Library of reprints - W

Wachter W.H.
Naamlijst der Nederlandse Levermossen,1932

Wada Genshichi - Shoji Sadao - Takahashi Juro
The fate of fertilizer nitrogen aplied to the paddy field and its absorption by rice plant. 4.Distribution of basal and top-dressed nitrogen in rice plant,1973

Waggoner Paul E.
Plants and Polluted Air,1971

Waggoner Paul E.
Models of Plant Disease,1981

Wagner Gottfried
Fluxes and Compartimentaion of Potassium and Chloride in the Green Alga Mougeotia,1974

Wagner G.
Simulationasmodelle der Seeneutrophierung, dargestellt am Beispiel des Bodensee-Obersees. Teil II: Simulation des Phosphorhaushaltes des Bodensee-Obersees,1976

Wagner H.
Ost- und Westalpen, ein pflanzengeographischer Vergleich,1966

Wagner János
Magyarország hársai,1943

Wahab A.M.Abdel
Nitrogen fixation by Bacillus strains isolated from the rhizosphere of Ammophila arenaria,1975

Wainwright M.
Mineral transformations by fungi in culture and in soils,1981

Wainwright M.
Enzyme Activity in Intertidal Sands and Salt-Marsh Soils,1981

Wainwright M. - Pugh G.J.F.
Effect of fungicides on the numbers of micro-organisms and frequency of cellulolytic fungi in soils,1975

Wainwright M.-Johnson J.
Determination of Sulphite in Mineral Soils,1980

Wakao Norio - Furusaka Choseki
A new agar plate method for the quantitative study of sulfate-reducting bacteria in soil,1972

Wakao Norio - Furusaka Choseki
Distribution of sulfate-reducting bacteria in paddy-field soil,1973

Wakao Norio - Hattori Tsutomu - Furusaka Choseki
Study on the distribution patterns of sulfate-reducting bacteria in a paddy-field soil by I -index,1973

Walas J.
Profesor dr.Wladyslaw Szafer,1972

Wali M.K. - Gruendling G.K. - Blinn D.W.
Observations on the nutrient composition of a freshwater lake ecosystems,1972

Walker J.D. - Colwell R.R.
Some effects of petroleum on estuarine and marine microorganisms,1975

Walker J.D. - Colwell R.R.
Microbial petroleum degradation: applocation of computerized mass spectrometry,1975

Walker J.D. - Colwell R.R.
Biodegradation of petroleum by Chesapeake Bay sediment bacteria,1976

Walker Milton E. - Stansell J.R.,Jr. - Shannon J.E.
Precision soil sampler,1976

Wallace A.
Chelation and coordination chemistry as an explanation of factors that induce iron chlorosis in plants,1962

Wallace A. - Romney E.M. - Mueller R.T.
Nitrogen-silicon interaction in plants grown in desert soil with nitrogen deficiency,1976

Wallace Linda L.-Harrison A.Tyrone
Carbohydrate Mobilization and Movement in Alpine Plants,1978

Wallace L.L.-Dunn E.L.
Comparative Photosynthesis of Three Gap Phase Successional Tree Species,1980

Waller Adolph E.
The relation of plant succession to crop production,1921

Wallnöfer P.
Abbau von 1,4-Oxathiin-Derivaten durch den Schimmelpilz Rhizopus japonicus,1968

Walmsley M.E. - Lavkulich L.M.
Chemical, physical, and land-use investigations of organic terrain,1975

Walsh G.E. - Heitmuller P.T.
Controle chimique des herbes aquatiques et qualité de l`eau,1974

Walsh John
Seveso : The Questions Persist. Where Dioxin Created a Wasteland,1977

Walter Heinrich
Die Verdungstung von Wasser in bewegter Luft und ihre Abhängigkeit von der Grösse der Oberfläche,1925/1926

Walters S.M.
Taxonomic and Floristic Aspects of Plant Conservation,1971

Walters S.M.
The rediscovery of Senecio paludosus L. in Britain,1974

Walters S.M.

