International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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2009 / Volume 47 / Issue 1-2 
Beauvilain A, Watte J-P
Was Toumaï (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) buried?
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 1-6
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Yravedra J
A taphonomic perspective in the Upper Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 7-32
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Theodoropoulou A, Moncel M-H, Navarro MGC
Denticulates of the Early Middle Pleistocene lithic assemblages from Payre (South-Eastern France)
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 33-46
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Webb D, Fabiny S
Cheiridial genetics and tool use among later hominids
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 47-56
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Guba Z, Pap I, Zeke T
Ancient mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms from human Neolithic sites in the Carpathian Basin
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 57-67
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Eliášová I, Kubálek P
Comparison of genetic and anthropological analyses in sex determination of skeletal remains from Knìževes (Czech Republic)
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 69-72
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Vojvodiæ S, Ademoviæ-Sazdaniæ D
HLA class II antigens and haplotypes in the Vojvodina Population: relationship to other populations
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 73-79
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Nowak O, Piontek J, Rewekant A
Opportunity for natural selection in the rural population of Podberezce (Ukraine) in the 19th and 20th centuries
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 81-88
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Yacoubi-Loueslati B, Cherni L, Frigi S, Baroudi T, Ammar El Gaaied AB
Polymorphisme du microsatellite mitochondrial D310 dans la population tunisienne
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 89-94
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Sudip DB, Raj KB, Maity S, Sukul T, Roy V
Ethnic variation in anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status: a comparative study among adult male Oraons and Saraks of Ranchi District, Jharkhand, India
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 95-106
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Frigi S, Ennafaa H, Cherni L, Ammar El Gaaied AB
Investigation of polymorphisms in hypervariable region II (HVII) sequences of human mitochondrial DNA in two North-African populations
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 107-118
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Frigi S, Ennafaa H, Mohamed BA, Cherni L, Ammar El Gaaied AB
Polymorphisme des insertions Alu chez les Berbères de Takrouna (Tunisie): une approche génétique à l'étude du peuplement de l'Afrique du nord
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 119-124
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Parvin DB, Ghanbari A, Ghodoosi B
A comparison between the cerebral index, cranial capacity and brain weight of male and female 7-12 years old children in Arak (central Iran)
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 125-128
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Antl-Weiser W
The time of the Willendorf figurines and new results of Palaeolithic research in Lower Austria
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 131-141
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Lázničková-Galetová M
Rediscovered bone engraving “Rangée d'individus Marchant” from Gourdan Cave (Haute-Garonne, France)
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 143-146
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Kaminská L
Paläolithische Kunst in der Slowakei
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 147-152
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Kraft I
Some remarks on an old work of art. the horse engravings from Groitzsch, Saxony, Germany
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 153-158
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Svoboda JA
Action, ritual, and myth in the rock art of Egyptian Western Desert
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 159-167
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Petrognani S, Robert E
À propos de la chronologie des signes paléolithiques.constance et émergence des symboles
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 169-180
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