International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 62 Issue 3 is in progress.

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'Anonymous, 1975: The Workshop Program of the European Anthropologists, Budapest, September 1974. Anthropologie (Brno) 13, 3: 254-254'.
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Brzobohatá K
Book review: Peter Frost: European Hair, Eye, and Skin Color: Solving the Puzzle.
2023, Volume 61, Issue 1, Pp. 120-121
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Fojtová M
NEWS: 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pp. 433-433
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Wiśniewski A, Kufel-Diakowska B, Chłoń M, Michalec G, Różok Z
Not only simple workshop: New research of Magdalenian horizon at site Sowin 7, SW Poland
2020, Volume 58, Issue 2-3, Pp. 321-337
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Štrkalj G, Bošković A, Buturović Ž
2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pp. 287-297
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Stephan CN
A Workshop on Gerasimov's Plastic Facial Reconstruction – 17th Meeting of the International Association of Craniofacial Identification, Brisbane, July, 2017
2018, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pp. 68-71
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Nerudová Z,
Andreas Maier: The Central European Magdalenian. Regional Diversity and Internal Variability. (book review)
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 69-69
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Smith FH, Lacy KM, Caldwell SJ
Morphological Evidence for Modern Human Influences in Late Central European Neandertals
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 61-76
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Paliienko S
The culture-historical division of the Central European Upper Paleolithic in Soviet archeology
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 271-283
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Mester Z, Faragó N, Lengyel G
The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the northern Carpathian regions: a research program
2012, Volume 50, Issue 3, Pp. 275-293
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Rapchan ES
Culture: What can anthropologists and chimpanzees teach us?
2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 1-12
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Pettitt P, Hedges R
The age of the Vedrovice cemetery: the AMS radiocarbon dating programme
2008, Volume 46, Issue 2-3, Pp. 125-134
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Strouhal E
Paleopathology and Physical Anthropology at the 9th International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble (France), September 6-12, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 213-213
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Strouhal E
The Fifth World Congress on Mummy Studies at Turin (Italy), September 2-5, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 213-214
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Strouhal E
15th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association at Durham, U.K., August 10-14, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 214-214
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Valoch K
XIV. Bilzingsleben - Kolloquium: Begegnung mit Mensch und Umwelt im Eiszeitalter. (45 Jahre pleistozänforschung im Elbe-Saalegebiet). Bad Frankenhausen 2.-4. September 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 3, Pp. 303-303
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Strouhal E
14th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association in Coimbra, Portugal, August 28-31, 2002
2002, Volume 40, Issue 1, Pp. 99-99
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Anikovich MV
The Formation of Upper Palaeolithic Cultures and Anatomically Modern Humans: The Ease European Perspective
1999, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pp. 115-123
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Prokopec M
IVth International Anthropological Congress of Aleš Hrdlička "World Anthropology at the Turn of the Centuries" (Prague and Humpolec, Czech Republic, 31 August - 4 September, 1999)
1999, Volume 37, Issue 3, Pp. 283-284
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Condemi S
The Neanderthals: A Cold-Adapted European Middle Pleistocene Population?
