International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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'Nováková B, Vacková B, 2006: An Analysis of the Anthropological and Social Characteristics of the Parents of Romany and Non-Romany Neonates from Most, Ústí nad Labem and Kladno (Czech Republic). Anthropologie (Brno) 44, 2: 179-186'.
Transversal anthropological investigation of Romany and non-Romany neonates was made in the hospitals of Most, Ústí nad Labem and Kladno in 2001-2004. In addition, ascertaining some anthropological and social characteristics of their parents was a part of this survey. Basic social characteristics were studied in 475 Romany mothers and 450 fathers and 215 mothers and 212 fathers of the majority population. The average age of Romany mothers and fathers was 23.76 and 27.47 years, respectively. Parents of majority population were, on average, older (mothers - 25.27, fathers - 28.72 years). The majority of Romany parents had completed or uncompleted elementary education (87.1% mothers and 77.6% fathers), to the contrary, non-Romany parents had most frequently the certificate of apprenticeship (45.1% mothers and 49.5% fathers) or high school education (36.4% mothers and 25.2% fathers). There were significantly more smokers in the Romany group. 80.4% Romany women smoked before pregnancy (versus 36.9% mothers of majority population), 72.2% Romany women and 14.6% mothers of majority population reported smoking in pregnancy. In the studied group of Romany fathers, non-smokers were represented by 12.9% and smokers by 87.1%; in the group of non- Romany fathers 50.5% of the fathers did not smoke and 49.5% smoked. In the Romany group, unemployed parents had significantly higher representation (88% mothers and 83.8% fathers) than in the non-Romany group (39.3% mothers and 34.4% fathers). Furthermore, Romany parents were more often unmarried (63.5% mothers and 65% fathers) in comparison with parents of majority population (42.2% mothers and 32.2% fathers). On the contrary, non-Romany parents were more often divorced (3.4% non-Romany mothers and 10.2% fathers vs. 2.4% Romany mothers and 0.4% fathers). We determined that 37.9% of Romany mothers were primiparas (vs. 61.4% non-Romany mothers) and 62.1% multiparas (vs. 37.9%). Romany mothers more often wanted to nurse longer than non-Romany mothers.
Education - Employment - Majority population - Marital status - Nursing - Pregnancy - Romany population - Smoking - Czech Republic

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