Walters S.M.
The conservation of threatened vascular plants in Europe,1976

Walters S.M.
Conservation of the European Flora: Aldrovanda vesiculosa L., a Documented Case-history of a Threatened Species,1979

Walters S.M.
Progress in Biological Conservation in Cambridge,1979

Walters S.M.
The role of Mediterranean botanic gardens in plant conservation,1979

Walters S.M.
Cambridgeshire ferns - ecclesiastic and ferroviatic,1969

Walton L.B.
A review of the described species of the order Euglenoidina Bloch. Class Flagellata (Protozoa) with particular reference to those found in the city water supplies and in other localities of Ohio,1915

Wang Ching-hua - Yu Tian-ren
Lime potential of soils as directly measured with two ion-selective electrodes,1981

Wani S.P.-Shinde P.A.
Studies on biological decomposition of wheat straw. I.Screening of wheat straw decomposing micro-organisms in vitro,1977

Ward S.D.
The management of vegetation by swaling,1972

Waren H.L. - Huber D.M. - Nelson D.W. - Mann O.W.
Stalk Rot Incidence and Yield of Corn as Affected by Inhibiting Nitrification of Fall-applied Ammonium,1975

Waris Harry
Morphological changes in seed plants induced with amino acids, purines and pyrimidines,1967

Waris Harry - Simola Liisa Kaarina - Granö Aune
Aseptic cultures of seed plants at various sucrose concentrations with and without gibberellin,1972

Warnaar Frans
Investigations on Hoya Species. V.Determination of the Amount of Latex Present in Hoya australis R. Br. ex Traill. and Hoya bella Hook. and Its Relation With Shoot Development,1982

Warnaar Frans
Aromatic and Fatty Acids of Triterpene Esters and Rubber Content of Hoya Latices and their Taxonomic Significance,1984

Warnaar Frans
Conjugated Fatty Acids from Latex of Euphorbia lathyris,1981

Warnaar Frans
Aromatic and fatty acids of triterpene esters and rubber content of Hoya latices and their taxonomic significance,1984

Warren Craig B. - Malec Edward J.
Biodegradation of Nitrilotriacetic Acid and Related Imino and Amino Acids in River Water,1972

Wartiovaara Veijo
Über die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Protoplasmapermeabilität,1942

Washburn A.L.
Geomorphic and Vegetational Studies in the Mesters Vig District, Northeast Greenland,1965

Wasilewska Lucyna
Analysis of the occurence of nematodes in alfalfa crops. I.Species composition of nematodes in two alfalfa crops of different age and penetration of species from soil to plants,1967

Wasilewska Lucyna
Analysis of the occurence of nematodes in alfalfa crops. II.Abundance and quantitative relations between species and ecological groups of species,1967

Wasilewska Lucyna
Analysis of the occurence of nematodes in alfalfa crops. III.Some observations on age structure,1967

Wasylikowa K.
Pollen analysis of the late-glacial sediments in Witów near Leczyca, Middle Poland,1964

Watanabe Iwao
Isolation of pentachlorophenol decomposing bacteria from soil,1973

Watanabe Iwao
Transformation Factor from Carbon Dioxide Net Assimilation to Dry Weight in Crops. I.Soybean,1975

Watanabe Iwao
Transformation Factor from Carbon Dioxide Net Assimilation to Dry Weight in Crops. III.Rice,1975

Watanabe Iwao - Lee Kuk-Ki - Guzman Marcelino de
Seasonal Change of N2 Fixing Rate in Rice Field Assayed by In Situ Acetylene Reduction Technique,1978

Watanabe Iwao-Lee K.K.-Alimagno B.V.
Seasonal Change of N2-Fixing Rate in Rice Field Assayed by In Situ Acetylene Reduction Technique,1978

