International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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2024, Volume 62, Issue 2, Pp. 143-149
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Surovell TA, O´Brien MJ, Pelton SR
2023, Volume 61, Issue 3, Pp. 303-314
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Khudaverdyan AY, Palanjyan RS, Eganyan LG, Khachatryan HH
2019, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pp. 189-213
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Tvrdý Z
The Days of Anthropology 2017
2018, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pp. 67-68
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Sudoł M, Cyrek K, Krajcarz M, Krajcarz MT
Around the Biśnik Cave – the Area of human penetration during Palaeolithic
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 49-68
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Torlińska-Walkowiak N, Pawlaczyk K, Borysewicz-Lewicka M
Tooth wear during developmental age of Polish children in the Medieval Period
2016, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pp. 119-127
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Tvrdý Z,
Anthropology of the Neolithic population from Nitra-Horné Krškany (Slovakia)
2016, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pp. 231-284
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Barna JP
Socio-historical background of cultural changes in South-Western-Hungary as reflected by archaeological data during Post-LBK times
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 399-412
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Scharl S
Lithic exchange systems during the LBK-Post-LBK transition: dramatic change or continuous development? A case study from Northwestern Bavaria
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 375-386
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Boaventura R, Ferreira MT, Neves MJ, Silva AM
Funerary practices and anthropology during Middle-Late Neolithic (4th and 3rd millennia BCE) in Portugal: old bones, new insights
2014, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pp. 183-205
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Villotte S, Stefanovic S, Knüsel CJ
External auditory exostoses and aquatic activities during the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in Europe: results from a large prehistoric sample
2014, Volume 52, Issue 1, Pp. 73-89
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Květina P, Hrnčíř V
Between archaeology and anthropology: imagining Neolithic settlements
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 323-347
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Havlíček J, Blažek V
Editorial: What is the relation of human ethology to anthropology? A brief historical account
2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 3-7
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Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Sudoł M, Cyrek K
From far or from near? Sources of Kraków-Częstochowa banded and chocolate silicite raw material used during the Stone Age in Biśnik Cave (southern Poland)
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 411-425
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Chopra S, Sharma K
The development of menstrual-related beliefs and behaviours during adolescence in a Semi Rural Haryana (India): a conceptual and empirical formulation
2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 95-107
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Kalina J
Facial image analysis in anthropology: a review
2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 141-153
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Ehler E, Vančata V
Neolithic transition in Europe: evolutionary anthropology study
2009, Volume 47, Issue 3, Pp. 185-193
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Dočkalová M
Anthropology of the Neolithic population from Vedrovice (Czech Republic)
2008, Volume 46, Issue 2-3, Pp. 239-315
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Al-Shorman A, Rose J, Turshan N
Geology and Anthropology: A Case Study from Jordan
2007, Volume 45, Issue 2-3, Pp. 283-289
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Unravelling Hominin Relations with the Environment in Central Europe during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3
2007, Volume 45, Issue 2-3, Pp. 297-297
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Strouhal E
Anthropology of the Egyptian Nubian Men
2007, Volume 45, Issue 2-3, Pp. 105-245
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Strouhal E
Paleopathology and Physical Anthropology at the 9th International Congress of Egyptologists in Grenoble (France), September 6-12, 2004
2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 213-213
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Questioning the First Aurignacian: Mono or Multi Cultural phenomenon during the formation of the Upper Paleolithic in central Europe and the Balkans
2006, Volume 44, Issue 1, Pp. 9-29
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Eighty Years After the Discovery of the Taung Skull Revolutionised Paleoanthropology
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 121-128
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Distinguishing Between Human and Non-human Bones: Histometric Method for Forensic Anthropology
2005, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pp. 77-85
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Gemegah H
Aleš Hrdlička's Impact on Anthropology and Society in China
2004, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pp. 105-114
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Dočkalová M
International Anthropological Congress "Anthropology and Society". Memorial Congress on the 60th Anniversary of Death of Dr. Aleš Hrdlička. May 22 - 24, 2003 Praha-Humpolec, Czech Republic
2003, Volume 41, Issue 1-2, Pp. 1-1
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2003, Volume 41, Issue 1-2, Pp. 173-180
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Understanding Recent Apes as Parallel Models in Paleoanthropology: An Epistemological Approach
2002, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pp. 115-118
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Recent Development of Biological Anthropology in Egypt
2002, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pp. 203-203
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The Status of the Race Concept in Chinese Biological Anthropology
2002, Volume 40, Issue 1, Pp. 95-98
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Luboš Vyhnánek's Contribution to Czech and Slovak Palaeoanthropology and Anthropology
2001, Volume 39, Issue 1, Pp. 1-8
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Tattersall I
Palaeoanthropology and Evolutionary Biology
2000, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pp. 165-168
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Alt KW, Buitrago Téllez CH, Henke W, Rothe H
Dental CT Studies in Anthropology
1999, Volume 37, Issue 3, Pp. 257-264
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Butovskaia ML
The social oganisation and adaptations of early hominids to various environments during the plio-poleistocene
1999, Volume 37, Issue 1, Pp. 27-31
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Henke W, Rothe H
Palaeoanthropology - A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Approach
1999, Volume 37, Issue 3, Pp. 209-210
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Prokopec M
IVth International Anthropological Congress of Aleš Hrdlička "World Anthropology at the Turn of the Centuries" (Prague and Humpolec, Czech Republic, 31 August - 4 September, 1999)
1999, Volume 37, Issue 3, Pp. 283-284
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Report on the Conference: "Models and Reconstruction in Anthropology and Archaeology" Held on June 2-3, 1998. At the Masaryk University's Faculty of Natural Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic
1998, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pp. 304-305
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Přívratský V
10th Anthropology Days of the Czech Anthropological Society
1996, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pp. 351-352
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Vančata V, Přívratský V, Zlámalová H
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1995, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Pp. 136-137