1998, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, Pp. 35-42
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Gowlett JAJ, Chambers JC, Hallos J, Pumphrey TRJ
Beeches Pit: First Views of the Archaeology of a Middle Pleistocene Site in Suffolk, UK, in European Context
1998, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, Pp. 91-97
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Strouhal E
12th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association in Prague and Pilsen (Czech Republic) in 1998
1998, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pp. 305-305
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Strouhal E
11th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Jena (Germany) 1998
1998, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pp. 305-306
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Strouhal E
Forthcoming Meeting. 12th European Meeting of the Palaeopathological Association 1998 in the Czech Republic
1997, Volume 35, Issue 1, Pp. 98-98
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Velichko AA, Gribchenko YN, Kurenkova EI
Geoarchaeology of the Palaeolithic in the East European Plain
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 215-232
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Strouhal E
XIth European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association
1996, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pp. 352-352
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Strouhal E
Workshop on Traumatology in Munich 1995
1995, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Pp. 136-136
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Vančata V, Přívratský V, Zlámalová H
Winkler's Memorial Symposium - Perspectives in the Anthropology of Past and Present Populations. 29 September - 5 October 1995, Xanthi, Greece
1995, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Pp. 136-137
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Strouhal E
Workshop on Dental Anthropology in Weimar, 1993
1994, Volume 32, Issue 1, Pp. 98-98
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Strouhal E
Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association in Göttingen 1994
1994, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pp. 189-189
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Strouhal E
IX European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1993, Volume 31, Issue 1-2, Pp. 84-84
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Strouhal E
62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Toronto, 1993
1993, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pp. 164-164
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Strouhal E
VIIIth Conress of the European Anthropological Association in Madrid, 1992
1993, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pp. 164-164
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Bednarik R
Second AURA Congress and 1992 IFRAO Meeting: 30 August - 4 September 1992, Cairns, Australia
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 239-239
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Šedivý V
The Congress of the European Anthropological Association
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 143-143
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Strouhal E
The Eighth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 144-145
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Strouhal E
International Workshop on Joint Diseases in Vienna 1991
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 240-240
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Strouhal E
7th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1990, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pp. 101-102
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Černý M
6th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest 1988
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 280-280
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Dočkalová M
The Workshop "New Finds and Novel Opinions in Paleopathology"
1988, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pp. 148-148
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Strouhal E
The 18th Colloque of Francophone Anthropologists, l'Escala (Spain)
1988, Volume 26, Issue 3, Pp. 228-228
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Prokopec M, Dutková L
12th School of Biological Anthropology in Zagreb from 1st-4th September 1986
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 279-279
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Strouhal E, Prokopec M
The 5th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Lisabon 1986
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 277-279
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Stloukal M
4th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Florence
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 178-179
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Strouhal E
5th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association in Siena
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 179-180
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Wasserman M
The Aztec Community and Abnormal Behavior: A Look at its Program for Primary Prevention
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 75-78
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Strouhal E
The Fourth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 89-90
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Svoboda J
Two Meetings of Anthropologists and Archaeologists in Xanthi, Greece
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 279-279
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Jelínek J
3rd Congress of the European Anthropological Association
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 183-183
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Prokopec M
The Centennial International Anthropological Congress, Budapest 2nd-5th June, 1981
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 93-93
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Strouhal E
The 15th Meeting of the Francophone Anthropologists in Brussels in 1981 (XVe Colloque des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, Bruxelles 1981)
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 91-92
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Beneš J
2nd Congress of the European Anthropological Association Held in Brno (Czechoslovakia) between August 26-31, 1980
1981, Volume 19, Issue 2, Pp. 186-187
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Jelínek J
The New Association of Philippine Anthropologists
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 80-80
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Stringer C
The Dating of European Middle Pleistocene Hominids and the Existence of Homo erectus in Europe
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 3-14
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Jelínek J
Variability and Geography: Contribution to our Knowledge of European and North African Middle Pleistocene Hominids
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 109-114
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Strouhal E
Second European Meeting of the Paleopathological Association in Turin (Italy)
1980, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pp. 99-99
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Stloukal M
The First Congress of the European Anthropologists and the Third School of Biological Anthropology
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 189-189
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Prokopec M
Bericht über die Konsultation der Forschungsaufgabe HA/2 der Internationalen biologischen Programms IBP in London (Feber 1972)
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 149-151
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Stloukal M
Anthropological Congress on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary Commemorating the Birthday of Aleš Hrdlička (10th Conference of Czechoslovak Anthropologists)
1970, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pp. 39-41
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Prokopec M
Anthropology, Medicine, and the International Biological Programme
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 79-80
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Strouhal E
Symposium of the Section of Human Adaptability of the International Biological Programme "Man in Africa"
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 81-82
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Stloukal M
The IX Nation-Wide Conference of Czechoslovak Anthropologists
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 72-73
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Chatterjee BK, Kumar GD
How Far the Prehistoric Skeletal Remains Excavated from Various Sites Help to Determine the Basic Common Origin of the Indo-European Races
1965, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pp. 31-42
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