Watanabe I.-Guzman M.R.de-Cabrera D.A.
The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on N2 Fixation in the Paddy Field Measured by in situ Acetylene Reduction Assay,1981

Watschke T.L. - Waddington D.V.
Effect of nitrogen Fertilization on the Recovery of "Merion" Kentucky Bluegrass from Scalping and Wilting,1975

Watson D.J.
Physiology of Crop Growth and Yield,1963

Watt Alex S.
Factors controlling the floristic composition of some plant communities in Breckland,1971

Watt Alex S.
Rare species in Breckland: their management for survival,1971

Watt Alex S.
Senescence and rejuvenation in ungrazed chalk grassland (grassland B) in Breckland: the signifikance of litter and moles,1974

Watt Alex S.
The ecological status of bracken,1976

Watt Alex S.
A Note on Aeration and Aerenchyma in the Rhizome of Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.aquilinum),1979

Watt Alex S.
The community and the individual,1964

Wattendorff J.-Holloway P.J.
Studies on the Ultrastructure and Histochemistry of Plant Cuticles :The Cuticular Membrane of Agave americana L. in situ,1980

Watts B.M.-Dronzek B.L.
Chemical Composition of Wild Rice Grain,1981

Waughman G.J.-Bellamy D.J.
Movement of Cations in Some Plant Species Prior to Leaf Senescence,1981

Weare N.M. - Shanmugam K.T.
Photoproduction of Ammonium Ion from N2 in Rhodospirillum rubrum,1976

Weatlake D.F.
The weight of water-weed in the River Frome,

Webb I.J.
Comparison of Forest Ecosystems (Vegetation and soil) in different climatic zones,1960

Webb Kenneth I. - Wiebe W.J.
Nitrification on a coral reef,1975

Weber Friedl
Frühtreiben durch Quetschen,1922

Weber Friedl
Über die Beurteilung der Plasmaviskosität nach der Plasmolyseform (Untersuchungen an Spirogyra),1925

Weber Hans Christian
Zur Biologie von Tozzia alpina L. (Standort, Wirtspflanzen, Entwicklung und Parasitismus),1973

Weber Hans Christian
Morphology of haustoria of Rhinanthoideae (Scrophularaiceae),1975

Weber Hans Christian
Anatomische Studien an den Haustorien (Kontaktorganen) von Thesium-Arten (Santalaceae),1977

Weber Hans Christian
Vergleichende Betrachtungen über die unterirdischen Organe von Lathraea squamaria L. und Tozzia alpina L. (Scrophulariaceae),1975

Weber Hans Christian
Wurzelparasit und Mycorrhiza-Pflanze in einem,1977

Weber Hans Christian - Hildenbrand Marianne
Über die sogenannten Phloeotracheiden in den Kontaktorganen von Cansjera rheedii Gmel. (Opiliaceae) und einigen anderen parasitischen Angiospermen,1978

Weber Hans Christian - Uhlarz H.
Die Kontaktaufnahme parasitischer Rachenblütler mit den Wruzeln ihrer Wirtspflanzen,1976

Weber Hans Christian - Westphal Barbara
Spezielle Formen von Epidermiszellen an dem Alpenrachen Tozzia alpina L. Scrophulariaceae,

Weber W.A.
Iranian plants collected by Per Wendelbo in 1959. VIII.Lichenes,1965

Weberling Focko
Die Bedeutung der Infloreszenzmorphologie für die Systematik,1971

Weberling Focko
On the systematics of Nardostachys (Valerianaceae),1975

Weberling Focko
Über die Beziehungen zwischen Scheidenlappen und Stipeln,1975

Weberling Focko
Weitere Untersuchungen zur Morphologie des Unterblattes bei den Dikotylen. VII.Polygalales; VIII.Koeberlinia Zucc.,1974

Weberling Focko
Beiträge zur Morphologie der Rubiaceen-Infloreszenzen,1977

Weberling Focko
Theo Eckardt 1910-1977,1977

Weberling Focko
Über das Vorkommen von "Sternhaaren" bei Scabiosa. Ein Nachtrag,1978

