Library of reprints - V

Vaarama Antero
Lake Finland and its Lake Types,1961

Vachobov A.V.
Biologičeskij krugovorot elementov v jestěstvennoj rastitelnosti i kulture chlopčatnika na serozemnych počvach jugo-zapadnogo Tadžikistana,1971

Väisälä Leena
Effects of terpene compounds on the growth and peroxidase activity of Phellinus pini,1978

Vakkari Marja-Leena
The effect of methionine on thg growth, ethylene production and phenolic compounds of Atropa belladonna L. callus culture,1980

Valanne Niina - Aro Eva-Mari - Repo Elina
Changes in Photosynthetic Capacity and Activity of RuBPC-ase and Glycolate Oxidase during the Early Growth of Moss Protonemata in Continuous and Rhythmic Light,1978

Valdeyron G.
On the development of incompatibility and sex systems in higher plants and their evolutive meaning,1972

Valentine D.H.
Floristics in Europe,1971

Valentine I. - Barley K.P.
Effects of soil temperature and phosphorus supply on an annual grass and clover grown in monoculture and in mixed culture,1976

Valovirta E.J.
Lars Levi Laestadiuksen kasvikokoelma Jyväskylässä,1967

Van Alfen Neal K. - Turner Neil C.
Influence of a Ceratocystis ulmi Toxin on Water Relations of Elm (Ulmus americana),1975

Van Burg P.F.J. - Rauw G.J.G.
Stikstofwerking van ureum op grasland,

Van Dyne, George M.
Organization and management of an integrated ecological research program - with special emphasis on system analysis, universitis, and scientific cooperation,1971

Van Ert M. - Staley J.T.
A New Gas Vacuolated Heterotrophic Rod from Freshwaters,1971

Van Schaik J.C. - Cairns R.R.
Influence of ammonium on the behavior of clay particles in a sodic soil and bentonite,1974

Váňa Jiří
Taxonomicko-chronologické studie vybraných skupin játrovek podřádu Jungermanniineae,1984

Diurnal Variation in Algal Acetylene Reduction (Nitrogen Fixation) in Situ,1975

Vandiest-Wallon Anne
Amenagement paysager des emprises autoroutieres sur des bases écologiques,1975

Vanesse R.
La levée de l`état de dormance chez la graine de sapin Douglas,1975

Vanesse R.
Un exemple d`analyse du stock grainier dans un sol forestier,1977

Vareschi Volkmar - Pannier Fritz
Über den Wasserhaushalt tropischer Loranthaceen am natürlicher Standort,1953

Vargas J.M. - Turgeon A.J.
Translocation of 14C-labelled chloroneb in three turfgrass species,1975

Varlet Grancher C.- Bonhomme R.
Assimilation nette, utilisation de l eau et microclimatologie d un champ de mais. III.Composition spectrale de la lumiere dans la culture,1971

Varlet Grancher C.-Artis P.-Bonhomme R
Increase of leaf area index and photosynthetic test in various sweet potato crops,1971

Varlet-Grancher C. - Bonhomme R.
Assimilation nette, utilisation de l eau et microclimatologie d un champ de Mais. III.-Composition spectrale de la lumiere dans la culture,1971

Varlet-Grancher C. - Bonhomme R.
Efficience de la conversion de l`énergie solaire par un couvert végétal,1982

Vartha E.W.-Matches A.G.-Thompson G.B.
Yield and Quality Trends of Tall Fescue Grazed with different Subdivisions of Pasture,1977

Vasander Harri
The length grow rate, biomass and production of Cladonia arbuscula and C.rangiferina in a raised bog in southern Finland,1981

Vasari Yrjö - Siuruainen Mirja - Martikainen Pentti
Index Seminum 1981,1981

Vaughan D.-Ord B.G.
Uptake and Incorporation of 14C-labelled Soil Organic Matter by Roots of Pisum sativum L.,1981

Vaughn Charles E. - Jones Milton B.
Nitrogen Fixation by Intact Annual Rangeland Species in Soil,1976

Vavroušek Bohumil - Hykeš O.V. - Novák Arne
Album Jana Ev.Purkyně ke stopadesátému výročí učencova narození,1937

