International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 2 is in progress.

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2006 / Volume 44 / Issue 2 
Bednarik RG
The Middle Paleolithic Engravings from Oldisleben, Germany
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 113-121
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Štrkalj G
The Study of Human Variation
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 123-126
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Dočkalová M
Two Skeleton Graves from Neolithic Settlements in Moravia (Czech Republic)
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 127-137
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Jarošová I, Pérez-Pérez A, Dočkalová M, Drozdová E, Turbón D
Buccal Dental Microwear as a Dietary Indicator in the Iron Age Human Population from Son Real, Spain
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 139-150
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Šefčáková A, Thurzo M, Katina S, Staššíková-Štukovská D
Craniometric Characteristics of Some Early Medieval Skeletons from Borovce (Piešany District, Slovakia) Connected with Allochthonic Spur with a Buckle for Tying: A Multivariate Analysis (PCA)
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 151-165
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Debono L, Mafart B
Sex Determination from Fragmented Hip Bones Using the Bruzek Method: Experience in a Historic Necropolis in Provence (France)
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 167-172
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Silva Braz V, Ubelaker DH, Foran DR
Morphological Analysis of Differential Bone Survival
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 173-177
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Nováková B, Vacková B
An Analysis of the Anthropological and Social Characteristics of the Parents of Romany and Non-Romany Neonates from Most, Ústí nad Labem and Kladno (Czech Republic)
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 179-186
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Hardt B, Henke W
Preterm Birth of Children: A Current Study Concerning the Problems of Affected Women and Public Knowledge
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 187-193
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Trnka R
Human Neuro-Cognitive Decoding Abilities as a New Criterion for Homologizing Primate Communicatory Signals
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 195-200
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Marvan R, Mazura I, De Ruiter JR
A Report on Paternity Testing in Bonobos (Pan Paniscus): Difficulty of Obtaining Reliable Genotypes by Analysis of Ca/Gt Repetitive Sequences
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 201-207
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Čapek P, Škvor J, Mazurová F
Phenotype Aspects of Δ160 of TNNT2 Gene in Czech Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 209-211
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Strouhal E
Paleopathology and Physical Anthropology at the 9th International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble (France), September 6-12, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 213-213
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Strouhal E
The Fifth World Congress on Mummy Studies at Turin (Italy), September 2-5, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 213-214
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Strouhal E
15th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association at Durham, U.K., August 10-14, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 214-214
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Prokopec M
Obituary - Prof. MUDr. et RNDr. H.C. Emanuel Vlček , DrSc. March 1, 1925 - October 24, 2006
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 214-214
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