International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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'Ullrich H, 1991: Proceedings of the symposium "Modifications of the fossil human bones: current status of facts and interpretations". Anthropologie (Brno) 29, 3: 149-149'.
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Khudaverdyan AY
2024, Volume 62, Issue 1, Pp. 1-27
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Vargová L, Tvrdý Z, Vymazalová K
2024, Volume 62, Issue 3, Pp. 231-248
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Kotěrová A, Rmoutilová R, Brůžek J
Current trends in methods for estimating age and sex from the adult human skeleton
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pp. 225-252
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Škultétyová A, Krenz-Niedbała M, Králík M, Fojtík P, Sedláčková L
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pp. 265-303
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Bioarchaeological evidence for the health status of a Late Bronze and Early Iron ages Bover population (Armenia)
2021, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pp. 55-78
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Navratilova H
2018, Volume 56, Issue 2, Pp. 79-83
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Khudaverdyan AYu, Hobossyan SG
Bioarchaeological evidence for the health status of a Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Bakheri chala population (Armenia)
2017, Volume 55, Issue 3, Pp. 319-336
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Datta Banik S, Dickinson F
Comparison of height, body fatness and socioeconomic status between pre- and postmenarcheal girls 11 to 13 years of age in Merida, Yucatan
2016, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pp. 141-154
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Lech J, Werra D H
On Artefacts from the Prehistoric Mining Fields
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 21-28
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Spatial Distribution of the Magdalenian Artefacts (Layer 6) in the Kůlna Cave (Czech Republic)
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 279-294
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Boaventura R, Ferreira MT, Neves MJ, Silva AM
Funerary practices and anthropology during Middle-Late Neolithic (4th and 3rd millennia BCE) in Portugal: old bones, new insights
2014, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pp. 183-205
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Insect remains and their traces: relevant fossil witnesses in the reconstruction of past funerary practices
2014, Volume 52, Issue 3, Pp. 329-346
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Social discriminations through the grave. Identity and status of the dead in the Cerny culture (Middle Neolithic, Paris Basin, France)
2014, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pp. 171-182
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The archaeology of artefacts
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 169-174
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Vitezovic S
From artefacts to behaviour: technological analyses in prehistory
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 175-194
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Artefacts or geofacts? Presenting a dilemma basing on the Early Vistulian finds from the Biśnik Cave, Poland
2012, Volume 50, Issue 3, Pp. 323-344
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2012, Volume 50, Issue 3, Pp. 361-375
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The variability of (Palaeo-)lithics: some facts, some ideas
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2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 59-78
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Pankowská A
Comparison of health status in human skeletal remains disposal in settlements and necropolises in the Early Bronze Age (in Central Moravia, Czech Republic)
2009, Volume 47, Issue 3, Pp. 215-228
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Sudip DB, Raj KB, Maity S, Sukul T, Roy V
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2006, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pp. 167-172
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Nutritional Status and Sexual Dimorphism in Three Amazonian Caboclo Communities
2005, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pp. 63-75
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Distinguishing Between Human and Non-human Bones: Histometric Method for Forensic Anthropology
2005, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pp. 77-85
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Svoboda JA, Van Der Plicht J, Vlček E, Kuželka V
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2004, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pp. 161-166
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Jeusel E, Mafart B
Evolution Morphométrique de la Cavité Palatine des Hominidés Fossiles
2003, Volume 41, Issue 3, Pp. 205-212
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2002, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pp. 119-128
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Smrčka V, Jambor J, Le Huray J, Waldhauser J, Valentová J
Skeletal Trace Element Content as an Indicator of Diet and Social Status in the La Tène Period
2002, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pp. 177-182
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Wang Q, Štrkalj G, Sun L
The Status of the Race Concept in Chinese Biological Anthropology
2002, Volume 40, Issue 1, Pp. 95-98
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Capasso L, D'Anastasio R, Michetti E
The Use of the Confocal Microscope in the Study of Ancient Human Bones
2001, Volume 39, Issue 2-3, Pp. 181-186
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Stable Isotope Analysis of Fossil Bone
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The Health Status and Lifestyle of Historic Bratislava Inhabitants: I. Pilot Study of Long Bone Lesions from Gothic Part (XVth-XVIIIth cent. AD) of the Ossuary in St. Jacob Chapel (Bratislava, Slovakaia)