Weberling Focko
Vergleichende und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen über die Haarformen der Dipsacales,1977

Weberling Focko
Zur systematischen Stellung der Gattung Heptacodium Rehd.,1966

Weberling Focko
Die Madro-Tertiärflora, Befunde, Deutung und Kritik,1968

Weberling Focko
Neue Funde von Blütenpflanzen aus El Salvador,1963

Weberling Focko - Endlich B. - Engel K.
Zur systematischen Stellung von Valeriana pancicii HALÆCSY BALDACCI und V.bertiscea PANÈIC,1971

Wedderburn M.E. - Gwynne D.C.
Seasonality of Rhizome and Shoot Production and Nitrogen Fixation In Lotus uliginosus under Upland Conditions in South-west Scotland,1981

Weeraratna C.Stanley
Effect of Submergence on Subsequent Nitrification in a Wetland Cultivated Rice Soil,1981

Weeraratna C.S.-Watson M.-Wettasingha D.T.
Effect of mineralization of tea prunings on some soil characteristics,1977

Weimarck Anna
Cytogenetic behaviour in octoploid Triticale. I.Meiosis, aneuploidy and fertility,1973

Weimarck Anna
Kernel size and frequency of euloids in octoploid Triticale,

Weimarck Anna
Heterochromatin polymorphism in the rye karyotype as detected by the Giemsa C-banding technique,

Weimarck Anna
Elimination of wheat and rye chromosomes in a strain of octoploid Triticale as revealed by Giemsa banding technique,1974

Weimarck Anna
Cytogenetic behaviour in octoploid Triticale. II.Meiosis with special reference to chaisma frequency and fertility in F1 and parents,

Weimarck Gunnar
Male Meiosis in Some Amphimictic and Apomictic Hierochloe (Gramineae),1973

Weimarck Gunnar
Population Structures in Higher Plants as Revealed by Thin-layer Chromatographic Patterns,1974

Weinmann Rosemarie - Kreeb Karlheinz
CO2-Gaswechsel von Sklerophyllen im nördlichen Gardasee-Gebiet,1975

Weirich Jutta-Bortenschlager Sigmar
Beiträge zur Vegetationsgeschichte Tirols III: Stubaier Alpen - Zillertaler Alpen,1980

Weis Engelbert
Reversible Heat-Inactivation of the Calvin Cycle: A Possible Mechanism of the Temperature Regulation of Photosynthesis,1981

Welbank P.J.
Toxin production during decay of Agropyron repens (couch grass) and other species,1963

Welbank P.J.
A comparison of competitive effects of some common weed species,1963

Welbank P.J.
Competition for Nitrogen and Potassium in Agropyron repens,1964

Welch R.W.-Yong Y.Y.-Hayward Margaret V.
The Distribution of Protein and Non-structural Carbohydrate in Five Oat Varieties during Plant Growth and Grain Development,1980

Weller H. - Höfner W. - Linser H.
Art und Menge der Ausschiedung 14C-markierter Verbindungen bei Chlorella pyrenoidosa unter dem Einfluss des osmotischen Drucks der Nährlösung,1973

Wels Jan
Botanika w Polsce w sredniowieczu,1965

Wendelberger Elfrune - Gustav
F.Forstwirtschaft im Auenwald,1967

Wendelberger Gustav
Naturschutzprobleme im österreichischen Rheindelta,1971

Wendelberger Gustav
Denkschrift über die Situation des Ibmer Mooses in Oberösterreich,1971

Wendelberger Gustav
Naturschutz aus wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und ethischer Verpflichung,

