International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 2 is in progress.

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'Cholakov S, 1986: [An artifically deformed skull of 4th-6th century A.D. from south Bulgaria]. Anthropologie (Brno) 24, 2-3: 175-180'.
An artificially deformed skull from the late antiquity period (4th—6th century A.D.), excavated in Kabile, South Bulgaria was studied. All the 170 burials in the necropolis were carried out according to Christian ritual. The studied skull is characterized by its considerable facial width, strongly developed supraorbital relief, chamaerrhinia and chamaeconchia. Some morphological changes of the neurocranium, like a strongly flattened, elevated and elongated frontal bone, shortened occipital bones and a flattened lower part of the occipital scale with a smooth relief show that the deformation must have been caused by a combined circular bandage, exerting pressure in the direction from front to back and from the upper to the lower part. The bandage caused shortening of the skull and enlarged its height, converting it into a so called macrocephalic type. The postcranial skeleton is characterized by massive limb bones. It is 170 cm in height. According to racial diagnosis it belongs to the Europoid race with prevailing proto-European racial type features. Both the racial-typological analysis and the presence of artificial deformation define the individual as an immigrant from the European part of the USSR, most probably of Alano-Sarmatian origin
Artifical Deformation of Skull - South Bulgaria - Late antiquity period
Иccлeдyemcя ucкyccmвeннo дeфopмupoвaнный чepen эnoxu noзднeй aнmuчнocmu — IV — VI вв.,oбнapyжeнный в Кaбuлe. Bce noгpeбeнuя в нeкponoлe (чucлoм 170) coвepшeны no xpucmauaнcкoмy oбычaю. Иccлeдyeмый чepen omлuчaemcя бoльшuмu nonepeчнымu paзмepaмu лuцa, cuльнo paзвumым нaдглaзнuчным peлъeфoм, xaмepuнueй u xaмeкoнxueй. Мopфoлoгuчecкue uзмeнeнuя нeйpoкpaнuyмa (cuльнo ynлoщeннaя, yдлuннeннaя u noдняmaя ввepx лoбнaя кocmь, yкopoчeнныe u ucкpuвлeнныe meмeнныe кocmu, ynлoщeннaя u co cглaжeнным peльeфoм нuжняя чacmъ зamылoчнoй чemuu) noкaзывaюm, чmo дeфopмaцeя былa вызвaнa кoмбuнupoвaннoй кpyгoвoй noвязкoй, oкaзывaющeй дaвлeнue в нanpaвлeнue cnepeдu нaзaд u cнuзy ввepx. Пoвязкa npuвeлa к coкpaщeнuю npoдoльныx paзмepoв чepena u yвeлuчeнuю выcomныx paзмepoв, в peзyльmame чeгo noлyчuлcя m. н. mun „мaкpoкeфaл“. Пocmкpaнuaльный cкeлem omлuчaemcя мaccuвнымu кocmaямu кoнeчнocmeй. Pocm „выcoкuй“ — 170 cм. Pacoвaя дuaгнocmuкa noкaзывaem npuнaдлeжнocmь к eвponuднoй pace c npeoблaдaющuмu xapaкmepнымu чepmaмu m. н. npomoeвponeйcкoгo pacoвoгo muna. Нaлuчue ucкyccmвeннoй дeфopмaцuu u pacoвo-munoлoгuчecкuй aнaлuз onpeдeляюm uндuвuдa npuшeльцa uз eвponeйcкoй чacmu CCCP, вepнee вceгo aлaнo-capмamcкoгo npoucxoждeнuя.

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