International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 1 is in progress.

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'Groenen M, 1997: Vie et mort au paleolithique: 1. les pratiques funeraires. Anthropologie (Brno) 35, 1: 17-50'.
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Hashesh Z
2024, Volume 62, Issue 3, Pp. 157-177
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Guarino M
2023, Volume 61, Issue 1, Pp. 49-67
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Bielinska-Majewska B
2022, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pp. 5-28
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2022, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pp. 75-86
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Čechák P, Korený R, Krušinová L
Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in the Příbram region
2021, Volume 59, Issue 3, Pp. 251-296
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Romagnoli F, Vaquero M,
The Big Puzzle 30 Years After: A Shared, Multi disciplinary, Palaeolithic Perspective – International Work shop, Tarragona (Spain), May 9–11, 2017.
2018, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pp. 63-66
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Floss H, Fröhle S, Schürch B, Wettengl S
2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 43-73
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Kozłowski JK
2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 27-41
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Neruda P
Martin Oliva. Umění moravského paleolitu. Atlas sbírky Ústavu Anthropos Moravského zemského muzea. Palaeolithic Art of Moravia. The Anthropos Collection of the Moravian Museum. (Review)
2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 232-233
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Cyrek K, Sudoł M, Czyżewski L
The record of changes in the Middle Palaeolithic Settlement zone of the Biśnik Cave
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 5-20
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Sudoł M, Cyrek K, Krajcarz M, Krajcarz MT
Around the Biśnik Cave – the Area of human penetration during Palaeolithic
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 49-68
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Balescu S, Tuffreau A, Dobrescu R
Mamaia Sat (Romania): a Late Middle Pleistocene Palaeolithic Site?
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 157-166
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Bar-Yosef O,
Chinese Palaeolithic Challenges for Interpretations of Palaeolithic Archaeology
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 77-92
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Demidenko YE,
Middle Palaeolithic industrial variability and tool treatment debitage diversity: some intercorrelation studies for the Crimean Micoquian
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 127-155
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Moncel MH, Pleurdeau D, Pinhasi R, Yeshurun R, Agapishvili T, Chevalier T, LeBourdonnec F X, Poupeau G, Nomade S, Jennings R, Higham T, Tushubramishvili N, Lordkipanidze D,
The Middle Palaeolithic Record of Georgia: A Synthesis of the Technological, Economic and Paleoanthropological Aspects
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 93-125
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Boaventura R, Ferreira MT, Neves MJ, Silva AM
Funerary practices and anthropology during Middle-Late Neolithic (4th and 3rd millennia BCE) in Portugal: old bones, new insights
2014, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pp. 183-205
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Duday H, Le Mort F, Tillier A-m
Archaeothanatology and funeral archaeology. Application to the study of primary single burials
2014, Volume 52, Issue 3, Pp. 235-246
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Huchet J-B
Insect remains and their traces: relevant fossil witnesses in the reconstruction of past funerary practices
2014, Volume 52, Issue 3, Pp. 329-346
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Rigaud S
Pratiques ornementales des premieres communautés agro-pastorales de Baviere (Allemagne) : Intégration ? Acculturation ? Convergence ? Nouveaux apports de la nécropole de Essenbach-Ammerbreite [Personal ornaments of the first agro-pastoral societies in Bavaria (Germany): Integration? Acculturation? Convergence? New insights from Essenbach-Ammerbreite cemetery]
2014, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pp. 207-227
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Valoch K
The Early Upper Palaeolithic in the eastern part of Central Europe
2013, Volume 51, Issue 1, Pp. 87-90
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Valoch K
The Early Palaeolithic site Stránská Skála I near Brno (Czechoslovakia)
2013, Volume 51, Issue 1, Pp. 67-86
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Valoch K
Contribution to the architecture of Upper Palaeolithic dwellings
2013, Volume 51, Issue 1, Pp. 63-66
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Bielińska-Majewska B
Research report: Some comments on Late Palaeolithic lithic raw material economy in the Toruń Basin - based on selected sites
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 475-488
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Nemergut A, Cheben M, Gregor M
Lithic raw material use at the Palaeolithic site of Moravany nad Váhom-Dlhá
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 379-390
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Neruda P
Impact of raw materials on the interpretation of Middle Palaeolithic assemblages
2012, Volume 50, Issue 3, Pp. 345-360
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Nerudová Z, Neruda P, Přichystal A
A Unique Raw Material from Early Upper Palaeolithic layers in the Pod hradem Cave (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic) - Interpretative Problems
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 463-474
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Wiśniewski A, Furmanek M, Borowski M, Kądziołka K, Rapiński A, Winnicka K
Lithic raw material and Late Palaeolithic strategies of mobility: a case study from Sowin 7, SW Poland
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 391-409
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Analysis of bifacial artefacts from the Palaeolithic site of Trboušany IIb (South Moravia, Czech Republic)
2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 59-78
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Valoch K
Trboušany IIb: Eine mittelpaläolithische Oberflächenfundstelle im Raume des Kromauer Waldes in Südmähren (Tschechien). [The Middle Palaeolithic site of Trboušany IIb at the foot of Krumlovský les (South Moravia, Czech Republic)]
2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 21-57
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Antl-Weiser W
The time of the Willendorf figurines and new results of Palaeolithic research in Lower Austria
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 131-141
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Petrognani S, Robert E
À propos de la chronologie des signes paléolithiques.constance et émergence des symboles
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 169-180
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Mester Z, Moncel M-H,
Le site Paléolithique moyen D'Érd (Hongrie): nouvelles données sur les chaînes opératoires et résultats morpho-fonctionnels de la production
2006, Volume 44, Issue 3, Pp. 221-240
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Ullrich H
Cannibalistic Rites within Mortuary Practices from the Paleolithic to Middle Ages in Europe
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 249-261
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Le paléolithique moyen des carpates méridionales (Roumanie et la grotte Cioarei-Borosten): Des témoignages d'une fréquentation de la moyenne montagne a la faveur d'améliorations climatiques par des groupes de Néandertaliens?
