International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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'Fumanal MP, Villaverde V, 1997: Quaternary Deposits in Caves and Shelters in the Central Mediterranean Area of Spain. Sedimentoclimatic and Geoarchaeological Implications. Anthropologie (Brno) 35, 2: 109-118'.
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Kaur R, Kaur M, Suri V
Exploring longterm health implications in four Rotterdam phenotypes of Polycystic ovary syndrome
2024, Volume 62, Issue 1, Pp. 29-38
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Sázelová S
2023, Volume 61, Issue 3, Pp. 315-326
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Lička M, Šreinová B
2021, Volume 59, Issue 3, Pp. 333-353
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Nerudová Z
Book review: Jiří Svoboda: Dolní Věstonice – Pavlov. Explaining Paleolithic Settlements in Central Europe.
2021, Volume 59, Issue 3, Pp. 389-390
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Vančatová M, Vančata V
The simple objects place in enclosure for gorillas initiate rare or new behavioural patterns – implications for the origin of hominine tool behaviour
2021, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pp. 45-54
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Duranková S, Csanády A, Surmanková E, Ždiľová A, Bernasovská J
Age and sex differences and allometry in anthropometric variables in young adults from Central Europe (Slovakia)
2020, Volume 58, Issue 1, Pp. 25-37
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Spatial-functional Arrangement of Magdalenian Camp at Dzierżysław in upper Silesia (Poland)
2020, Volume 58, Issue 2-3, Pp. 251-262
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López-Morago C, Enrique J. Estévez, Alemán I, Botella M
Dental health and diet in a medieval Muslim population from Southern Spain
2020, Volume 58, Issue 1, Pp. 3-15
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Maier A
On the morphology, chronology, and phylogeny of triangular lithic insets between 20 and 14 ka calBP in Western and Central Europe
2020, Volume 58, Issue 2-3, Pp. 167-190
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2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pp. 271-286
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Petr Škrdla: Moravia at the onset of the Upper Paleolithic. (Book review)
2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pp. 379-381
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Between Bilzinbsleben and Vértésszölös: small-sized industries in the middle of Europe (Czech Republic)
2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pp. 363-371
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Romagnoli F, Vaquero M,
The Big Puzzle 30 Years After: A Shared, Multi disciplinary, Palaeolithic Perspective – International Work shop, Tarragona (Spain), May 9–11, 2017.
2018, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pp. 63-66
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Schamall D, Plenck H Jr., Teschler-Nicola M
2018, Volume 56, Issue 3, Pp. 143-162
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2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 27-41
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A Congenital Sternum Anomaly from a Late Roman burial from Mallorca, Spain
2016, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pp. 285-290
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Fubah MA,
Contemporary Drinking Horns in the Western Grassfields, Cameroon
2016, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pp. 129-139
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Hale AR,
Nutritional Implications in 19th Century Portugal: A LEH Study
2016, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pp. 161-174
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The Janisławice standard and its implications
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 29-34
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Nerudová Z,
Andreas Maier: The Central European Magdalenian. Regional Diversity and Internal Variability. (book review)
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 69-69
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Slovakia 2 Paleolithic and Mesolithic. Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae. (book review)
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 71-71
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Function and spatial organization of prehistoric camps and features. clues from central Poland
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 35-48
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Barna JP
Socio-historical background of cultural changes in South-Western-Hungary as reflected by archaeological data during Post-LBK times
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 399-412
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The Transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic in the Swabian Jura, Southwestern Germany
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 167-179
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Experiments Around the Fire. Discovering Human and Natural Processes in Middle Paleolithic Hearts
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 501-518
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Life in the border landscape: neolithic and early aeneolithic rockshelters and settlement patterns in northern Bohemia / Saxony
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 413-429
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2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 333-339
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2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 375-386
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Morphological Evidence for Modern Human Influences in Late Central European Neandertals
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 61-76
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The Age of the Sunghir Upper Paleolithic Human Burials
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 221-231
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Early Neolithic lifeways in Moravia and Western Slovakia: comparing archaeological, osteological and isotopic data from cemetery and settlement burials of the Linearbandkeramik (LBK)
2014, Volume 52, Issue 1, Pp. 35-72
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Coffins and stretchers in Middle Neolithic burials: a comparative study of the Paris Basin and the Upper Rhine plain
2014, Volume 52, Issue 3, Pp. 247-262
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A biocultural perspective on the transition to agriculture in Central Europe
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2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 249-259
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2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 271-283
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Human-landscape interaction in prehistoric Central Europe: analysis of natural and built environments
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 131-142
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Prehistoric archaeology in Central Europe: beyond diversity
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 123-130
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The Early Upper Palaeolithic in the eastern part of Central Europe
2013, Volume 51, Issue 1, Pp. 87-90
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Contribution to the architecture of Upper Palaeolithic dwellings
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2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 463-474
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Skeletal health and growth indicators in Medieval children from Ostrów Lednicki, Western-Central Poland
2009, Volume 47, Issue 3, Pp. 253-263
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2009, Volume 47, Issue 3, Pp. 215-228
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2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 125-128
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Action, ritual, and myth in the rock art of Egyptian Western Desert
2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 159-167
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Dental disease in nineteenth century Spain
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A taphonomic perspective in the Upper Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula
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2006, Volume 44, Issue 1, Pp. 49-60
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The Middle Paleolithic Engravings from Oldisleben, Germany
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The Beginning of the Upper Paleolithic in Transcarpathia, Ukraine
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2006, Volume 44, Issue 1, Pp. 9-29
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The Middle Paleolithic of Southern Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
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2001, Volume 39, Issue 2-3, Pp. 133-152
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Aurignacian Children and Mortuary Practice in Western Europe
2000, Volume 38, Issue 1, Pp. 5-21
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The Upper Palaeolithic Levallois Industry from Hradsko (Mělník District, Czech Republic)
2000, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pp. 271-281
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Asymmetry of the Upper Extremity in Contemporary Czech Children
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Discovery of Homo erectus Calvarium at Ceprano, Central Italy
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A New Find of Upper Palaeolithic Skull in Slovakia
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Surgery at the Origins of Agriculture: The Case of Central Europe
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Mallegni FF
Some Considerations for the Skeletal Remains of the Upper Palaeolithic Homo s. sapiens in Italy
1996, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pp. 109-114
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