Wendelberger Gustav
Zur Situation des Ibmer Mooses in Oberösterreich,1971

Wendelberger Gustav
Zwei Bodenständige Laubwaldreste im Seewinkel,1967

Wendelberger Gustav
Steppen und Trockenrasen des Pannonischen Raumes,1969

Wendelberger Gustav
Grundzüge zu einer Vegetationskunde Salzburgs,1967

Wendelberger Gustav
Die Studienreise des N.Ö.Landesreisebüros nach Ostafrika. Vom 10.Jäner bis 1.Februar 1970,1970

Wendelberger Gustav
Der Moorchutzkatalog des österreichischen Institutes für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege,1972

Wendelberger Gustav
25 jahre Institut für Naturschutz,1972

Wendelberger Gustav
Pro Memoria über Begriffsinhalte von Umwelthygiene und Umweltschutz,1971

Wendelberger Gustav
Aus den Anfängen des naturschutzes in Niederösterreich: Die frühen Pachtgebiete der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft,1971/72

Wendelberger Gustav
Alwin Seifert - 1890-1972,

Wendelberger Gustav
Natur und Mensch. Begriffsklärungen und Metodenanalyse aus Natur- und Umweltschutz,

Wendelberger Gustav - Burian Karl - Kasy Fritz
Das naturschutzgebiet Hundsheimer Berg,1973

Wendelbo Per
Iranian plants collected by Per Wendelbo in 1959. I.Itinerary,1961

Wendelbo Per
Iranian plants collected by Per Wendelbo in 1959. V.,1962

Wendelbo Per
Studies in Primulaceae. I.A Monograph of the Genus Dionysia,1961

Wendelbo Per
Studies in Primulaceae. II.An Account of Primula Subgenus Sphondylia (Syn.Sect.Floribundae) with a Review of the Subdivisions of the Genus,1961

Wendelbo Per
Studies in Primulaceae. III.On the Genera Related to Primula with Special Reference to Their Pollen Morphology,1961

Wendelbo Per
Studies in Primulaceae. IV.The genus Dionysia in Afganistan with descriptions of 6 new species,1963

Wendelbo Per
A Study in the Primula rosea Aggregate,1957

Wendelbo Per
Arter og hybrider av Centaurea underslekt Jacea i Norge,1957

Wendt C.W.-Wilke O.C.-New L.L.
Use of Methanol-Water Solutions for Freeze Protection of Tensiometers,1978

Wenholz H.
Practical Methods of Improving the Yield of Maize by Breeding and Selection,1923

Wenkert William
Measurement of Tissue Osmotic Pressure,1980

Went Fritz W.
Ecological implications of the autonomous 24-hour rhythm in plants,1962

Went F.W.
Phytohormones: Structure and Physiological Activity. II,1949

Went F.W.

Went F.W.
A Test Method for Rhizocaline, the Rootforming Substance,1934

Went F.W.
On the pea test method for auxin, the plant growth hormone,1934

Werff A.van der
Diatoms as a means for identifying the origin of aquatic plants,1954

Werger M.J.A.-Maarel E.van der
Plant Species and Plant Communities : Some Conclusions,1978

Werner D.
Stickstoff (N2)-Fixierung und Produktionsbiologie,1980

West D.W. - Gaff D.F.
Xylem Cavitation in Excised Leaves of Malus sylvestris Mill. and Measurement of Leaf Water Status with the Pressure Chamber,1976

West R.G.
Relative land-sea-level changes in southeastern England during Pleistocene,1972

West R.G.

West R.G. - Norton P.E.P.
The Icenian Crag of southeast Suffolk,1974

Westermann D.T.-Crothers S.E.
Measuring Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Under Field Conditions,1980

Westhoff Victor
L évolution de la végétation dans les lacs eutrophes et les bas-marais de Pays-Bas,1973

Westhoff Victor
Some remarks on synecelogy,1954

Westhoff Victor
Een Plantengeografische excursie door Finland en Noorwegen,

Westhoff Victor
De Eaddenkusten in botanisch opzicht,

Westhoff Victor
13.Plant spedies characteristic of wetland habitats in the Netherlands,1964