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Post-Palaeolithic Homo sapiens Evolution in Central Europe: Changes in Body Size and Proportions in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
2001, Volume 39, Issue 2-3, Pp. 133-152
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The Kůlna Level 11: Some Observations on the Debitage Rules and Aims. The Originality of a Middle Palaeolithic Microlithic Assemblage (Kůlna cave, Czech Republic)
2000, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pp. 219-247
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The Upper Palaeolithic Levallois Industry from Hradsko (Mělník District, Czech Republic)
2000, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pp. 271-281
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The Non-Adults of the Necropolis of the Old Bishop's Palace of Poitiers (4th Century) and Saint-Martin-de-Cognac (7th-15th Centuries) in France. Palaeodemography and Funerary Practices
2000, Volume 38, Issue 1, Pp. 83-100
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Introduction - Children in the past. Palaeoauxology, demographic anomalies, taphonomy and mortuary practices
2000, Volume 38, Issue 1, Pp. 1-4
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The Formation of Upper Palaeolithic Cultures and Anatomically Modern Humans: The Ease European Perspective
1999, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pp. 115-123
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Derevianko AP, Petrin VT, Taimagambetov ZK
Palaeolithic Sites of Surface Occurrence in the Arid Zone of Eurasia: Methods of Studying and Potential of Information
1998, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, Pp. 99-119
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Early Palaeolithic Assemblages in Travertine, Southern Kazakhstan (A Variant of an Adaptation Model)
1998, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, Pp. 137-164
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La paléolithique moyen dans la moyenne vallée du Rhone en France: la question de la variabilité des assemblages lithiques des stades isotopiques 9 à 3
1998, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pp. 181-199
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Brůžek J
Rapport sur le Symposium "Changements biologiques et culturels en Europe de la fin du Paléolithique Moyen au Néolithique" ("Cultural and Biological Changes in Europe from the End of Middle Palaeolithic to the Neolithic"), du 12 au 14 Juin 1997, Bordeaux, France
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 234-234
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A New Find of Upper Palaeolithic Skull in Slovakia
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 233-233
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Sekiya A
Volcanic Ash Layers and Stratigraphy of the Palaeolithic in the Kanto District, Japan
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 145-151
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Note on a Palaeolithic Industry from Wadi Buzna, Fezzan
1997, Volume 35, Issue 1, Pp. 11-16
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Geoarchaeology of the Palaeolithic in the East European Plain
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 215-232
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Postdepositional Artefact Scattering in a Podzol. Processes and Consequences for Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Sites
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 119-130
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Crisis in Palaeolithic Art Studies
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 123-130
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Some Considerations for the Skeletal Remains of the Upper Palaeolithic Homo s. sapiens in Italy
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 109-114
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The Impact of Direct Dating on Palaeolithic Cave Art: Lascaux Revisited
1995, Volume 33, Issue 3, Pp. 191-199
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The Kiik-Koba Culture and Some Questions of the Crimean Middle Palaeolithic Study
1993, Volume 31, Issue 1-2, Pp. 45-64
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Bednarik RG
Natural Line Markings on Palaeolithic Objects
1992, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pp. 233-240
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Une industrie calcaire du paléolithique en Moravie (République Tchèque)
1992, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pp. 241-267
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Abramova ZA
Une espèce de décor de l'art paléolithique de l'Europe
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 79-83
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L'Acheuléen supérieur de Cladova (Roumanie) et la question du paléolithique quartzitique
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 29-43
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L'analyse pollinique du sédiment de l'habitat paléolithique de Cladova
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 123-125
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Delporte H, Kandel D, Pinçon G
Analyse et gestion de l'art mobilier paléolithique
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 131-136
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The Zonal Division of the Lower Palaeolithic Open-Air Site Bilzingsleben
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 17-24
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Mort FL, Gambier D
Cutmarks and Breakage on the Human Bones from Le Placard (France). An Example of Special Mortuary Practice During the Upper Palaeolithic
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 189-194
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Valoch K
Les premières trouvailles authentiques du Paléolithique à Miskolc et les questions actuelles des industries à pièces foliacées de l'Europe Centrale dans leurs cadres chronologiques, paléoécologiques, paléontologiques. Colloque commémoratif international, Miskolc 1891-1991
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 240-240
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Anasazi Cannibalism at Mancos Canyon: A Progress Report
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 195-197
