International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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'Vančata V, 1988: Ecological Aspects of Skeletal Sexual Dimorphism in Microevolution of Homo sapiens. Anthropologie (Brno) 26, 1: 83-92'.
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Gupta Ch, Srikant N, Shetty S, Sujir N, Carnelio S
2025, Volume 63, Issue 1, Pp. 5-13
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Galeta P
demrat: an R package for predicting growth and fertility rates in skeletal samples using age-at-death ratios
2024, Volume 62, Issue 2, Pp. 83-95
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2023, Volume 61, Issue 3, Pp. 315-326
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2022, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pp. 125-139
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Račanská M, Vargová L, Vymazalová K, Dzetkuličová V, Horáčková L
Tarsal coalition in skeletal remains of past Czech populations
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pp. 253-263
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The possible manifestation of scurvy on skeletal remains dated to 3800–3700 BC
2021, Volume 59, Issue 2, Pp. 193-203
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Gardasevic J, Masanovic B, Arifi F
2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pp. 263-269
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Smrčka V, Berkovec T, Erban V,
2019, Volume 57, Issue 1, Pp. 79-86
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Skeletal remains of neonates from the Roman cemetery of Günzburg (Bavaria, FRG) – how long did the newborns survive? Microscopic assessment of the presence of the neonatal line in dental enamel.
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2016, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pp. 109-118
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2014, Volume 52, Issue 1, Pp. 15-33
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2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 61-70
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Influence of homogamy, complementarity, and sexual imprinting on mate choice
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Craniofacial sexual dimorphism in two Portuguese skeletal samples
2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 13-20
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Skeletal evidence for morbidity and mortality in samples from northeastern Hungary dating from the 10th century AD
2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 171-183
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Skeletal evidence for diseases in the Neolithic of Moravia
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Human skeletal biology from the Árpádian Age of Northeastern Hungary
2008, Volume 46, Issue 1, Pp. 25-36
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Sexual Dimorphism, MI Index, Student's t and Snedecor's F
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Jelínek J
Skeletal Remains from Arnhem Land
1979, Volume 17, Issue 2-3, Pp. 159-174
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Furmánek V
Some Aspects of the Archaeological-Anthropological Cooperation [Europe]
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 107-109
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Černý M, Komenda S
Geschlechtsbestimmung von Humerus und Femur mit Hilfe der Diskriminanzanalyse [Czech sample]
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 67-70
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Farkas G, Marcsik A, Vékony L
Vertebral Deformation in the Avar Skeletal Material
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 231-233
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Jelínek J
The Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens Sapiens Relationship in Central Europe
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 79-81
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Karasayevska TV, Shatalov AT
Some Historical Aspects of the Changes in Human Diseases
1975, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pp. 197-205
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Nikityuk BA, Filippov VI
Anthropological Aspects in the Genetics of Human Development: Heterotosis as One of the Factors of Child Growth and Development [Ukrainian Sample]
1975, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pp. 223-236
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Strouhal E
Anthropological Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Qertassi in Egyptian Nubia
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 63-69
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Dutta PC
The First Earliest Skeletal Remains of a Late Stone Age Man from India
1973, Volume 11, Issue 3, Pp. 249-253
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Merhautová J, Pařízková J
Age and Sexual Differences in Somatic and Functional Characters in 11 to 12 Years Old Youth of Tunisia
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 121-127
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Nikityuk BA
Genetics of Human Development: Anthropological Aspects
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 83-91
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Strouhal E
Anthropological Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Rock Tombs at Naga El-Farik in Egyptian Nubia
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 97-121
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Chatterjee BK, Kumar GD
How Far the Prehistoric Skeletal Remains Excavated from Various Sites Help to Determine the Basic Common Origin of the Indo-European Races
1965, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pp. 31-42
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Jelínek J
Zur Frage des Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis [with comment by S. Genoves and others]
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 53-57
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Schott L
Beziehungen zwischen Wachstumsschuben und Geschlechtsdimorphismus
1965, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pp. 21-29
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Propositions sur les aspects biologiques de la question raciale
1964, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp. 71-72
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A Note to the Determination of the Age of Children in Skeletal Material
1963, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp. 61-63
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