International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 3 is in progress.

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16 articles related to:
'Tobias PV, 1980: Homo habilis and Homo erectus: from the Oldowan Men to the Acheulian Practitioners. Anthropologie (Brno) 18, 2-3: 115-119'.
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Bilsborough A
Homo erectus Revisited: Aspects of Affinity and Diversity in a Pleistocene Hominin Species
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 129-158
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Martínez LM, Galbany J, Pérez-Pérez A
Paleodemography and Dental Microwear of Homo habilis from East Africa
2004, Volume 42, Issue 1, Pp. 53-58
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Fiedler L
Conception of Lower Acheulian Tools. A Comparison of Three Sites on the Early Handaxe Culture and Its Aspect of Behaviour
1998, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, Pp. 69-84
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Ascenzi A, Segre AG
Discovery of Homo erectus Calvarium at Ceprano, Central Italy
1997, Volume 35, Issue 3, Pp. 241-246
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Condemi S
Does the Human Fossil Specimen from Reilingen (Germany) Belong to the Homo erectus or to the Neanderthal Lineage
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 69-77
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Velichko AA, Arslanov KHA, Gerasimova SA, Islamov UI, Kremenetski KV, Markova AK, Udartsev VP, Chikolini NI
Paleoecology of the Acheulian Cave Site Sel-Ungur (Soviet Central Asia)
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 9-15
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Gladilin VN, Sitliviy VI
On the Pre-Oldowan Development Stage of the Society: To the Memory of Glynn Isaac - Outstanding Investigator in African Prehistory
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 193-204
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Mania D, Vlček E
Homo erectus from Bilzingsleben (GDR) - His Culture and his Environment
1987, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pp. 1-45
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Douaud PC
A Lingering Controversy: The Case for Homo habilis
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 269-275
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Oliva M
Acheulian Finds from Karolín, District of Kroměříž (Czechoslovakia)
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 27-32
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Stringer C
The Dating of European Middle Pleistocene Hominids and the Existence of Homo erectus in Europe
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 3-14
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Barbetti M, Clark JD, Williams FM, Williams MAJ
Palaeomagnetism and the Search for very Ancient Fireplaces in Africa: Results From a Million-Year-Old Acheulian Site in Ethiopia
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 299-304
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Fridrich J
Bečov IV., District of Most: An Acheulian Site in Bohemia
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 291-298
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Sartono S
Homo erectus Ngandongensis: The Possible Maker of the "Sangiran flakes"
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 121-131
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Vlček E, Mania D
Ein neuer Fund von Homo erectus in Europa: Bilzingsleben (DDR)
1977, Volume 15, Issue 2-3, Pp. 159-169
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Jelínek J
Neuer Fund einer Spätform von Homo Erectus in Nordafrika
1974, Volume 12, Issue 1-2, Pp. 201-201
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