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Boroneant V, Plopsor ND
Lesions traumatiques violentes datant de l'epipaleolithique tardif du sud-ouest de la Roumanie
1990, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pp. 55-65
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The Early Palaeolithic Settlement in the Region of the Middle Course of the River Morava (Czechoslovakia)
1990, Volume 28, Issue 2-3, Pp. 241-248
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A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Inhumations of the Lusatian Urnfield Population
1990, Volume 28, Issue 2-3, Pp. 235-240
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Problems of the Upper Palaeolithic in the North-Western Part of the Carpathian Basin
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 245-249
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Data on the Relationship Between the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in Hungary
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 231-244
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Primary and Secondary School Children of the Tri-City (Gdaňsk, Gdynia, Sopot) in the Light of Weight/Stature^2×1OO
1989, Volume 27, Issue 1, Pp. 45-53
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The Korolevo Palaeolithic Site: Research Methods, Stratigraphy
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 93-103
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Upper Palaeolithic Stone Tool Complexes from Korolevo
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 143-178
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The Symposion on Anthropophagy and Funeral Rituals in Bronze Age
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 279-279
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Kozlowski JK
La fin du paléolithique moyen en Pologne
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 133-142
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Neumark-Nord in the Valley of the Geisel Near Halle/S. (GDR): A New Middle Palaeolithic Site with Killing and Butchering Areas
1989, Volume 27, Issue 1, Pp. 1-4
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Ringer Á
L'origine du Szélétien de Bükk en Hongrie et son évolution vers le paléolithique supérieur
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 223-229
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The Beregovo Group of Upper Palaeolithic Sites in Transcarpathia
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 213-222
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Usik VI
Korolevo - Transition from Lower to Upper Palaeolithic According to Reconstruction Data
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 179-212
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Valoch K
The Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Eastern Part of Central Europe
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 89-91
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Bárta J
Problems of Dwelling Structures in the Palaeolithic of Western Slovakia
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 105-110
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A Lower Palaeolithic Settlement Site at Přezletice and the Finding of a Dwelling Structure
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 97-99
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A New Palaeolithic Triple-Burial Find
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 189-190
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The Lower Palaeolithic Dwelling Structure at Přezletice and its Significance
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 101-103
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Contribution to the Architecture of Upper Palaeolithic Dwellings
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 115-116
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The Early Palaeolithic Site Stránska skála I near Brno (Czechoslovakia)
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 125-142
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Mrzek I, Svoboda J
Lithic Raw Materials of the Late Palaeolithic/Neolithic Industries in Jabal Nefusa, Tripolitania
1986, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pp. 49-59
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Colloque International d'Art Parietal Paleolithique. Recherche et conservation
1985, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pp. 277-277
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Jelínek J
International Meeting "Les Habitats du Paléolithique Supérieur" Roanne, France
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 91-91
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Cannibalism as a Factor Favouring the Spreading of a virus Disease
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 73-75
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Le paléolithique inférieur de l'Italie du Nord-Est et des Marches (Venetie, Emilie-Romagne et Marches)
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 225-235
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L'environnement vegetal de l'homme prehistorique au paleolithique inferieur dans le Sud-est de la France
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 305-313
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Quelques industries du Paléolithique inférieur en Bohéme du Nord: Approche analytique
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 269-286
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Holnerová E
Cremation Graves in the Bronze Age [central Europe]
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 127-130
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Ducros A, Boulinier G
Mesure de la saillie des arcades sus-orbitaires des crânes du paléolithique supérieur de Moravie (Mladeč V, Brno II, Dolní Věstonice III, Pavlov)
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 89-90
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Stloukal M
Recherche anthropologique d'inhumations incinérées de Moravičany
1967, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp. 66-66
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Dzieržykray-Rogalski T
New Methods of Investigation of Bone Remains from Cremation Graves [Poland]
1966, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pp. 41-45
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