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Direct Evidence of Ancient DNA from Human Bones up to Twelve Thousand Years Old by Probe Hybridization
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What To Do with Long Bones: Toward a Progressive Palaeoauxology
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Dočkalová M
Accumulation of Human and Animal Bones in an Archaeological Site of the Middle Bronze Age
1998, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pp. 281-291
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Brůžek J
Rapport sur le Symposium "Changements biologiques et culturels en Europe de la fin du Paléolithique Moyen au Néolithique" ("Cultural and Biological Changes in Europe from the End of Middle Palaeolithic to the Neolithic"), du 12 au 14 Juin 1997, Bordeaux, France
1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 234-234
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Ascenzi A, Segre AG
Artefacts and Human Teeth at the Fontana Ranuccio Middle Pleistocene Site (central Italy)
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 39-46
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New Hominid Fossil from Lake Eyasi, Tanzania
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 47-53
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Does the Human Fossil Specimen from Reilingen (Germany) Belong to the Homo erectus or to the Neanderthal Lineage
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 69-77
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Les empreintes vasculaires observees sur les moulages endocraniens d'hominides fossiles et actuels
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 27-34
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Comparative Analysis of Roentgenologic Methods for Age Evaluation Using Hand Bones
1996, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pp. 277-297
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The Hellenic Late Pleistocene Fossils
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 89-97
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The Gravettian Fossil Hominids of Italy
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 99-108
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Social Ontogeny in Primates: Semantics, Concepts, Facts and Processes
1995, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Pp. 83-98
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1995, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Pp. 136-137
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The Vth Symposium "Growth and Ontogenetical Development in Man"
1994, Volume 32, Issue 1, Pp. 98-99
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Kósa F, Antal A, Farkas I
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Human Adult Bones for Determining the Individual Age
1992, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pp. 13-20
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Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Fetal Bones for Determining the Age
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Electron Microprobe Study of the Fetal Bones to Determine the Age
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Med M
The Intervertebral Articulation of Three Fossil Individuals from Dolní Věstonice
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Cook J
Preliminary Report on Marked Human Bones from the 1986-1987 Excavations at Gough's Cave, Somerset, England
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 181-187
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Noncultural Modifications to Mammalian Bones in Sites of Mass Deaths and Serial Predation
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 151-156
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Worked Human Bones as Objects of Art: Lamanai, Belize
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 211-219
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Jelínek J
14th Annual Spring Systematics Symposium in Field Museum, Chicago
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 239-240
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Molleson TI
Cuts on Human Bones Produced by Metal Implements
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 199-204
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Mort FL, Gambier D
Cutmarks and Breakage on the Human Bones from Le Placard (France). An Example of Special Mortuary Practice During the Upper Palaeolithic
1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 189-194
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Strouhal E
International Symposium on Palaeopathology in Warsaw
1991, Volume 29, Issue 1-2, Pp. 143-144
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Jambor J
Changes in Bones of Prehistoric Populations Caused by Environmental Influence
1988, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pp. 55-60
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Strouhal E
Symposium "Fifty Years of Polish Excavations in the Mediterranean"
1987, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pp. 93-93
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Jelínek J
Taung 60. Taung Diamond Jubilee International Symposium
1985, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pp. 277-277
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Post-Congress Symposium on Upper Palaeolothic and Mesolithic Populations of Europe and of the Mediterranean Basin in Pisa
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 179-179
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The Symposium "Science in Egyptology" in Manchester
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 183-184
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The Culture and Environment of the Late Glacial Period in the Oder River Basin Against the Background of Central Europe. Rydzyna (Poland), Symposium 30th May - 1st June, 1984
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 79-79
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Symposium über Paläopathologie, Liestal/Schweiz, 21.-23. Juni 1984