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Strouhal E
Workshop on Dental Anthropology in Weimar, 1993
1994, Volume 32, Issue 1, Pp. 98-98
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Palaeoanthropological and Palaeopathological Research During the Ees-Leiden Museum Mission at Saqqara 1994
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Seroanthropology of Roms (Gypsies)
1993, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pp. 125-149
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Inbreeding among Indian Muslims: A Case Study of Garia of Assam, India
1993, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pp. 115-117
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Anthropology of the Christian Population at Sayala (Egyptian Nubia, 6th-11th century A.D.): Preliminary Report
1992, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pp. 85-87
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Mort FL, Gambier D
Cutmarks and Breakage on the Human Bones from Le Placard (France). An Example of Special Mortuary Practice During the Upper Palaeolithic
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 189-194
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Perimortem and Postmortem Modification of Human Bone. Lessons from Forensic Anthropology
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 171-174
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Strouhal E
Physical Anthropology at the Seventh International Conference of the Society for Nubian Studies in Geneva 1990
1990, Volume 28, Issue 2-3, Pp. 283-284
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Strouhal E
Physical Anthropology at the Fifth International Congress of Egyptology in Cairo 1988
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 277-277
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Prokopec M, Dutková L
Anthropology in Yugoslavia 1985
1987, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pp. 91-93
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Prokopec M, Dutková L
12th School of Biological Anthropology in Zagreb from 1st-4th September 1986
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 279-279
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The Course on "Anthropology and Health" in Dubrovnik, Yougoslavia 18.-23. 8. 1986
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 280-280
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Strouhal E
Physical Anthropology at the Fourth International Congress of Egyptologists in Munich 1985
1986, Volume 24, Issue 2-3, Pp. 277-278
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Balikci A
New International Newsletter on Visual Anthropology
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 182-183
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Novotný VV
A Glance at the Scientific Activity of the Czechoslovak Anthropology
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 180-181
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Novotný VV
The Study of Human Ecology in the Present Czechoslovak Anthropology (IInd Anthropological Days, Brno, 3.-4. May 1983)
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 91-92
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Comparative Odontometrics of Prehistoric Amerindians of Central and Eastern North America
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 217-221
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Research in Biological Anthropology of the Andaman Negritos: A Critical Review
1983, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pp. 259-268
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Sex Differences of Pelvis and Sex Determination in Paleoanthropology
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 65-72
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Strouhal E
Physical Anthropology at the 2nd International Egyptological Congress in Grenoble
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 78-78
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Ghosh GC
Variability of Palmar Triradii in Twelve Central Indian Populations
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 243-246
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1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 205-217
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Round Table Symposium on Paleogenetics Within the Second Italian Congress of Anthropology in Trieste
1980, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pp. 99-100
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Ambros C
A Contribution to the Anthropology of the Bronze Age in Slovakia
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 143-145
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Scientific Contribution of Symposium on Methods of Functional Anthropology
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An Outline of the Researches on Anthropology of the Bronze Age in Moravia
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 117-121
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Scientific Conference on the Anthropology of the Bronze Age
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 83-84
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The First Congress of the European Anthropologists and the Third School of Biological Anthropology
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 189-189
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Report on the 2nd International School of Biological Anthropology (Zagreb, November 8-13, 1976)
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A Cross-Sectional Growth Study of Some Modified Fresh Pelvic Measurements and the Correlation Matrices [Indian data]
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Epigenetic Traits: The Change of Frequencies During the Neolithic-Bronze Age Transition in Bohemia
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Basu A, Namboodiri KK
Social History and Bio-Anthropology in Haiti, West Indies
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 149-158
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Palaeoanthropology of the Soviet Ukraine. Third Part
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Certain Correlation Matrices Between Various Longitudinal and Transverse Trends [Indian Dermatoglyphics]
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The XIIIth Congress of Czechoslovak Anthropology in Brno
1975, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 140-141
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Some Observations on the Weight/Height Relationship During Growth
1971, Volume 9, Issue 2-3, Pp. 147-149
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Symposium on Ethnic Anthropology
1971, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pp. 97-97
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11th Meeting of the German Society for Anthropology and Human Genetics in Mainz
1970, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pp. 39-39
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Subject and Meaning of the Anthropology of Motherhood
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 75-76
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Anthropology and Sports Medicine
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 80-81
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Anthropology, Medicine, and the International Biological Programme
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 79-80
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The Position of Anthropology from the Viewpoint of Plastic Surgery
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A Contribution to the Anthropology of Slovakia
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 51-58
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Anthropology and Health Education in Research and Teaching
1966, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pp. 95-97
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The Use of Discriminatory Analysis in Anthropology. Part 1: A Survey of Discriminatory Methods
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The Use of Anthropology in the Observation of Facial Clefts
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A Contribution to the Anthropology of the Recent Egyptian Population. Part 2: Regional Variability of some Anthropological Features
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A Contribution to the Anthropology of the Recent Egyptian Population
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