International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 3 is in progress.

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'Mallegni F, Brogi MG, Balducci E, 1985: Paleodontology of Human Skeletal Remains, Pontecagnano (Salerno), VII-IV Centuries B. C.. Anthropologie (Brno) 23, 2: 105-117'.
This paleodontologic study concerns a population sample discovered in the necropolis of Pontecagnano (Salerno). The skeletal remains date back to the VII—IV centuries B. C. We analysed 2831 permanent teeth belonging to 137 individuals of different ages from both sexes. The sample included also 5 youths; the dentitions are not complete either due to poor preservation or ante or post mortem losses of several teeth. A statistical survey about their metrical and morphological traits shows a certain homogeneity in the population sample, either considered as a whole or divided into two groups (VII—VI; V—IV). Yet we notice some differences: for example there is a greater variability in the VII—VI century sample, especially among females, caused by socio-economical interferences (diet stresses) due to the invasion of this territory by populations of Etruscan culture. These interferences caused a great asymmetry between antimeres and a lower dimorphism between the sexes. Since such phenomena diminish in the later period (V to IV) we can suppose a gradual amalgamation of the population and better socio-economical conditions.
Skeletal remains - Odontology - Pontecagnano - VII-IV centuries B. C.

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