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 80-80
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Sarai Nahar Rai Man: The First and Oldest Human Fossil Record in South Asia
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 35-50
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Prokopec M
Third International Symposium on Human Biology in Bozsok, Hungary 1981
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 92-93
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Symposium "Ethnogenese der europäischen Völker"
1983, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pp. 279-280
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Anthropometric Assessment of the Nutritional Status of 5-Year Old Ghanaian Children at Chorkor in Accra
1982, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pp. 209-213
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Some Macro- and Microstructural Aspects of the Lower Extremity Bones in the Population of Latvia According to Palaeoanthropological Data
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 1-6
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The International Symposium Evolution and Environment, Brno, 17.-22. 8. 1981
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Das XI. Internationale Symposium über das Spätneolithikum und die Bronzezeit in Xanthi
1982, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pp. 188-188
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Das Symposium "Wachstum und Entwicklung des Menschen"
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 79-80
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IIe Symposium de l'Anthropologie Biologique en Espagne
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 77-78
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Valšík's Memorial - The 9th Bartoš Symposium on Dermatoglyphics
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Symposium Vertebrologicum "Spine and its Contents", Prague, April 23-25, 1980
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 82-82
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Das 13. Symposium der Gesellschaf für Osteologie, Karl-Marx-Stadt. Oct. 8/9, 1980
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 82-82
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Three-Day Symposium on Human Evolution, Jáchymov, May 18-21, 1980
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Round Table Symposium on Paleogenetics Within the Second Italian Congress of Anthropology in Trieste
1980, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pp. 99-100
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Conference on Palaeodemography, Development of Pre- and Protohistorical Population of the World, Facts and Methods, Sárospatak 22 to 26 August, 1978
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Nobel Symposium "Arguments on Early Man"
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 277-277
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Scientific Contribution of Symposium on Methods of Functional Anthropology
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 277-279
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Kurth G
Evolutionstheoretische Aspekte von Bevölkerungsbiologie und Populationsgenetik für die Einstufung und Benennung von Fossilfunden
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 207-210
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Dutta PC
Current Anthropological Researches in India. 1
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 160-161
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Das Symposium "Bestimmung des Zahnalters am Knochenmaterial"
1974, Volume 12, Issue 1-2, Pp. 200-200
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Bugyi B
About the Transversal Sclerotic Lines of the Long Bones of the Extremities
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 101-104
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Prokopec M, Šedivý V
Bartoš Symposium in Bratislava
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 149-149
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Symposium on Ethnic Anthropology
1971, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pp. 97-97
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Friant M
Les rongeurs fossiles du groupe des Lemmings, en Europe occidentale et centrale. Leur importance au Pléistocène
1970, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pp. 21-29
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Symposium of the Section of Human Adaptability of the International Biological Programme "Man in Africa"
1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 81-82
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Symposion on "Evolutionary Trends in Fossil and Recent Hominids"
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 71-72
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Changes in Bones and Joints Radiographically Ascertained in the Members of the Czechoslovak Olympic Team
1966, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pp. 31-42
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Bunak VV
Conflicting View in the Taxonomy and Evolution of Fossil Hominids
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 29-36
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Stloukal M
Das Prager Symposium über die Probleme der menschlichen Rassen
1965, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp. 47-48
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Vlček E
Zu den Fragen der Taxonomie und Nomenklatur der fossilen Hominiden
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 7-28
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La masculinité (sex-ratio) chez les Hommes modernes et chez les Hommes fossiles
1964, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp. 27-40
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Kurth G
Die morphologische Einstufung menschlicher Fossilfunde und ihr Aussagewert für stratigraphische wie kulturgeschichtliche Datierungen und daraus Großzusammenhänge
1962, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp. 29-32
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