International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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2007 / Volume 45 / Issue 1 
Tushabramishvili N, Pleurdeau D, Moncel M-H, Mgeladze A
Le complexe Djruchula-Koudaro au sud Caucase (Géorgie). Remarques sur les assemblages lithiques pléistocenes de Koudaro I, Tsona et Djruchula
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 1-18
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Moncel M-H, Condemi S
The Human Remains of the Site of Payre (S-E France, MIS 7-5). Remarks on Stratigraphic Position and Interest
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 19-29
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Dočkalová M, Čižmář Z
Neolithic Children Burials at Moravian Settlements in the Czech Republic
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 31-59
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Romero A, De Juan J
Intra- and Inter-population Human Buccal Tooth Surface Microwear Analysis: Inferences about Diet and Formation Processes
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 61-70
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Jarošová I
Dental Buccal Microwear of the Medieval Population from Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 71-80
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Fojtová M
An Analysis of Epigenetic Traits on the Skeletal Remains of the Old Slavonic Populations from Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 81-90
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Vacca E, Novotný V, Vančata V, Pesce DV
Shape Analysis of Incisura Ischiadica major: Definition of Reference Outlines in Sexing the Human Pelvis
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 91-96
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Duchajová L, Sedlak P, Dvořáková M
The Biological Age Determination of Children with Growth and Development Disorders - A Validation of the Bone Age Methods
2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 97-102
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