Zelny trh 6,
659 37, Brno phone: +420 5 42 32 12 05, switch 271, 272 and 274, e-mail: detskemuzeum@mzm.cz
Head of the department:
Amazing place to stay being a child, special exhibitions designed to fit the child’s point of view can be found there. Regular Saturday programmes for children take place there, holiday day-ins, competitions, quizzes, games; here the Comenius’ motto „Schola ludus“ is being brought to life. The Children's Musem, a department of The Moravian Museum Brno, Czech Republic, is developing a database of intitutions concerned with activities for children and young people, including the handicaped ones. The aim is to start a cooperation with some of these organisations. The above database should serve Czech museums and similar institutions. An English version will follow and will be available to the international museum sector. If you and your institution are concerned and interested, please fill in the attached form.
The 2-nd International Competiition of Young Artists PLANET AND PEOPLE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW (PDF 2 729 kB)
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