International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 3 is in progress.

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'Ţarcă A, 2006: Considerations Regarding the Importance of Dermatoglyphics in the Ethnogenesis Decoding of some Moldavian Catholic Populations. Anthropologie (Brno) 44, 3: 281-287'.
The present paper consists of a study on comparative ethnic dermatoglyphy over some Moldavian populations, most of which of catholic confession. 1183 persons of different ages (600 women and 583 men) were investigated. They came from the villages: Răchiteni and Hălăuceşti - Iaşi district, Săbăoani and Gherăieşti - Neamþ district, Fărăoani and Prăjeşti - Bacău district and the research was made on of 2366 digito-palmar prints. The results obtained for all digital and palmar dermatoglyphic indicators analyzed were considered comparatively, on the one hand with those known on the Romanian population (orthodox in majority) from different parts of the country, and on the other hand with those offered by the foreign specialized literature for two lots of Hungarian population. We have noticed that both the ethnic identifi cation elements from the digital dermatoglyphic picture and those from the palm picture of the Moldavian catholic populations present a high degree of similarity with those from the Romanian orthodox populations from the same area, but also from other more or less faraway localities and with a similar level of demographic opening, but at a greater distance from the two groups of Hungarians studied by Malan and Bonnevie. Consequently, our research, although it focuses only on those dermatoglyphic features for which we had comparative data with the Hungarian population, pleads for the hypothesis of the separation of the Moldavian catholic population from the Romanian population, hypothesis supported also by the research results in the fi elds of history, archaeology, folklore and ethnology communicated (as well as ours) to the International seminar: "Origins, language and culture of Moldavian Csangos", organized by the Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Academy of Iaşi on 5-6 July 2002.
Dermatoglyphics - Ethnogenesis - Prevalently catholic population (Csangos)

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