International Journal of Human Diversity and Evolution
Coverage: 1923-1941 (Vols. I-XIX) & 1962-2023 (Vols. 1-61)
ISSN 0323-1119 (Print)
ISSN 2570-9127 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor 0.2
News: Volume 63 Issue 1 is in progress.

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'D'Amore G, Frederic P, Vančata V, 2001: Process of Encephalization in Hominid Evolution: Preliminary Results of Biostatistic Analysis of Brain Size Phylogenetic Changes. Anthropologie (Brno) 39, 2-3: 215-226'.
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Juhász E, Sittová I, Falbová D, Sulis S, Holotová S, Vorobeľová L
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2022, Volume 60, Issue 3, Pp. 543-545
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Sajid A, Shafique M, Shahzad M, Ali Shahid A
Fingerprint patterns and ridge density variations in Pakistani population: a comparative study
2021, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pp. 15-22
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2021, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pp. 101-106
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2019, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pp. 177-188
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Letter to the Editor: Going Beyond Brain Size: An Evolutionary Overview of Serotonergic Regulation in Human Higher Cortical Functions
2019, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pp. 235-236
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Cyrek K, Sudoł M, Czyżewski L
The record of changes in the Middle Palaeolithic Settlement zone of the Biśnik Cave
2016, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pp. 5-20
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Estimation of stature from hand and foot dimensions among university girl-students in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
2016, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pp. 291-297
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Barna JP
Socio-historical background of cultural changes in South-Western-Hungary as reflected by archaeological data during Post-LBK times
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 399-412
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Experiments Around the Fire. Discovering Human and Natural Processes in Middle Paleolithic Hearts
2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pp. 501-518
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Villotte S, Stefanovic S, Knüsel CJ
External auditory exostoses and aquatic activities during the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in Europe: results from a large prehistoric sample
2014, Volume 52, Issue 1, Pp. 73-89
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Petřík J, Vostrovská I
Evolution of the scientific approach to prehistoric pottery in the area of the former Czechoslovakia
2013, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pp. 301-322
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Evolutionary perspective of same-sex sexuality: Homosexuality and homosociality revisited
2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 61-70
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Sex differences in the incidence of sexual fantasies focused on evolutionary relevant objects
2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 83-93
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The Mladeč finds and their evolutionary importance
2012, Volume 50, Issue 2, Pp. 167-175
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Evolutionary concepts of human physical attractiveness: The case of male physique
2012, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pp. 33-45
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Basiocciput age at death estimation assessment in subadults from Punta Teatinos, Chile
2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 125-132
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Torliñska-Walkowiak N, Jerszynska B
Research report: Estimation of the frequency of dental caries in children living in the Middle Ages in Cedynia, Poland
2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 185-191
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2011, Volume 49, Issue 2, Pp. 165-169
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2011, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pp. 89-94
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2010, Volume 48, Issue 1, Pp. 41-56
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The people of Deir El-Medineh: a preliminary paleopathology study
2010, Volume 48, Issue 2, Pp. 117-120
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2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 131-141
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Neolithic transition in Europe: evolutionary anthropology study
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2009, Volume 47, Issue 1-2, Pp. 125-128
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2007, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pp. 61-70
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Contributions to the Pathology of Dermatoglyphics in Some Major Brain Affections
2007, Volume 45, Issue 2-3, Pp. 275-282
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Apports de quelques caracteres morphologiques endocrâniens dans la détermination taxinomique des hominidés de Jebel Ihroud (Maroc)
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 169-180
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Evolutionary Significance of the Quarry Cave Specimens from Mladeč
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 215-228
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Orientation of the Foramen Magnum in Late Miocene to Extant African Apes and Hominids
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 103-110
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Comment Orrorin a changé nos conceptions sur les origines des hominidés
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 111-119
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Species Concepts and Hominid Diversity in Later Pleistocene Europe
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 207-213
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Eighty Years After the Discovery of the Taung Skull Revolutionised Paleoanthropology
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A Preliminary Analysis of Long Bone Measurements of Homo floresiensis: Bone Robusticity, Body Size, Proportions and Encephalisation
2005, Volume 43, Issue 2-3, Pp. 273-282
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2004, Volume 42, Issue 1, Pp. 43-47
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2003, Volume 41, Issue 1-2, Pp. 9-16
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2002, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pp. 115-118
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2001, Volume 39, Issue 1, Pp. 57-62
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2001, Volume 39, Issue 2-3, Pp. 133-152
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2000, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pp. 169-180