Westhoff Victor

Westhoff Victor
Voorkomen en standplaats van Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. in de duinen van Voorne,1965

Westhoff Victor
Verspreidingsoecologisch onderzoek van zeldzame planten,1958

Westhoff Victor
The vegetation of Scottish pine woodlands and Dutch artificial coastal pine forests; with some remarks on the ecology of Listera cordata,1959

Westhoff Victor
Natuurbehoud en samenleving,1970

Westhoff Victor
Die Stellung der Pflanzensoziologie im Rahmen der biologischen Wissenschaften,1972

Westhoff Victor
Enkele gegevens over de standplaats van Hypericum canadense L.,1971

Westhoff Victor
Langjährige Beobachtungen an Aussüssungs-Dauerprobeflächen beweideter und unbeweideter Vegetation an der ehemaligen Zuiderzee,1969

Westhoff Victor
Choice and management of nature reserves in the Netherlands,1971

Westhoff Victor
Stufen und Formen von Vegetationsgrenzen und ihre methodische Annäherung,1974

Westhoff Victor
Botanical Aspects of Nature Conservation in Densely Populated Countries,1977

Westhoff Victor
Environmental Education in the Netherlands,1977

Westhoff Victor
Ökologische Grundlagen des Naturschutzes, insbesondere in den Niederlanden,1977

Westhoff Victor
Bedrohung und Erhaltung seltener Pflanzengesellschaften in den Niederlanden,1979

Westhoff Victor
Phytocociology in the Netherlands: History, present state, future,1979

Westhoff Victor
The effects of air pollution on vascular plants,1969

Westhoff Victor
Problems and use of structure in the classification of vegetation,1967

Westhoff Victor
De invloed van het wild op de Vegetatie,1967

Westhoff Victor - Ketner P.
Milieu en vegetatie van Carex hartmanii Caj. op Terschelling, in het kader van een oecologische vergelijking tussen deze soort en Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb.,1967

Westhoff Victor - Leeuwen C.G.van
Geografische differetiatie in de hoogvenen van Europa,

Westhoff Victor - Maarel Eddy van der
The Braun-Blanquet Approach,1973

Westhoff Victor - Otto H. - Bakker P.A.
Standplaatsen van Corrigiola litoralis L.,1968

Westhoff Victor - Passchier H.
Verspreiding en oecologie van Scheuchzeria palustris in Nederland, in het bijzonder in het besthmerven bij ommen,1958

Westhoff Victor - Schouten M.G.C.
The Diversity of Europan Caostal Ecosystems,1979

Westhoff Victor - Zonderwijk P.
The effects of herbicides on the wild flora and vegetation in the Netherlands,1961

Westlake D.F.
Water Plants and the Aqueous Environment,1971

Westlake D.F.
Pond Littoral Ecosystems. Structure and Functioning. Methods and Results of Quantitative Ecosystem Research in the Czechoslovakian IBP Wetland Project,1979

Westlake D.F.
Temporal changes in aquatic macrophytes and their environment,

Westlake D.F.
The development and structure of aquatic weed populations,1981

Westlake D.F.
The biology of aquatic weeds in relation to their management,1968

Westlake D.F.
Methods used to determine the annual production of reedswamp plants with extensive rhizomes,1968

Westlake D.W.S. - Jobson A. - Phillippe R. - Cook F.D.
Biodegradability and crude oil composition,1974

Westman Walter E.
Measuring the Inertia and Resilience of Ecosystems,1978

Wetzel R.G. - Úlehlová B.
Decomposition and mineral cycling,

White C.M. - Myhre D.L. - Williams S.G.
An electronic sensor and circuit for automatic operation of rainfall shelters,1972

White E.M. - Krueger C.R. - Moore R.A.
Changes in Total N, Organic Matter, Available P, and Bulk Densities of a Cultivated Soil 8 Years after Tame Pastures were Established,1976

