten. I.Ein Langzeitexperiment unter aeroben und anaeroben Bedingungen im Fliessgleichgewicht,1972

Tetley Richard M. - Thimann Kenneth V.
The Metabolism of Oat Leaves during Senescence. I.Respiration, carbohydrate metabolism, and the action of cytokinins,1974

Thalen Derk Catharinus Peter
Ecology and Utilization od Desert Shrub Rangelands in Iraq,1979

Theander Olof - Aman Per
Fractionation and Characterization of Alkali-soluble Polysaccharides in Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Meal,1978

Theander Olof - Aman Per
Low-molecular Carbohydrates in Rapeseed and Turnip Rapeseed Meals,1976

Theander Olof - Aman Per
Fractionation and Characterization of Polysaccharides in Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Meal,1977

Theurer J.C.-Wyse R.E.-Doney D.L.
Root Storage Respiration Rate in a Diallel Cross of Sugarbeet,1978

Thill André
La Flore et la Végétation du Parc National de Lesse et Lomme,1964

Thill A.
Contribution a l`étude du frene, de l`érable sycomore et du merisier,1975

Thimann Kenneth V.
Studies on the growth hormone of plants. VI.The distribution of the growth substance in plant tissues,1934

Thimann Kenneth V. - Went F.W.
On the Chemical Nature of the Rootforming Hormone,1934

Thoday D.
Some physiological aspects of differentiation,1933

Thomas Henry - Norris Jan B.
The influence of light and temperature during winter on growth and death in simulated swards of Lolium perenne,1981

Thomas Howard - Stoddart John L.
Separation of Chlorophyll Degradation from Other Senescence Processes in Leaves of a Mutant Genotype of Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratensis L.),1975

Thomas Ir.H. - Willemsen W.
Hoge nitraatgehalten in graslandprodukten,

Thomas Joseph - David K.A.V.
Site of Nitrogenase Activity in the Blue-Green Alga Anabaena sp.L-31,1972

Thomas J.C. - Brown K.W. - Jordan W.R.
Stomatal Response to Leaf Water Potential as Affected by Preconditioning Water Stress in the Field,1976

Thomas J.G. - Morris R.M.
Seasonal patterns of digestible organic matter and protein production from grasses in the North Pennines,1973

Thomas J.R. - Heilmann M.D. - Lyles L.
Predicting Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirements After Land Leveling,1974

Thomas P.T.
Plants, Production and People,1969

Thomas P.T.
Herbage Breeding,1969

Thomas P.T.
Common objectives in contrasting environments,1968/69

Thomas P.T.
Productive pastures for Britain,1972

Thomas Robert J.
Cell elongation in hepatics: the seta system,1980

Thomasson Kuno
Teodor Lippmaa. In Memoriam.,1953

Thomasson Kuno
Prof.Dr.Heinrichs Leonhards Skuja,1973

Thomasson Kuno
Plankton aus den Seen Orlangen und Trehörningen,1953

Thomasson Kuno
Algae from lakes in Northern Colorado,1964

Thompson J.A.-Roughley R.J.-Herridge D.F.
Criteria and methods for comparing the effectiveness of rhizobium strains for pasture legumes under field conditions,1974

Thompson R.
Palaeolimnology and Palaeomagnetism,1973

Thorne Robert F.
Summary statement on north Temperate Floristics,1971

Thornley J.H.M.-Cockshull K.E.
A Catastrophe Model for the Switch from Vegetative to Reproductive Growth in the Shoot Apex,1980

Thornley J.H.M.-Wilson J.Warren-Colley E.
The Initiation and Maintenance of Polarity : Mathematical Aspects of a Proposed Control System,1980

Thrower L.B. - Lewis D.H.
Uptake of sugars by Epichloe typhina (Pers.ex Fr.) Tul. in culture and from its host, Agrostis stolonifera L.,1973

Thrower Stella L. - Thrower L.B.
Translocation into Mature Leaves - The Pathway of Assimilate Movement,1980

Tichá Olga
Bibliography II 1979-1983 of the Kamenièky project (MAB Project No 91),1984

Tichomirov B.A.
Tundry SSSR, ich proischoždìnije, dinamika i puti preobrazovanija,1954

