International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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1997 / Volume 35 / Issue 3 
Ascenzi A, Segre AG
Discovery of Homo erectus Calvarium at Ceprano, Central Italy
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 241-246
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Mallegni F, Severini F
Dental and Skeletal Pathologies of Two Human Samples Buried in the Necropolis of Cantone (Collelongo-AQ) and Arciprete (Ortucchio-AQ), 1st Century BC - 1st Century AD
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 251-261
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Drozdová E, Beneš J
Břeclav - Pohansko: South Outer Precincts. Anthropological Study
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 263-275
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Hodačová Z, Skalská H
Das Wachstum des Neurocraniums der minderjährigen Individuen im Zeitabschnitt XIII.-XVII. Jahrhundert
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 277-281
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Horáčková L, Benešová
Findings of War-Time Injuries from the Battle of Austerlitz
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 283-289
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Vacca E, Novotný V, Vančata V, Delfino VP
Shape Analysis of Incisura Ischiadica Major in Sexing the Human Pelvis
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 291-301
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