International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 1 is in progress.

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'Velichko AA, Arslanov KHA, Gerasimova SA, Islamov UI, Kremenetski KV, Markova AK, Udartsev VP, Chikolini NI, 1991: Paleoecology of the Acheulian Cave Site Sel-Ungur (Soviet Central Asia). Anthropologie (Brno) 29, 1-2: 9-15'.
An integrated analysis was implemented of the multilayered Acheulian cave site Sel-Ungur in Kirghizia Cave deposits are represented by tuffas, silts, loams with rock debris. Sedimentation strata were formed in one climatic cycle. The pollen of coniferous and large-leaved species that are now not found in Soviet Central Asia was identified. Bone fossils of small mammals have archaic forms. Taxons of small mammals are abundant. Teeth and fragments of skull of the Pre-Neanderthal man were found. The stone industry is Early Paleolithic. Uranium-ionium dating of the upper strata of the section is: 126,000 ± 5,000 years. Cultural layers are dated Middle Pleistocene.
cave - Early Paleolithic - Pre-Neanderthal man - Middle Pleistocene

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