Tidestrom Ivar
Note on Botrychium virginiatum (L.)SW.,1905

Tiefenbrunner F. - Rott E.
Zur Biologie eines künstlich entstandenen Kleinbadesees,1975

Tieszen Larry L. - Johnson Douglas A.
Seasonal pattern of photosynthesis in individual grass leaves and other plant parts in Arctic Alaska with a portable 14CO2 system,1975

Tieszen L.L.-Senyimba M.M.-Imbamba S.K.-Troughton J.H.
The Distribution of C3 and C4 Grasses and Carbon Isotope Discrimination along and Altitudinal and Moisture Gradient in Kenya,1979

Tietema T.
Ecophysiology of the Sand Sedge Carex arenaria L. II.The Distribution of 14 C Assimilates,

Tietema T.
Ecophysiology of the sand sedge Carex arenaria L. II.The distribution of 14C assimilates,

Tietema T. - AA F.van der
Ecophysiology of the Sand Sedge, Carex arenaria L. III.Xylem Translocation and the Occurrence of Patches of Vigorous Growth Within the Continuum of a Rhizomatous Plant System,1981

Tietema T. - Vroman J.
Ecophysiology of the Sand Sedge, Carex arenaria L. I.Growth and Dry Matter Distribution,1978

Tikkanen Toini
Über die höheren Wasserpflanzen des polyhumosen Sees Hakojärvi,1972

Till A.R. - May P.F.
Nutrient cycling in grazed pastures. IV.The fate of sulphur-35 following its application to a small area in a grazed pasture,1971

Till A.R.-Blair Graeme J.
The Utilization by Grass of Sulphur and Phosphorus from Clover Litter,1978

Tilly Fritz
Über Sensibilisierung und Desensibilisierung lichtempfindlicher Samen (Lythrum Salicaria L.),1935

Tilzer Max M. - Schwarz Kurt
Seasonal and vertical patterns of phytoplankton light adaptation in a high mountain lake,1976

Timmis K. - Hobbs G. - Berkley R.C.W.
Chitinolytic clostridia isolated from marine mud,1974

Tipping E. - Woof C.
Seasonal variations in the concentrations of humic substances in a soft-water lake,1983

Tipping E. - Woof C. - Cooke D.
Iron oxide from a seasonally anoxic lake,1981

Tirtapradja H.
Quantitative Untersuchungen an Kieselzellen in blättern und Halmen von Festuca pratensis Huds. und F.arundinacea Schreb.,1971

Tisdall J.M.-Cockroft B.-Uren N.C.
The Stability of Soil Aggregates as Affected by Organic Materials, Microbial Activity and Physical Disruption,1978

Tisdall J.M.-Oades J.M.
The Effect of Crop Rotation on Aggregation in a Red-brown Earth,1980

A production model for Microphyllum spicatum L.,1975

Titz Walter
Über die Anwendbarkeit biomatematischer und biostatistischer Methoden in der Systematik (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung multivariater Verfahren),1982

Tobìrná Vìra
Fytocenologická charakteristika vybraných rostlinných spoleèenstev nìkterých výsypek Mostecka,1974

Tobler Friedrich
Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis des sogenannten Gummihanfes,1941

Tobler Friedrich
Zur Kenntnis der Blattform von Ginkgo biloba,1940

Todd R.L.- Kerr T.J.
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Microbial Cells on Membrane Filters,1972

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Gnaphalium Galièicae spec.nova,1973

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Prilog za zapoznavanje na florata na Makedonija, 7.,1973

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Prilog za zapoznavanje na florata na Makedonija, 8.,1973

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Kritièki osvrt vrz horologijata na nekoi rastenija vo Makedonija,1973

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Spisok na endemite na višata flora na Kazachstan (SSSR). Prilog za poznavanje na florata na Makedonija, 6,1972

Todorovski Aleksandar Gj.
Kritièki osvrt vrz horologijata na nekoi rastenijy na - Flora europaea - Vol. 1., 2. i 3.,1974

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Prilog za poznavanje na florata na Makedonija I,1968

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Dendrofloristièki nedostatoci vo deloto na prof.inž.Chans Em - pregled na dendroflorata na Makedonija,1968

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Fitogeografski nedostatoci vo deloto na dr.Radovan Damac - Ekskurziska flora na Chrvatska i sosednite podraèja,1968

