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'Krishan G, 1993: Morpho-Genetic Studies among the Andaman and Nicobar Islanders. Anthropologie (Brno) 31, 3: 151-155'. |
Abstract | In the present paper an attempt has been made to review the physical anthropological work and to compile the data in tabular form among the Andaman and Nicobar Islanders with respect to the morpho-genetic traits i. e. anthropometry, dermatoglyphics, blood groups, P. T. C. taste sensitivity, middle phalangeal hair, secretor/non-secretor. | | Keywords | Andamanese - Nicobarese - Morpho-genetic traits | | Resume | Cette étude rassemble les données anthropologiques concernant les habitants des îles Andaman et Nicobar en regard des items morphogénétiques, anthropométriques, dermatoglyphiques, des groupes sanguins, etc.
(La traduction unofficielle) | |