International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
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2022, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pp. 125-139
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2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 207-230
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Kozłowski JK
2017, Volume 55, Issue 1-2, Pp. 27-41
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Mamaia Sat (Romania): a Late Middle Pleistocene Palaeolithic Site?
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Morphological Evidence for Modern Human Influences in Late Central European Neandertals
2015, Volume 53, Issue 1-2, Pp. 61-76
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Bártová K, Valentová J
Evolutionary perspective of same-sex sexuality: Homosexuality and homosociality revisited
2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 61-70
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Raw material exploitation strategies from Oldest Dryas to the end of Bølling in the Southern French Jura: Indicators for a differential behaviour?
2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 443-461
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The discovery of a Neanderthal jawbone (Kůlna I) in Kůlna Cave, Moravia
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2012, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp. 463-474
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Lithic Raw Materials of the Late Palaeolithic/Neolithic Industries in Jabal Nefusa, Tripolitania
1986, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pp. 49-59
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Vančatová MA, Vančata V, Čaljan VG
Some Aspects of Reproduction and Sexual Behaviour in Genus Macaca
1986, Volume 24, Issue 2-3, Pp. 261-265
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Spennemann DHR
Sex and Handedness: Male and Female Dimorphism, the Incidence of Left-Handedness and the Socio-Cultural Environment
1985, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pp. 219-221
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Vyhnálek L, Stloukal M
Diagnostik und Klassifikation der konstitutionellen (intrinsischen) Wirbelblöcke im archäologisch geborgenen Knochenmaterial
1985, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pp. 119-124
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Strouhal E
The Research of the Anthropological Materiál from Anubeion in Sakkara 1982
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 89-89
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Jelínek J
Neolithic Skeletal Material from Čičarovce, East Slovakia
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 103-111
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Sex Differences of Pelvis and Sex Determination in Paleoanthropology
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 65-72
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Svoboda J
Raw Material Sources in Early Upper Paleolithic Moravia: The Concept of Lithic Exploitation Areas
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 147-158
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Afarrh and the Origin of the Saharan Cattle Domestication
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 71-75
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The 4th All-State Congress of Medical Genetics in Hradec Králové 1981
1982, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pp. 280-280
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Svoboda J
Discussion on the Saint-Césaire Neanderthal Find
1982, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pp. 78-78
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Jelínek J
Neanderthal Parietal Bone from Kůlna Cave, Czechoslovakia
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 195-196
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Later Pleistocene Hominids of Eastern and Southern Africa
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 15-26
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Stringer C
The Dating of European Middle Pleistocene Hominids and the Existence of Homo erectus in Europe
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 3-14
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Utilization of Mathematical Methods in the Study of the Human Evolution: The Problem of the Morphofunctional Research in Paleoanthropology
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 205-217
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1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 161-187
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Jelínek J
Variability and Geography: Contribution to our Knowledge of European and North African Middle Pleistocene Hominids
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 109-114
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Scythian Descendants on the Lower Dnieper River According to the Anthropological Material from the Nikolaevka-Kazatskoe Cemetery. Third Part
1980, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pp. 41-80
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Round Table Symposium on Paleogenetics Within the Second Italian Congress of Anthropology in Trieste
1980, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pp. 99-100
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Materials on the Historical Demography of Lithuania in the 14th-18th cc
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 195-203
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Scythian Descendants on the Lower Dnieper River According to the Anthropological Material from the Nikolaevka-Kazatskoe cemetery. Second part
1978, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pp. 157-188
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The Middle Pleistocene Site Přibice I in South Moravia (Czechoslovakia)
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 229-241
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1977, Volume 15, Issue 2-3, Pp. 111-115
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The Technique of X-Raying Anthropological Stomatological Skeleton Materials
1977, Volume 15, Issue 2-3, Pp. 181-184
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Scythian Descendants on the Lower Dnieper River According to the Anthropological Material from the Nikolaevka-Kazatskoe Cemetery. First Part
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The Anthropological Trend in Development Genetics
1977, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pp. 27-33
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Vertebral Deformation in the Avar Skeletal Material
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 231-233
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1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 71-73
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The Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens Sapiens Relationship in Central Europe
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 79-81
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Tichá B
Orthodontische Anomalien beim osteologischen Material aus der Keltenzeit und der Zeit der Völkerwanderung
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 195-197
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1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 35-46
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New Anthropological Materials from the Hallstatt Period Unearthed in Western Slovakia
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 57-62
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Das Symposium "Bestimmung des Zahnalters am Knochenmaterial"
1974, Volume 12, Issue 1-2, Pp. 200-200
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Craniological Material from New Guinea, Indonesia and the Malayan Peninsula
1973, Volume 11, Issue 3, Pp. 201-248
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Age and Sexual Differences in Somatic and Functional Characters in 11 to 12 Years Old Youth of Tunisia
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 121-127
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Genetics of Human Development: Anthropological Aspects
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 83-91
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Friant M
Les rongeurs fossiles du groupe des Lemmings, en Europe occidentale et centrale. Leur importance au Pléistocène
1970, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pp. 21-29
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Musil R
Domestication of the Dog already in the Magdalenian?
1970, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pp. 87-88
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11th Meeting of the German Society for Anthropology and Human Genetics in Mainz
1970, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pp. 39-39
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Ein Beitrag zur metrischen Wertung des Skelettmaterials im Interesse der Erkenntnis der ontogenetischen Entwicklung
1969, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pp. 59-86
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Die pathologischen Befunde im Skelettmaterial aus der altslawischen Fundstätte von Libice
1969, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pp. 41-51
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The Anthropological Profile of a World Lady Champion in Modern Gymnastics
1968, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pp. 43-50
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Röntgendiagnostische Beiträge zur Beurteilung der Trepanationen im alten Knochenmaterial
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 35-38
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Zur Frage des Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis [with comment by S. Genoves and others]
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 53-57
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1965, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pp. 21-29
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Zur Morphologischen Grenze zwischen dem modernen Menschen und dem Neandertaler
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 81-87
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Ferembach D
La masculinité (sex-ratio) chez les Hommes modernes et chez les Hommes fossiles
1964, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp. 27-40
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Grimm H
Neuere Ergebnisse einer Pathologie der menschlichen Wirbelsäule bei vor- und frühgeschichtlichem, mittelalterlichem und frühneuzeitlichem Fundmaterial
1964, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp. 21-25
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1964, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp. 49-58
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1963, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp. 61-63
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