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1997, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pp. 234-234
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Early Hominid Expansion into Eurasia: Biogeographical and Ecological Issues
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Postdepositional Artefact Scattering in a Podzol. Processes and Consequences for Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Sites
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New Hominid Fossil from Lake Eyasi, Tanzania
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1991, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pp. 181-187
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Anthropologie und Evolutionstheorie
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Changes in Anthropometric Traits of Humans in the Process of Migration: Comparative Analysis of Two Generations of Mexicans in Mexico and in the U.S.A
1987, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pp. 63-80
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Roth M
Hominization of the Skeleton: A Neurocranial, Neurospinal and Osteoneural Developmental Process
1987, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pp. 219-228
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Duggal N, Nath S
Estimation of Stature Using Percutaneous Length of Radius, Ulna and Tibia among Lodhas and Mundas of District Midnapore, West Bengal
1986, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pp. 23-27
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Vančata V
Comments on the Contemporary Systematics of Hominids
1986, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pp. 89-92
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Stloukal M
Internationale demographische Konferenz "Populationsevolution im Kontext der Gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung" in Smolenice
1985, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pp. 80-80
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Jelínek J
The Conference on the Evolution of Human Locomotion
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 278-279
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Perzigian AJ
Human Odontometric Variation: An Evolutionary and Taxonomic Assessment
1984, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pp. 193-198
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Stloukal M
Internationale demographische Konferenz "Populationsevolution im Kontext der Gesellschaftlichen Entwickulng" in Smolenice
1984, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pp. 92-92
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Beneš J
Culture as an Important Factor of Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 49-51
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Blažek V
Development of a Communicative-Regulative System in the Hominization Process
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 45-47
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Dutta PC
A Study of the Molar Teeth of the Bronze Age Harappans in the Context of Evolutionary Biology
1983, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pp. 97-102
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Herrmann J
Tool-Making and First Stages of Labour-Factors and the Results of Human Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 7-17
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Jelínek J
The Mladeč Finds and their Evolutionary Importance
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 57-64
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Leonovičová V
Motive Forces of the Evolution of Hominids in the Direction of Sapientation
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 27-31
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Löther R
Ontogeny, Phylogeny and the Evolution of Man
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 19-22
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Mlíkovský J
Methodological Problems of the Contemporary Systematics of the Family Hominidae
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 33-36
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Novák VJA
Evolutionary Model of Species and the Systematics of the Family Hominidae. 1 - General Considerations
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 1-5
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Novák VJA
The Interrelationship between Natural Selection and Sociogenesis in Human Evolution
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 37-43
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Vančata V, Přívratský V
Natural Selection in the Evolution of Hominids and its Relation with the Factors of the Hominization Process
1983, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pp. 53-56
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Bhattacharyya SK, Dutta PC
Micro-Evolution and Variation: A Study Among the Migrants in the Andamans
1982, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pp. 177-181
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Kobyliansky E
Estimation of morphological differences within populations: a typological method. 2
1982, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pp. 105-131
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Kobyliansky E
Estimation of morphological differences within populations: a typological method. 1
1982, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pp. 97-104
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Saunders PT
The International Symposium Evolution and Environment, Brno, 17.-22. 8. 1981
1982, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pp. 281-281
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Leonovičová V
Process of Anthropogenesis from the Point of View of Contemporary Ethology and Behavioural Sciences
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 203-204
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Novák VJA
Synergism of the Main Developmental Factors in the Evolution of Man
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 199-201
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Přívratský V
Neoteny and its Role in the Process of Hominization
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 219-230
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Rightmire GP
Later Pleistocene Hominids of Eastern and Southern Africa
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 15-26
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Stringer C
The Dating of European Middle Pleistocene Hominids and the Existence of Homo erectus in Europe
1981, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pp. 3-14
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Vančata V
Utilization of Mathematical Methods in the Study of the Human Evolution: The Problem of the Morphofunctional Research in Paleoanthropology
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 205-217
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Vančata V, Hellerová D
A Contribution to the Problem of Relationship Between Shape and Function in Human Evolution from the Point of View of Functional Analysis
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 231-235