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Fitogeografski nedostatoci vo - Flora na NR Bugarija, tom I,II,III (1963-1966g.),1968

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Pelister i negoviot rastitelen svet (kratok osvrt),1972

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Kratok pregled na endemi na višata flora na balkanskiot poluostrov. Prilog za zapoznavanje na florata na makedonija, IV,1971

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Kratok pregled na endemi na višata flora na balkanskiot poluostrov. (I prilog). Prilog za poznavanje na florata na Makedonija III,1970

Todorovski Aleksandar G.
Fitogeografski marginalii vrz deloto na Dr. Radovan Domac - Ekskurziska Flora na Chrvatska i sosednite podraèja,1967

Toetz Dale - Varga Luis - Huss Barbara
Observations on Uptake of Nitrate and Ammonia by Reservoir Phytoplankton,1977

Toivonen Heikki
Yllättävä Cladium mariscus-löytö Suursaaresta vuodelta 1856,1978

Toivonen Heikki
Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of Carex canescens (Cyperaceae),1981

Toivonen Heikki-Lappalainen Teuvo
Ecology and production of aquatic macrophytes in the oligotrophic, mesohumic lake Suomunjärvi, eastern Finland,1980

Toivonen J.E. - Nierlich D.P.
Biological decay of the 5`-triphosphate termini of the RNA of E.coli,1974

Toledo J.M.-Burns J.C.-Lucas H.L.Jr.-Angelone A.
Herbage measurement in situ by electronics. 3.Calibration, characterization and field application of the earth-plate forage capacitance meter: a prototype,1980

Tolonen Kimmo
On the regeneration of Northeuropean bogs. I.Klaukkalan Isosuo in S.Finland,1971

Tolonen Kimmo
Pollen, Algal Remains and Macrosubfossils from Lake Gallträsk, S.Finland,1980

Tolonen Kimmo
Turvekertymistä ja turpeen tilavuuspainoista kolmessa etelä-suomalaisessa keidassuossa,1977

Tolonen Kimmo - Hosiaisluoma Väinö
Chemical properties of surface water in Finnish ombrotrophic mire complexes with special reference to algal growth,1978

Tolonen Mirjami
The history of agriculture in Sääksmäki traced by pollen analysis,1978

Tolonen Mirjami
Palaeoecology of annually laminated sediments in Lake Ahvenainen, S.Finland. I.Pollen and charcoal analyses and their relation to human impact,1978

Tolonen Mirjami
Palaeoecology of annually laminated sediments in Lake Ahvenainen, S.Finland. II.Comparison of dating methods,1978

Tolonen Mirjami
Palaeoecology of annually laminated sediments in Lake Ahvenainen, S.Finland. III.Human influence in the lake development,1978

Tolonen Mirjami
An absolute and relative pollen analytic study on prehistoric agriculture in South Finland,1981

Filtrabilní virusy,

Tomlinson Geraldine A. - Hochstein Lawrence I.
Isolation of carbohydrate-metabolizing, extremely halophylic bacteria,1972

Tont Sargun A.
Short-Period Climatic Fluctuations: Effects on Diatom Biomass,1976

Torrey John G.
Nitrogen Fixation by Actinomycete-Nodulated Angiosperms,1978

Tóth László
Phytozönologische Untersuchungen über die röhrichte des Balaton-sees,1960

Tóth László - Feldföldy Lajos - Szabó Ernö
A Balatoni nádas produkció mérésének néhány problémájáról,1961

Tóth László - Szabó Ernö
Zönologische und ökologische Untersuchungen in den Röhrichten des Neusiedlersees (Fertö-tó),1961

Touchton J.T.-Hoeft R.G.-Welch L.F.
Nitrapyrin Degradation and Movement in Soil,1978

Touchton J.T.-Hoeft R.G.-Welch L.F.
Effect of Nitrapyrin on Nitrification of Fall and Spring-Applied Anhydrous Ammonia,1978

Touw A.
De Nederaldse Pottiaceae (Clinclidotoideae en Pottioideae excl.Tortula),1963

Touw A.
Hymenostomum rostellatum (Brid.) Schimp. een nieuwe soort voor nederland,1963

