International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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'Jebavý L, Struhar V, Vančata V, Vančatová M, 1994: Reproduction and Sexual Behaviour of Captive Colony of Rhesus Macaques in the Konárovice Primate Center - 1984-1994 Study. Anthropologie (Brno) 32, 3: 201-204'.
The Konårovice Primate Center has bred rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) since 1958. The monkeys are bred using the multimale-groupp rinciple, with 3—6m ales and 5 to 15 females in a breedingg roup. An independent ground floor building equipped with internal breeding cages and premises, serves for breeding. In favourable weather the animals can move freely from internal cages to external ones. Rhesus monkeys breed regularly and rear their young. The total number of breeding monkeys is currently more than 140 animals. The reproductive performance of rhesus monkeys was observed between 1981 and 1993. In that period 270 living young were born. Reproduction was evaluated from the point of view of the single years, the origin of pattems, the age of the mother and the sequence of pregnancy. In the Konårovice Primate Center, breeding has been most frequently observed from June to February with the peak in the September — December period. Social hierarchy takes control in breeding, so the highest-ranked male copulates the most frequently. Altogether 270 monkeys were bom alive. 221 new-born monkeys had been reared by their mother and 49 individuals were artificially rearedfrom various reasons. 178 individuals were weaned and 43 died before weaning in the group of 221 mother-reared youngsters. 36 individuals were weaned and 13 died before weaning in the group of 46 artificially-reared youngsters. The distribution of births during the year was also studied. Mating and birth seasons are longer in captive breeding than in the wild. Mating regularly takes place from June to October, births from December to May. Births in other months are often due to the simple fact that already-pregnant females come for breeding. Our data show the trend of domestication in the Konårovice macaque colony. Both the development of the whole population in Konårovice and the decrease of seasonality in females during the last four years support this hypothesis. The results of study show that it is possible to successfully breed rhesus monkeys in Central Europe.
Macaca mulatta - Reproduction - Sexual Behaviour - Domestication Trends

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