International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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1994 / Volume 32 / Issue 2 
Chlachula J
Varsity Estates - A Palaeo-American Site in Southwestern Alberta, Canada (1990-1992 Investigations)
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 101-127
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Jelínek J
Wadi Buzna Rock Art Gallery in Central Sahara
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 129-163
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Jankauskas R
Lithuanian Mesolithic and Neolithic Graves: Data on the Transition from a Foraging to Food-Producing Economy
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 165-168
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Grefen-Peters S
Demographische Kenndaten awarischer Populationen aus Osterreich
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 169-178
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Nakamura T, Agbenu EKM, Ofosu-Amaah S, Kurobane Y, Matsumoto J, Watanabe M
Skeletal Maturation of the Hand of Ghanaian Children: A Comparative Study of Ghanaian and Japanese Children
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 179-184
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Bláha P, Lhotská L, Vignerová J, Vančata V
5th National Anthropological Survey of Children and Adolescents of the Czech Republic, 1991
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 185-188
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Jelínek J
Denise Ferembach (1924-1994)
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 189-189
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Strouhal E
Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association in Göttingen 1994
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 189-189
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