International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 3 is in progress.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Guidelines for Authors
Download Guidelines for authors (PDF) (valid from January 2014).
For details about Reference style and Guidelines for Tables and Figures, see below.
Reference Style
Download the EndNote output style for the journal Anthropologie.
Manuscript Template
Make your writing process easier. Download the Manuscript template for Journal, Anthropologie. Template helps you organize your manuscript and follow the Guidelines for authors.
Guidelines for Tables
Creating: Tables should be submitted in one MS Excel file or in a separate MS Excel files. Use descriptive file name (e.g. Table_1.xls) or sheet names (e.g. Table 1, Table 2). Do not use tabs and spaces.

Decimal symbol: Use the decimal separator that is specified in the Regional settings of your system (usually comma (,) in European countries and point (.) in U.S.). Do not format the numbers as text and manually change the comma for the decimal point.

Lines:  Only horizontal lines are allowed; no vertical lines, boxes, or other lines may be used unless they indicate the structure of the data. All tables should have the following three horizontal lines:
 - one above the column headings
 - one between the column headings and the body of the table
 - one at the bottom of the table.
In addition, further horizontal lines should separate levels when there is more than one level of column heading.

Headings and names: All variable names, group names and value names have the first letter capitalised and all the other letters are lower case (e.g. Social status, Females, Yes).

Table body: The body of the table should be free of symbols or measurement abbreviations (%, mm, etc.). Symbols should appear in the column head when they apply to all values in the column, or in the stub column when they apply to all values in the row.

Footnotes: Footnotes appears at the bottom of the table and contains useful information about the table (definitions of abbreviations used, etc.). Footnotes indicating standard levels of significance in statistical tables usually use asterisks.
Guidelines for Figures
Creating: Each figure should be submitted in a separate file in .tif, .tiff, .jpg or .eps format. Use descriptive file name (e.g. Figure_1.tif, Figure_2.jpg). Only high resolution figures are acceptable (600 to 1200 ppi). Following the guidelines below will speed up the production of your paper and minimize the risk of problems occurring in the publication process.

Size and dimensions: Figures should be submitted at the size the author intends it to be reproduced. Figures should be sized as follows:
 - maximum width within single column, 82 mm
 - maximum width within double column, 170 mm
 - maximum height for both, 214 mm
Multipart figures should not be supplied as separate files, but should be laid out in one file by the author.

Decimal symbol: Use the decimal point as a separator in the figures in manuscripts submitted in English. If necessary, change the Regional settings of your system before saving the file (usually for European users). Use the decimal comma as a separator in the figures in manuscripts submitted in French of German.

Figure font: Figures should use the following font: Arial, 8pt (7pt for Research reports). Some variation in the size of letters may be necessary to emphasize elements in a figure; however, please try to use no more than a 2-point variation in your type sizes.

Names: Names of variables, groups, values etc. have the first letter capitalised and all the other letters are lower case (e.g. Body mass, Relative frequency, Mean, Vegetarian).

Figure title: Figures themselves should not contain a title. A title is placed in the figure legend. Figure legends should be included separately with the manuscript.

Graph window: All graphs and plots are in black and white, not color. Graph axes should have the variables labeled in full, with the abbreviation or unit of measurement in parentheses. Include all units of measurement on axes. Scale grids should not be used in graphs unless necessary for actual measurements. Avoid using gray color in the background of the graph. Avoid using bar graphs that appear to be three-dimensional.


Publication ethics and malpractice statement
See Publication ethics and malpractice statement of the journal Anthropologie.