White Larry M. - Brown Jarvis H.
Nitrogen Fertilization and Clipping Effects on Green Needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.): II.Evapotranspiration, Water-Use Efficiency, and Nitrogen Recovery,1972

White Larry M. - Brown Jarvis H. - Cooper Clee S.
Nitrogen Fertilization and Clipping Effects on Green Needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.): III.Carbohydrate Reserves,1972

White Philip R.
Accessory salts in the nutrition of excised tomato roots,1938

White Philip R.
Potentially unlimited growth of excised plant callus in an artificial nutrient,1939

White Philip R.
Seasonal fluctuations in growth rates of excised tomato root tips,1937

White R.E.
Studies on mineral ion absorption by plants. III. The interaction of aluminium, phosphate and pH on the growth of Medicago sativa,1976

Whitehouse H.L.K.
Some problems associated with the distribution and life history of the moss Tortula stanfordensis STEERE,1971

Whitehouse H.L.K.
Hypothesis of Post-recombination Resynthesis of Gene Copies,1973

Whitehouse H.L.K.
The occurence of tubers in Pohlia pulchella (Hedw.) Lindb. and Pohlia lutescens (Limpr.) Lindb.fil.,1973

Whitehouse H.L.K.
Crossover Model of Antibody Variability,1967

Whittle Catherine M.
Translocation in Pteridium,1964

Whittle Catherine M.
Translocation and Temperature,1964

Wiackowski Stanislaw K.
Ochrona roslin a zagrozenie srodowiska,1973

Widden P.-Parkinson D.
The effects of temperature on growth of four high Arctic soil fungi in a three-phase system,1978

Widén Carl-Johan - Sarvela Jaakko - Ahti Teuvo
The Dryopteris spinulosa complex in Finland,1967

Wieckowska Irena
Wybrane zagadnienia z morfogenezy lisci drzew. 1.Ksztalt lisci w obrebie krotkopedow wiazu szypulkowego (Ulmus laevis Pall.),1970

Wieckowska Irena
Observacje morfologiczne i biologiczne nad siewkami brzozy ojcowskiej,1967

Wiegers Jaap
Untersuchungen zum Verhalten von Betula pubescens Ehrh. in Mooren der Niederlande. I.Prozesse der Vegetationsentwicklung in Niedermoor-Bruchwäldern in Nordwest-Overijssel,1982

Wiegers Jaap
Ist Ulex europaeus L. eine Kennart des Ulicion nanae Duvign. 1944 in England?,1981

Wiegers Jaap
Enkele vondsten van de scherpe pinksterbloem in West-Nederland,

Wiegers Jaap
Die Anwendung von Assoziationskomplexen als Grundlage einer Landschaftsevaluation zum Nutzen der Raumplanung in der niederländischen Provinz Gelderland,1978

Wiegers Jaap - Menschaar M.
Een aantal waarnemingen aan Leucojum aestivum L.,1980

Wiegers Jaap - Vries E.J.de
Salix pentandra L. in Nederland,1982

Wiens John A.
Model Estimation of Energy Flow in North American Grassland Bird Communities,1977

Wiesner J.v.
Philippe van Tieghem gestorben am 28.April 1914,1914

Wilbert Norbert
A Standardized Method for Identifying and Counting the Vagile and Sessile Periphyton,1976

Wildi Otto - Klötzli Frank
Die Vegetation des Sägels und der Uferzone,

Wildi Otto - Klötzli Frank
Frauenwinkel (bei Pfäffikon SZ),1978

Wildi Otto - Klötzli Frank
Naturschutzprobleme in Feuchtgebieten,1978

Wildman H.G. - Parkinson D.
Comparison of germination of Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinirea conidia in vitro in relation to nutrient conditions on leaf surfaces,1981

Wildman H.G. - Parkinson D.
Seasonal changes in water-soluble carbohydrates of Populus tremuloides leaves,1981

Wiliamson R.E.
A light-microscope study of the action of cytochalasin B on the cells and isolated cytoplasm of the Characeae,1972

