International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 1 is in progress.

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NEWS: 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pp. 433-433
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Association of Endometriosis Risk and Genetic Polymorphisms in Slovak Women
2022, Volume 60, Issue 3, Pp. 469-477
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The impact of environmental stress on minor congenital defects: measuring the association between MCD, stress markers and bone length
2021, Volume 59, Issue 2, Pp. 179-192
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2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 157-168
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2012, Volume 50, Issue 2, Pp. 209-226
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Multivariate Statistics on Roman and Migration Period Populations of the Carpathian Basin
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Natural Environment
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11th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Jena (Germany) 1998
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Human Adaptations and Pleistocene Environments in South China
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Environmental Change in the Human Occupation of Australia
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1993, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pp. 99-114
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IX European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
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20th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association in Toronto, 1993
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62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Toronto, 1993
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VIIIth Conress of the European Anthropological Association in Madrid, 1992
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The Congress of the European Anthropological Association
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The Eighth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 144-145
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7th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1990, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pp. 101-102
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Support and Cooperation in Agonistic Encounters of Stumptail Macaques (Macaca arctoides)
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Černý M
6th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest 1988
1989, Volume 27, Issue 2-3, Pp. 280-280
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1988, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pp. 7-11
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1987, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pp. 63-80
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Homo erectus from Bilzingsleben (GDR) - His Culture and his Environment
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The 5th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Lisabon 1986
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4th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Florence
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5th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association in Siena
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 179-180
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The Fourth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 89-90
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Jelínek J
3rd Congress of the European Anthropological Association
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A Research Project of the Study of Locomotion and Behaviour of Monkeys With Regards to the Environment (Primate Research Centre, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Sukhumi, Georgia, USSR)
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The International Symposium Evolution and Environment, Brno, 17.-22. 8. 1981
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The New Association of Philippine Anthropologists
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Second European Meeting of the Paleopathological Association in Turin (Italy)
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Czechoslovak Collaboration in the Anthropological Research of Ancient Egypt
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1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 107-109
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A Study of the Association Between Fingerball and Fingertip Configurational Complexes [Indian data]
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 205-209
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Demonstration der Hominidenreste von Bilzingsleven, Kreis Artern, DDR
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 109-111
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Interdigit Depth, Finger Length and Their Interrelationship in Adults [Bohemian Sample]
1975, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pp. 245-249
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Development of the Interdigital Spaces of the Hand
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 45-51
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Mainigi KK
Association Between Longitudinal and Transverse Quantitative Trends of Digital Triradii d, c, b, a, on Palms
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 13-16
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Inheritance of the Three Digital Types in Man
1970, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pp. 35-42
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The Growth of Certain External Dimensions of the Hand and the Operation Period of its Congenital Defects
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Artificially Deformed Skulls from the Migration Period From Praha-Podbaba: Morphological Revision of the So-Called Podbaba Skull
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The International Association of Human Biologists Established
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