Vašíček Ferdinand
Primární produktivita dřevinné složky a její produkce ve vybraných lesních ekosystémech,1975

Vašíček Ferdinand
Biomasa a struktura bylinné vrstvy v ekosystému lužního lesa (Ulmete Fraxinetum carpineum),1975

Vašků Zdeněk
Charakterizování vodního režimu prostředí v hydromeliorační praxi,1974

Vegis Auseklis
Premature sprouting induced by heteroauxin (indolyl-acetic acid),1937

Vegis Auseklis - Benita
Versuche über die frühtreibende Wirkung der Wasserbäder von 35-100°C auf die Turionen von Stratiotes aloides L.,1933

Vejsadová Hana
Fyziologické účinky fenolických kyselin u pšenice,1983

Velich Alois
O thermophilních aktinomycetech se zvláštním zřením k Sctinomyces SPINAE (n.sp.). I.,1915

Ven J.A.van der
Ecologie en economie,1971

Venkateswarlu B. - Rao P.Koteswara - Rao A.V.
Canopy analysis on the relationships between leaf area index and productivity in lowland rice, Oryza sativa, L.,1976

Verdam H.D.
The Netherlands` Charophyta,1938

Verduin Jacob-Ilmavirta Veijo
A comparison of C-based and pH-based estimates of phytoplankton production in the brown-water lake Pääjärvi, southern Finland,1978

Verhoeven J.T.A.
Litorale rietvelden. D.Dykyjová en J.Květ, Pond littoral ecosystems. Structure and functioning.,1979

Verkaar H.J. - Schenkeveld A.J. - Brand J.M.
On the ecology of short-lived forbs in chalk grasslands: micro-site tolerances in relation to vegetation structure,1983

Verkerke D.R.-Andel O.M.van
Stimulation of Steam Growth in Vegetative Tillers of Poa pratensis L. by Ethephon: Elongation of Nodes,1978

Verma S.B. - Rosenberg N.J.
Accuracy of Lysimetric, Energy Balance, and Stability-corrected Aerodynamic Methods of Estimating Above-canopy Flux of CO2,1975

Vernberg Winona B. - Coull Bruce C.
Respiration of an Interstitial Ciliate and Benthic Energy Relationships,1974

Vernet Philippe
Quelques données sur la biologie d` Asparagus acutifolius L.,1971

Vernet Philippe
La proportion des sexes chez Asparagus acutifolius L.,1971

Verstraete Willy - Voets Jules P. - Mottar Jozef
Cometitive Ability of Amylolytic Bacteria in Activated Sludge,1975

Verstraeten L.M.J.-Vlassak K.-Livens J.
Evaluation of the carbohydrate test as an index of soil nitrogen availability,1971

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1966

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1967

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1967

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1967

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1967

Vězda Antonín
Lichenes selecti exsiccati,1967

Vézina André - Grandtner Miroslav M.
Nouvelle station d`Onopordum acanthium L. au Québec,1980

Vézina Paul E.-Grandtner Miroslav M.
Phenological observations of spring geophytes in Quebec,1965

Vidovič, Jozef
Priestorová distribúcia listovej plochy kukurice v poraste ako fak- tor distribúcie žiarenia, fotosyntézy listu a produktivity porastu,1978

Vietor D.M.-Musgrave R.B.
Photosynthetic Selection of Zea mays L. II.The Relationship Between CO2 Exchange and Dry Matter Accumulation of Canopies of Two Hybrids,1979

Viets, Jr., Frank G
Water Quality in Relation to Farm Use of Fertilizer,1971

Vilain M. - Druelle J.-P.
Extraction de petits échatillons de gaz du sol. Dosage par chromatographie,1967

Viljamaa Kalevi
Summan kartanopuiston kasvistosta,1971

Vilsmeier K.-Amberger A.
Umsetzung von Cyanamid, Harnstoff und Ammonsulfat in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Bodenfeuchtigkeit,1980

Vinatzer Georg
Neue Bodenalgen aus den Dolomiten,1975

Vincent Gustav
Několik poznámek k novému vodnímu zákonu,1938

Viner A.B.
The Sediments of Lake George (Uganda). II:Release of Ammonia and Phosphate from an Undisturbed Mud Surface,1975