Wilkinson James - Duff Thomas D.
Rooting of Poa annua L., Poa pratensis L., and Agrostis palustris Huds. at Three Soil Bulk Densities,1972

Wilkinson J.A.
Soil work carried on in Alabama,1909

Wilkinson J.F. - Beard J.B.
Anatomical Responses of "Merion" Kentucky Bluegras and "Pennlawn" Red Fescue at Reduced Light Intensities,1975

Wilkinson J.F. - Beard J.B. - Krans J.V.
Photosynthetic-Respiratory Responses of "Merion" Kentucky Bluegras and "Pennlawn" Red Fescue at Reduced Light Intensities,1975

Wilkon-Michalska Jadwiga - Szadziewski R.
Beziehungen zwischen der Flora und Insbesondere der Dipterenfauna der Binnenlandsalzböden von Kujawy,1976

Willén Torbjörn
The Phytoplankton of Görväln, a Bay of Lake Mälaren,1959

Willén Torbjörn
The Phytoplankton of Ösbysjön, Djursholm. I.Seasonal and Vertical Distribution of the Species,1961

Willén Torbjörn
The Phytoplankton of Ösbysjön, Djursholm. II Ecological Aspects.,1961

Williams B.G.
Flooded rice soils of northern Australia. I.Changes in salinity,1972

Williams B.G.
Flooded rice soils of northern Australia. II.Chemical profiles,1972

Williams E.D.
Effects of decreasing the light intensity on the growth of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. in the field,1970

Williams E.D.
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Williams E.D.
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A considerably improved method for preparing plastic epidermal imprints,1973

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Variation of Leaf Characteristics with Level of Insertion on a Grass Tiller. I. Development Rate, Chemical Composition and Dry Matter Digestibility,1976

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Variation of Leaf Characteristics with Level of Insertion on a Grass Tiller. II. Anatomy,1976

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A Control System for Initiating and Maintaining Polarity,1980

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Predicting Nitrogen and Digestibility of Forages Using near Ingrared Reflectance Photometry,1981

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Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Exchange in the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Plant Kalanchoe pinnáta during a Prolonged Light Period,1980

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Carbon Dioxide Exchange of Spring-wheat in Relation to Age and Photon-flux Density at Different Growth Temperatures,1980

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Environmental Effects on Microbial Turnover of Some Mineral Elements. Part II - Biotic Factors,1969

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Transformation of Hematite to Goethite in Soils,1971

Wittwer Robert F. - Leaf Albert L. - Bickelhaupt Donald H.
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An Ecological Niche for Lemna gibba L. that Depends on Seed Formation,1977

Wojcik Zdzislawa
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Wojewoda Wladyslaw
Franciszek Blonski (1867-1910) jako mikolog,1970

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Makromycetes Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego. II.Charakterystyka socjologiczno-ekologiczno-geograficzna,1975

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Aspects of Aquatic Ecology of the Hawkesbury River. I. Hydrodynamical Processes,1976

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Nitrification and denitrification in the rhizosphere,1975

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The rhizosphere as part of the plant-soil system,1978

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Oven Drying of Small Herbage Samples,1975

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Nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines,1972

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Turgor-sensitive sucrose and amino acid transport into developing seeds of Pisum sativum. Effect of a high sucrose or mannitol concentration in experiments with empty ovules,1984

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Phloem Unloading of Amino Acids at the Site of Attachment of Cuscuta europaea,1984

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Phloem Unloading of Amino Acids at the Site of Attachment of Cuscuta europaea,1984

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Plant Parasites,1972

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Leaf Orientation, Radiation Interception, and Nocturnal Acidity Increases by the Cam Plant Agave deserti (Agavaceae),1980

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Seasonal changes in biomass of macrophytes on shaded and unshaded sections of the River Lambourn, England,1982

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Wynd F.Lyle
The Sensitivity of Orchid Seedlings to Nutritional Ions,1933

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