In the days 2. 6. – 4. 7. 1999 visited K. Sutorý and S. Kubešová Turkey. They
worked in herbarium collections of three Universities in Ankara (Ankara U., Gazi U. a
Hacettepe U.) where K. Sutorý revised the material of the genus Cynoglossum. On
their work in the field they visited about 45 localities (see the map 68kB).
Collected material of higherplants and mosses will be deposited in the BRNM collection.
Istanbul – Blue Mosque.
Vegetation of slopes in the Sultan daglari
There are more than 200 species of the genus Verbascum (mullein) in Turkey. - Verbascum glomeratum
Boiss is quite common
Lake Egirdir
Slogans over the Egirdir.
Southern coast of Turkey. The leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.)Delile washed up on the shore
Southern coast of Turkey. Camp of gipsies.
Ancient city Hierapolis not far of very well known locality Pamukkale.
National park Olimpos Beydaglari.
Nigde - Hasan Dagi (3268 m).
Vegetation on the banks of the largest salt lake in Turkey - Tuz Gölü.
Southern coast of Turkey. Tarsus. Storm clouds over the expedition vehicle.