Viner A.B.
The Sediments of Lake George (Uganda). III:The Uptake of Phosphate,1975

Viner A.B.
The Sediments of Lake George (Uganda). IV:Vertical Distribution of Chemical Features in Relation to Ecological History and Nutrient Recycling,1977

Virzo de Santo A.-Alfani A.-Greco L.-Fioretto A.
Environmental Influences on CAM Activity of Cissus quadrangularis,1980

Visa Marja - Borg Pekka
Notes on the euhemerobic vegetation of Hämeenlinna,1967

Visscher H.A.
Sporen van het landijs in Nederland,1977

Vitek E.
Pflanzen an Fliessgewässern und ihre Standortbedingungen,1982

Vitousek Peter M. - Reiners William A.
Ecosystem Succession and Nutrient Retention: A Hypothesis,1975

Vlek P.L.G. - Byrnes B.H. - Craswell E.T.
Effect of Urea Placement on Leaching Losses of Nitrogen from Flooded Rice Soils,1980

Vlek P.L.G.-Fillery I.R.P.-Burford J.R.
Accession, Transformation, and Loss of Nitrogen in Soils of the Arid Region,1981

Vlijm L.
De Oecologische Kring en de integratie van het oecologisch onderzoek in Nederland,1970

Volk G.M. - Horn G.C.
Response Curves of various Turfgrasses to Application of Several Controlled-Release Nitrogen Sources,1975

Völker Ludwig
Physiographie und Plankton des Steinbrücker Teiches bei Darmstadt,1964

Volz M.G. - Ardakani M.S. - Schulz R.K. - Stolzy L.H. - McLaren A.D.
Soil Nitrate Loss During Irrigation: Enhancement by Plant Roots,1976

Voo E.E.van der
Analyse van een pioniervegetatie,1963

Voo E.E.van der
Chenopodium bonus-henricus L.,1960

Voo E.E.van der
Carex x boenninghausiana weihe,1960

Voo E.E.van der
Betekenis en behound van de boezemlanden langs de Greft,1968

Voo E.E.van der
De plantengroei van de Leemputten bij de Kleine Meer onder Ossendrecht,1966

Voo E.E.van der (RIVON)
Ranunculus auricomus L. en het vloedruggen-gebiet van de Hollandse IJssel,1968

Voo E.E.van der - Westhoff V.
Enkele aspecten van het bryologisch onderzoek door het R.I.V.O.N. in de Maria- en Helenapeel (1962-1963),1963

Vooková Božena
Sezónna a ročná dynamika produkcie biomasy nadzemnej časti vybraných zástupcov krovinnej etáže lesného ekosystému,1976

Voorhees W.B.-Carlson V.A.-Hallauer E.A.
Root Length Measurement with a Computer-Controlled Digital Scanning Microdensitometer,1980

Vorbrodt W.
Essai d`employer de l`eau oxygénée concentrée pour doser les composants minéraux des substances végétales et animales,1936

Voroney R.P. - Veen J.A.van - Paul E.A.
Organic C Dynamics in Grassland Soils. 2. Model Validation and Simulation of the Long-Term Effects of Cultivation and Rainfall Erosion,1981

Vouk V.
Methoden zum Studium des Wachstums der Pflanzen und seiner Beeinflussung,

Vrba Ludvík
K otázce závlah v údolí řeky Moravy,1936

Vruggink H.
Influence of agricultural crops on the actinomycetes flora in soil,1976

Vu Van Vu
Vztah mezi fotosyntetickou charakteristikou a minerální výživou jarního ječmene,

Vugts H.F. - Zimmerman J.T.F.
Interaction between the daily heat balance and the tidal cycle,1975

Vuurde J.W.L.van-Elenbaas P.F.M.
Use of fluorochromes for direct observation of microorganisms associated with wheat roots,1978

Vyskot Miroslav
Pro uchování přírodního bohatství,1985

Vyskot Miroslav
Základní zemědělský výzkum životnímu prostředí,1985

Vyskot Miroslav
S kamerou do tajů přírody,1984

Vznuzdajev N.A.-Šachova O.V.-Stukalova V.I.
Zapas organičeskogo veščestva osinnikov v zavisimosti ot formovogo raznoobrazija osiny,1971

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