International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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Gupta Ch, Srikant N, Shetty S, Sujir N, Carnelio S
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Tooth wear during developmental age of Polish children in the Medieval Period
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Ghosh RR
Growth Trend in External Ear: Some Preliminary Observations
1987, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 179-181
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Gladilin VN, Sitliviy VI
On the Pre-Oldowan Development Stage of the Society: To the Memory of Glynn Isaac - Outstanding Investigator in African Prehistory
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 193-204
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Roth M
Hominization of the Skeleton: A Neurocranial, Neurospinal and Osteoneural Developmental Process
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 219-228
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Prokopec M, Titlbachová S, Dutková L, Zlámalová H
Development of Height and Weight of Czech Children Since 1951 up to 1981
1986, Volume 24, Issue 2-3, Pp. 217-224
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Vančatová MA, Vančata V, Čaljan VG
Some Aspects of Reproduction and Sexual Behaviour in Genus Macaca
1986, Volume 24, Issue 2-3, Pp. 261-265
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Malá H, Hajnišová M
State of Physical Development of the Gypsy Neonates Born in 1976-1978 in the Kladno and Chomutov Districts (Czechoslovakia)
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 21-23
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Padmanabham PBSV
Selection Intensity among the Rural and Urban Naika of Gujarat, India
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 101-103
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Spennemann DHR
Sex and Handedness: Male and Female Dimorphism, the Incidence of Left-Handedness and the Socio-Cultural Environment
1985, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pp. 219-221
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Internationale demographische Konferenz "Populationsevolution im Kontext der Gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung" in Smolenice
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 80-80
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Jelínek J
The Conference on the Evolution of Human Locomotion
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 278-279
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Perzigian AJ
Human Odontometric Variation: An Evolutionary and Taxonomic Assessment
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 193-198
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Stloukal M
Internationale demographische Konferenz "Populationsevolution im Kontext der Gesellschaftlichen Entwickulng" in Smolenice
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 92-92
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The Influence of Imitation on Tool-Using in Capouchine Monkeys (Cebus apella)
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 1-2
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Culture as an Important Factor of Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 49-51
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Development of a Communicative-Regulative System in the Hominization Process
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 45-47
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A Study of the Molar Teeth of the Bronze Age Harappans in the Context of Evolutionary Biology
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 97-102
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Tool-Making and First Stages of Labour-Factors and the Results of Human Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 7-17
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The Mladeč Finds and their Evolutionary Importance
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 57-64
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Motive Forces of the Evolution of Hominids in the Direction of Sapientation
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 27-31
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Ontogeny, Phylogeny and the Evolution of Man
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 19-22
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Evolutionary Model of Species and the Systematics of the Family Hominidae. 1 - General Considerations
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 1-5
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The Interrelationship between Natural Selection and Sociogenesis in Human Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 37-43
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Natural Selection in the Evolution of Hominids and its Relation with the Factors of the Hominization Process
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 53-56
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A Research Project of the Study of Locomotion and Behaviour of Monkeys With Regards to the Environment (Primate Research Centre, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Sukhumi, Georgia, USSR)
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 181-182
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Micro-Evolution and Variation: A Study Among the Migrants in the Andamans
1982, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pp. 177-181
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Nath S, Ihingon B
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1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 35-39
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The International Symposium Evolution and Environment, Brno, 17.-22. 8. 1981
1982, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pp. 281-281
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1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 199-201
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1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 269-280
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Utilization of Mathematical Methods in the Study of the Human Evolution: The Problem of the Morphofunctional Research in Paleoanthropology
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 205-217
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1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 231-235
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Main Questions of the Theoretical Basis of the Human Evolution Investigations
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 197-198
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Evolution de l'Acheuléen à Melka-Kunture (Ethiopie)
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Colloque "LES PROCESSUS DE L'HOMINISATION. L'évolution humaine. Les faits. Les modalités." Paris, 16-20 juin 1980
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 325-326
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Three-Day Symposium on Human Evolution, Jáchymov, May 18-21, 1980
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1979, Volume 17, Issue 2-3, Pp. 229-306
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Conference on Palaeodemography, Development of Pre- and Protohistorical Population of the World, Facts and Methods, Sárospatak 22 to 26 August, 1978
1979, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pp. 95-96
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The Anthropological Trend in Development Genetics
1977, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pp. 27-33
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1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 207-210
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1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 41-49
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Physical Development of Algerian School-Children
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Les methodes d'approche de l'evolution biologique de l'homme
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1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 35-37
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Genetics of Human Development: Anthropological Aspects
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 83-91
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1972, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pp. 3-36
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1971, Volume 9, Issue 2-3, Pp. 151-157
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Some Observations on the Weight/Height Relationship During Growth
1971, Volume 9, Issue 2-3, Pp. 147-149
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The Growth of Certain External Dimensions of the Hand and the Operation Period of its Congenital Defects
1970, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pp. 49-59
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1970, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pp. 73-79
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1969, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp. 41-50
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The Effect of Birth Order of Children in the Family on Their Physical Development (Height)
1969, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pp. 27-32
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Developmental Trends in Growth of Czech Youth in 1967
1969, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pp. 19-23
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1968, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pp. 19-23
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Bodily Development of Gypsy Children in Czechoslovakia
1968, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pp. 73-78
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Symposion on "Evolutionary Trends in Fossil and Recent Hominids"
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 71-72
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Evolution und Zukunft des Menschen
1967, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp. 3-6
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The Development of Basic Physical Features of Czechoslovak Adult Population in 1955-1965
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Conflicting View in the Taxonomy and Evolution of Fossil Hominids
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