Touw A.
Calypogeja muelleriana (Schiffn.) K.Muell. in Nederland,1963

Towpasz Krystyna
Charakterystyka geobotaniczna Pogórza Strzyzowskiego,1990

Tracey R.
Festuca ovina agg. im Osten Österreichs - Bestimmungsschlüssel und kritische Bemerkungen zur Verbreitung und Abgrenzung,1978

Traczyk Tadeusz - Traczyk Henryka - Moszynska Bogna
Herb layer production of two pinewood communities in the Kampinos National Park,1973

Trautmann Werner
Erläuterungen zur Karte der potentiellen natürlichen Vegetation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1:200 000. Blatt 85 Minden,1966

Tregunna E.B. - Downton J.
Carbon dioxide compensation in members of the Amaranthaceae and some related families,1967

Treichel Siegfried - Bauer Peter
Unterschiedliche NaCl-Abhängigkeit des tagesperiodischen CO2-Gaswechsels bei einigen halisch wachsenden Küstenpflanzen,1974

Trenkwalder Herbert
Neue Bodenalgen aus Föhrenwälern im Raum von Brixen (Südtirol, Italien),1975

Trentepohl H.
Acker-Unkraut-Gesellschaften westlich von Darmstadt,1956

Trolldenier G. - Rheinbaben W.von
Root respiration and bacterial population of roots I. Effect of nitrogen source, potassium nutrition and aeration of roots,1981

Trolldenier G. - Rheinbaben W.von
Root respiration and bacterial population of roots II. Effect of Nutrient deficiency,1981

Troughton Arthur
The development of leaf water deficits in plants of Lolium perenne in relation to the sizes of the root and shoot systems,1974

Troughton Arthur
Length of life of grass roots,1981

Troughton Arthur - Whittington W.J.
The signifikance of genetic variation in root systems,1968

Troughton A.
Intra-varietal variation of yield in two varieties of Lolium perenne L.,1970

Troxler J.-Lehmann J.-Briner H.U.
Essais comparatifs de ray-grass d Italie et de ray-grass Westerwold en culture annuelle,1973

Trüper Hans G.
The enzymology of sulfur metabolism in phototrophic bacteria - a review,1975

Trust T.J. - Sparrow R.A.H.
The bacterial flora in the alimentary tract of freshwater salmonid fishes,1974

Tschapek M.-Ardizzi G.Pozzo-Busseti S.G.de
Wettability of humic acid and its salts,

Tschirch A.
Ueber die Bildung von Harzen und ätherische Oelen im Pflanzenkörper,1893

Tso Man-Yin W.
Some Properties of the Nitrogenase Proteins from Clostridium pasteurianum,1974

Tsuriell D.E.
Influence of wind velocity on transpiration of a sand dune plant, Ammophila arenaria,1963

Tuba Z. - Nyilas J.
Correlation between the vertical light and photosynthetical pigment structure of a multilayer community (turkey-oak forest),1980

Tucker Compton J.
A critical review of remote sensing and other methods for non-destructive estimation of standing crop biomass,1980

Tumidajowicz D.
Population Dynamics of Anemone nemorosa in the Niepolomice Forest,1975

Tuomikoski R.
Notes on some principles of phylogenetic systematics,1967

Tuovinen Olli H. - Kelley Bruce C. - Nicholas D.J.Donald
The Uptake and Assimilation of Sulphate by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans,1975

Tuovinen Olli H. - Kelly Donovan P.
Studies on the Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans.I.Use of Membrane Filters and Ferrous Iron Agar to Determine Viable Numbers,and Comparison with 14CO2-Fixat.and Iron Oxidation as Measures of Growth,1973

Tuovinen Olli H. - Kelly Donovan P.
Studies on the Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. V.Factors Affecting Growth in Liquid Culture and Development of Colonies on Solid Media Containing Inorganic Sulphur Compounds,1974

Turèek František J.
Ecological studies of birds and mammals on Mat-grasslands,1972

Turitzin S.N.-Drake B.G.
The Effect of a Seasonal Change in Canopy Structure on the Photosynthetic Efficiency of a Salt Marsh,1981

Türk Roman - Hoislbauer, Gottfried
Der Flechtenbewuchs von Birn- und Apfeibäumen als Indikator für die Luftverunreinigung im Grossraum Linz,1978