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Vančata V, Hellerová D, Přívratský V, Zemek K
Main Questions of the Theoretical Basis of the Human Evolution Investigations
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 197-198
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Vančata V, Přívratský V, Hellerová D, Zemek K
Biological Prerequisites of the Process of Hominization
1981, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pp. 237-242
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Barbetti M, Clark JD, Williams FM, Williams MAJ
Palaeomagnetism and the Search for very Ancient Fireplaces in Africa: Results From a Million-Year-Old Acheulian Site in Ethiopia
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 299-304
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Chavaillon J, Chavaillon N
Evolution de l'Acheuléen à Melka-Kunture (Ethiopie)
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 153-159
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Jelínek J
Variability and Geography: Contribution to our Knowledge of European and North African Middle Pleistocene Hominids
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 109-114
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Jelínek J
Colloque "LES PROCESSUS DE L'HOMINISATION. L'évolution humaine. Les faits. Les modalités." Paris, 16-20 juin 1980
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 325-326
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Novák V
Three-Day Symposium on Human Evolution, Jáchymov, May 18-21, 1980
1980, Volume 18, Issue 2-3, Pp. 325-325
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Čeřovská J, Petrásek R, Hajniš K, Kaucká J
Validity of Calculations of Body Composition by Means of Various Regression Equations in Four Czech Population Groups
1978, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pp. 3-10
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Vančata V
Reconstruction of the Locomotor Behaviour of the Earliest Hominids
1978, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pp. 271-276
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Quyen NQ, Hop DX
Les restes osseux de Chau Can (Ha Tay, nord Viet Nam) et le processus de formation du peuple Vietnamien
1977, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pp. 47-54
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Farkas G
Results of the Evaluation of Prehistoric Finds from the South of the Great Hungarian Plain
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 227-229
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Grimm H
Demonstration der Hominidenreste von Bilzingsleven, Kreis Artern, DDR
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 109-111
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Kurth G
Evolutionstheoretische Aspekte von Bevölkerungsbiologie und Populationsgenetik für die Einstufung und Benennung von Fossilfunden
1976, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pp. 207-210
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Valoch K
Der neue Hominiden-Fundort Bilzingsleben (DDR)
1976, Volume 14, Issue 1-2, Pp. 139-140
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Jelínek J
Neue Hominidenfunde in Äthiopien
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 161-161
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Karasayevska TV, Shatalov AT
Some Historical Aspects of the Changes in Human Diseases
1975, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pp. 197-205
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Measurements of the Motion of the Hand Joints (Review of the Results Obtained) [Prague Sample]
1975, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pp. 193-195
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Valoch K
Neue Primaten- und Hominidenfunde in Jugoslawien
1975, Volume 13, Issue 1-2, Pp. 159-160
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1974, Volume 12, Issue 1-2, Pp. 155-162
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Beneš J
Study of Four Physical Characteristics of Twins from the South Moravian Region (CSSR): Preliminary Report
1973, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, Pp. 67-69
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Les methodes d'approche de l'evolution biologique de l'homme
1972, Volume 10, Issue 2-3, Pp. 21-28
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Somatic Development and Body Composition Changes in Adolescent Boys Differing in Physical Activity and Fitness: A Longitudinal Study
1972, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pp. 3-36
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Longitudinal Study of Developmental Changes in Length, Breadth and Circumferential Measures in Adolescent Boys with Various Physical Activity
1970, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pp. 73-79
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Fišerová J, Hajnišová M, Kubíčková Z, Dvořáková M, Boháčová J
Some Results of the Somatometric Examination of Twins
1968, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pp. 111-113
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Stloukal M
Symposion on "Evolutionary Trends in Fossil and Recent Hominids"
1967, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pp. 71-72
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Suchý J
Evolution und Zukunft des Menschen
1967, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp. 3-6
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Changes in Bones and Joints Radiographically Ascertained in the Members of the Czechoslovak Olympic Team
1966, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pp. 31-42
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Breitinger E
Zur gegenwärtigen Kenntnis der ältesten Hominiden
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 37-40
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Brožek J
Human Body Composition: Models, Methods, Applications
1965, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pp. 3-19
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Bunak VV
Conflicting View in the Taxonomy and Evolution of Fossil Hominids
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 29-36
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Königswald GH R
Zur Systematik der Hominiden
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 41-42
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Müller-Beck H
Pleistozäne Stratigraphie und Sequenz der Hominiden-Funde
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 59-76
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[Comparative rates of the development of the brain of man and of his culture]
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 77-79
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Tobias PV, von Königswald GH
A Comparison Between the Olduvai Hominides and those of Java and some Implications for Hominid Phylogeny
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 51-52
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Vlček E
Zu den Fragen der Taxonomie und Nomenklatur der fossilen Hominiden
1965, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pp. 7-28
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