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'Hołub B, Łanczont M, Madeyska T, 2016: Examples of landscape reconstructions near the eastern range of the Magdalenian occupation (SE Poland) based on GIS analysis. Anthropologie (Brno) 54, 3: 205-230'. |
Abstract | SE Poland – the Carpathian foreland and the northern part of the Carpathian Mountains – is a marginal,
easternmost part of the area settled by Magdalenian people. Several sites of this culture were investigated in this area
by archaeologists and naturalists during the last decades. Based on the results of those studies, landscape of the
surroundings of three Magdalenian camps (within direct penetration range) was reconstructed in detail.
GIS spatial analysis was used for 2D and 3D visualization of topographic surface features, both primary (slope and
aspect) and secondary ones. The latter (viewshed and insolation) were calculated applying algorithms, based on DEMs
(Digital elevation model) and other variables. On the relief maps of the sites' surroundings there were schematically
presented the extent of the main types of plant communities (tundra, steppe, meadow, mixed forest, aquatic and
peatland vegetation) at the time of settlement. All mentioned communities occurred near each of the investigated sites
but in different proportions depending on the site age and altitude.
Attractiveness of the studied sites for Magdalenian hunters resulted among others from: good topoclimatic location
resulting in favourable insolation of the sites, location in the leeward sides of high relief elements protecting them from
the westerly winds. Moreover, a vast view over the surrounding areas enabled hunters to observe migrating animal
herds and set traps, especially in the widenings of the valleys closed at both ends by narrowings. Rich dwarf or meadow
steppe and patches of dwarf tundra occurring in the valleys, were good pasturage for herbivorous animals hunted by Magdalenian people. | | Keywords | Magdalenian ‒ Geoarcheology ‒ DEM ‒ Palaeolandscape ‒ Carpathian region | |