Türk Roman - Wirth V. - Lange O.L.
CO2-Gaswechsel-Untersuchungen zur SO2-Resistenz von Flechten,1974

Turner B.D.
Energy Flow in Arboreal Epiphytic Communities. An Empirical Model of Net Primary Productivity in the Alga Pleurococcus on Larch Trees,1975

Turner C. - West R.G.
The subdivision and zonation of interglacial periods,1968

Turner Judith
The anthropogenetic factor in vegetational history. I.Tregaron and Whixall mosses,1964

Turner Judith
A contribution to the history of forest clearance,1965

Turner Matthew D. - Rabinowitz Deborah
Factors affecting frequency distributions of plant mass: the absence of dominance and suppression in competing monocultures of Festuca paradoxa,1983

Turner Neil C.
Techniques and Experimental Approaches for the Measurement of Plant Water Status,1981

Turner Neil C.-Begg John E.
Plant-Water Relations and Adaptation to Stress,1981

Tutin T.G.
Apium L.,1975

Tutin T.G.

Tutin T.G.
Molinia in SW Spain,1975

Tutin T.G.
Notes on Jasione L. in Europe,1973

Tutin T.G.
Poa L.,1975

Tuttle Jon H. - Dugan Patrick R.
Infibition of growth, iron, and sulfur oxidation in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans by simple organic compounds,1976

Tuttle Jon H. - Holmes Paul E. - Jannasch Holger W.
Growth Rate Stimulation of Marine Pseudomonads by Thiosulfate,1974

Tüxen Reinhold
Bibliographie der Bestimmungsschlüssel von Pflanzengesellschaften.II.,1968/69

Tüxen Reinhold
Erinnerung und Dank von Reinhold Tüxen,

Tüxen Reinhold
Bibliographie zum Problem: Lysimeter in Pflanzengesellschaften II,1976

Tüxen Reinhold
Richtlinien für die Aufstellung eines Prodromus der Europäischen Pflanzengelellschaften,1972

Tüxen Reinhold
Can we find a Common platform for the different schools of the forest type classification?,1960

Tüxen Reinhold
II. Zur Homogenität von Sigmassoziationen, ihrer syntaxonomischen Ordnung und ihrer Verwendung in der Vegetationskartierung,1977

Tüxen Reinhold
Bibliographie: Pflanzensoziologische Gärten (III),

Tüxen Reinhold
Pflanzengesellschaften als Indikatoren für Land- und Wasserwirtschaft,1978

Tüxen Reinhold
Typen von Vegetationskarten und ihre Erarbeitung,1963

Tüxen Reinhold von
Über nitrophile Elymus-Gesellschaften an nordeuropäischen, nordjapanischen und nordamerikanischen Küsten,1966

Tüxen Reinhold - Böttcher Hans
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Tüxen Reinhold - Diemont Herbert
Klimaxgruppe und Klimaxschwarm,1937

Tüxen Reinhold - Dierschke H.
Das Lahrer Moor,1974

Tüxen Reinhold - Grootjans A.P.
Bibliographie der Arbeiten über Vegetation und Wasserhaushalt des Bodens,1978

Tüxen Reinhold - Hülbusch
Bolboschoenetea maritimi,1971

Tüxen Reinhold - Kawamura Yuko
Gesichtspunkte zur syntaxonomischen Fassung und Gliederung von Pflanzengesellschaften entwickelt am Beispiel des nordwestdeutschen Genisto-Callunetum,1975

Tüxen Reinhold - Miyawaki A. - Fujiwara Kazue
Eine erweiterte Gliederung der Oxycocco-Sphagnetea,1972

Tüxen Reinhold - Ohba Tatsuyuki
Zur Kenntnis von Bach- und Quell-Erlenwäldern (Stellario nemori-Alnetum glutinosae und Ribo sylvestris-Alnetum glutinosae),1975

Tüxen Reinhold - Ohno Keichi - Vahle Hans-Christoph
I. Zum Problem der Homogenität von Assoziations-Tabellen,1977

Tüxen Reinhold - Wojterska Maria
Bibliographia phytosociologica paleosociologica, Pars II,1978/79

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The Horizontally Perforated Soil System: A new Root Observation Method,1981

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Tyrväinen Heikki
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